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Problem Statement:

Despite significant economic growth, India struggles with a worrisome decline in oral health,
particularly among vulnerable populations.

Sociodemographic (Independent Variable):
Age, Gender, Socioeconomic status
Dental Workforce (Independent Variable):
Dentist density, Specialization, Training and skills
Oral Health Practices(Dependent Variable ):
Oral hygiene habits, Dietary patterns, Awareness and knowledge
Oral Healthcare Service Delivery (Dependent Variable):
Availability of services, Cost of treatment, and Effectiveness of programs
Material (Independent Variable):
Cost and availability of oral hygiene products, Dental equipment and technology,
Water quality
Measurement (Independent Variable):
Data collection and monitoring, Disease burden
Mother Nature (Independent Variable):
Environmental factors:, Climate change:

Theoretical Framework (model with logic).

Variable Type Variables Scale
Independent Variable
Intervening Variable
Moderating Variable
Dependent Variable

Variable wise questionnaire (in case of secondary data identify source)

1. Sociodemographic:
a. Age:
 What is your age?
 Source: [Demographic surveys or census data]
b. Gender:
 What is your gender?
 Source: [Demographic surveys or census data]
c. Socioeconomic status:
 What is your household income?
 Source: [Income surveys or financial records]
2. Dental Workforce:
a. Dentist density:
 How many dentists are available per 1,000 people in your area?
 Source: [Local health department records or dental association data]
b. Specialization:
 What is the primary specialization of the dentist you usually visit?
 Source: [Dentist's records or health facility data]
c. Training and skills:
 How many years of professional training has your dentist completed?
 Source: [Dentist's credentials]
3. Oral Health Practices:
a. Oral hygiene habits:
 How often do you brush your teeth in a day?
 Source: [Self-report surveys or dental records]
b. Dietary patterns:
 How frequently do you consume sugary snacks or beverages?
 Source: [Dietary recall surveys or nutrition studies]
c. Awareness and knowledge:
 How would you rate your knowledge about oral health?
 Source: [Health education program evaluations or surveys]
4. Oral Healthcare Service Delivery:
a. Availability of services:
 Are dental services readily available in your locality?
 Source: [Healthcare facility databases or accessibility studies]
b. Cost of treatment:
 Have you faced challenges affording dental treatment?
 Source: [Healthcare expenditure surveys or patient records]
c. Effectiveness of programs:
 How effective do you think oral health programs in your community are?
 Source: [Public health program evaluations or community health reports]
5. Material:
a. Cost and availability of oral hygiene products:
 Do you find oral hygiene products affordable in your area?
 Source: [Consumer pricing indices or market research data]
b. Dental equipment and technology:
 Is the dental clinic you visit equipped with modern technology?
 Source: [Health facility equipment records or technology adoption studies]
c. Water quality:
 Do you have concerns about the quality of water used in dental procedures?
 Source: [Water quality reports or environmental health studies]
6. Measurement:
a. Data collection and monitoring:
 How is oral health data collected and monitored in your community?
 Source: [Public health surveillance systems or research studies]
b. Disease burden:
 What are the prevalent oral health issues in your community?
 Source: [Health department reports or epidemiological studies]
7. Mother Nature:
a. Environmental factors:
 How do environmental factors such as pollution or industrial activities impact
your oral health?
 Source: [Environmental impact assessments or health impact studies]
b. Climate change:
 Have you noticed any changes in oral health patterns due to climate change?
 Source: [Climate change impact assessments or public health studies]

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