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Bachuma Primary

Data Triangulation

2016 E.C

Data triangulation is a method used to increase the credibility and validity of data findings.
Credibility refers to trustworthiness and how believable a report finding. It involves the use of
different sources of data/information. A key strategy is to categorize each group or type of
stakeholder for the program that you are evaluating. Then, be certain to include a comparable
number of people from each stakeholder group in the evaluation study.

Triangulation refers to the use of multiple methods or data sources in qualitative research to
develop a comprehensive understanding of phenomena (Patton, 1999). Triangulation also has
been viewed as a qualitative research strategy to test validity through the convergence of
information from different sources.

Triangulation is a technique to analyze results of the same study using different methods of
data collection. It is used for three main purposes: to enhance validity, to create a more in-
depth picture of a problem, & to interrogate different ways of understanding a problem.

If you can recognize triangulation as it's happening, you can take a step back and think
critically about the information you're being given. Second, encourage the person to talk with
their counterpart directly and see if they can reach a mutual understanding

For example, a relationship between two siblings can be triangulated by a parent when the
siblings disagree, and a relationship between couples can be triangulated when one partner
relies on a child or parent for support and communication with the other partner.

Triangulation can help: Reduce research bias that comes from using a single method, theory, or
investigator. Enhance validity by approaching the same topic with different tools. Establish
credibility by giving you a complete picture of the research problem.

Data Reports that can be triangulated include:-

-Malaria investigated in Lab and malaria positive treated in OPD

-Mode of delivery by C/S in OR and registered in delivery register in MCH

-ANC services, EPI services, FP services, OPD & EOPD services registered on registers,
tallied on tally sheet and reported on HMIS formats

-SSI registered in OR and services provided in IPD …etc

Bachuma primary Hospital data triangulation assessment form

S.N ACH Report on ምርመራ
Data that can be triangulated Register Tally HMIS/DHIS 2
1 All FP - including IPPFP
2 LaFP - including IPPFP
3 IPPFP Delivery, Abortion & OR
4 Skilled Delivery
6 Cx Screening
7 Still Birth
8 Safe abortion
9 P/Pos
10 Community TB detected
11 NICU Death < 24hrs of admission
12 New on ART
13 HTN put on drug Rx in OPD
14 Lost to FF up on ART
15 Malaria +ves
16 Clients received 100% prescribed Drugs
17 Emergency >24hrs admission

-Malaria investigated in Lab…………………………. malaria positives treated in


-Mode of delivery by C/S in OR………………………C/S registered in delivery register in


-ANC1 services registered on ANC register………………………….. Tally ………………………..

HMIS/DHIS 2 Reported………………,

-EPI services registered on EPI register………………………….. Tally ……………………….. HMIS/DHIS

2 Reported………………,

-FP services registered on FP register………………………….. Tally ……………………….. HMIS/DHIS 2


-OPD Services registered on OPD register………………………….. Tally ………………………..

HMIS/DHIS 2 Reported………………,

-EOPD services registered on EOPD register………………………….. Tally ………………………..

HMIS/DHIS 2 Reported………………,

-Major surgery done in OR and assessed for SSI………………………………………….. SSI registered and
assessed in IPD

- Select five client charts randomly with major surgeries in OR …………………………………………..

registered and assessed for SSI in OR…………………………….. and

-Elective surgical cases appointed in SRC clinic …………………………………… Elective surgical cases
appointed admitted for surgery …………………………….

-BTL done in OR ………………………………………….. BTL registered in MCH


-No of medical equipment’s maintained in departments ………………………………………. No of medical

equipment’s registered and reported as maintained in biomedical department registry……………………
-No of cases done OR per table per day …………………………………………. Table output in hospital

-No of cases admitted in IPD …………………………………….. No of IPD cases registered as admitted in

laison and referral unit…………………………………………

-No IPD cases discharged …………………………………….. No of IPD cases registered as discharged in

laison and referral unit…………………………………………

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