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Are we on the brink of a new era where augmented reality becomes an
integral part of our everyday lives? In the ever-evolving landscape of
technology, augmented reality has emerged as a groundbreaking concept
that holds the potential to redefine our perception of reality. With Apple's APPLE
latest innovation, the Apple Vision Pro headset, this transformative
technology is taking a giant leap forward.
In this lesson, we embark on a journey into the realm of augmented reality
and explore the awe-inspiring possibilities brought forth by Apple Vision
Pro. We delve into the intricacies of this cutting-edge device, examining HARVARD UNIVERSITY
its features and envisioning the ways it can revolutionize our daily lives.
From immersive gaming experiences that blur the line between the virtual
and physical worlds to innovative applications in education, healthcare,
and design, the Apple Vision Pro has the power to reshape entire
industries. We delve into the potential benefits and challenges that arise
as augmented reality becomes more prevalent, raising thought-provoking
questions about its impact on society.

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Introducing Apple Vision Pro

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Apple Vision Pro: Can it really buck the trend
of augmented reality flops?

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Full Vocabulary
used in the resources


1. What comes to mind when you hear the term "augmented
2. Have you ever experienced augmented reality technology
in any form? If so, what was your experience like?
3. How do you think augmented reality differs from virtual
4. What are some advantages of using augmented reality
5. Can you think of any potential applications of augmented
reality in everyday life?
6. How might augmented reality change the way we interact
with our environment?
7. How might augmented reality revolutionize certain
industries? If so, which ones?
8. Can you think of any potential challenges or obstacles
that may arise as augmented reality becomes more
prevalent in society?
9. How might augmented reality be integrated into
education or learning environments?
10. What ethical considerations do you think should be taken
into account when using augmented reality technology?
11. How might augmented reality impact social interactions
and relationships?
12. What are some examples of popular augmented reality
13. How might augmented reality revolutionize the fields of
design, architecture, and engineering?
14. Are there any potential drawbacks or challenges
associated with augmented reality?


Introducing Apple Vision Pro

What are your thoughts on the concept of spatial computing and its potential impact on society and
daily life?
How does Apple Vision Pro aim to make digital experiences feel more realistic and immersive in
physical spaces?
In what ways can Apple Vision Pro transform the entertainment experience, particularly in terms
of watching movies or playing games?
How might Apple Vision Pro revolutionize the way people communicate and collaborate through
features like FaceTime and Spatial Audio?
How does Apple Vision Pro address the issue of personalization and realistic representation of
users during FaceTime conversations? Can you think of any threats related to it?
What are some potential benefits of using Apple Vision Pro in terms of productivity and creating an
immersive workspace?
How might the introduction of Apple Vision Pro impact the design and development of future
augmented reality devices from other companies?
What are some potential challenges or concerns that could arise from wearing Apple Vision Pro
and experiencing augmented reality on a daily basis?
What is the most compelling feature for you and how would you most likely use the headset?
How does Apple Vision Pro aim to enhance everyday life by integrating augmented reality into
various aspects, such as entertainment and work?
Would you be ready to pay $3500 for such a headset?


Introducing Apple Vision Pro

Spatial - przestrzenny, przestronny Immersed - zanurzony w

Computing - przetwarzanie danych Extraordinary - nadzwyczajny, niezwykły
Groundbreaking - przełomowy Compact - kompaktowy, niewielkich
Flick - pstryknąć, popchnąć (coś palcami) rozmiarów
Cast - rzucać (np. cień) Seal - uszczelka
Dimension - wymiar, rozmiar Conform - dostosowywać się
Display - wyświetlacz, ekran Breathability - oddychalność
Remarkable - niezwykły, nadzwyczajny Cushioning - amortyzowanie
Entirety - całkowicie, zupełnie Innovation - innowacja, nowość
Seamlessly - bezproblemowo, płynnie Clarity - przejrzystość
Glance - zerknąć na, rzucić okiem na Profound - głęboki, dogłębny
Jaw-dropping - oszałamiający, imponujący Crisp - wyraźny, ostry
Sophisticated - skomplikowany, Depth - głębokość
zaawansowany Alloy - stop (np. metali)

Apple Vision Pro: Can it really
buck the trend of augmented reality flops?

What are some of the key historical products that Apple is known for, according to the article?
How does the article describe the challenges faced by previous attempts at mixed, virtual, and
augmented reality technologies?
What factors contributed to the failure of products like Google Glass and Magic Leap?
Why do you think the launch of the Apple Vision Pro is compared to the arrival of the iPhone?
What technological advancements make Apple's mixed-reality headset stand out compared to
previous attempts?
How does Pokemon GO differ from other augmented reality experiences mentioned in the article?
Why do you think it was more successful?
What potential advantages and disadvantages does using augmented reality have in tasks such as
surgery or training, as mentioned in the article?
Do you agree with the statement that finding a meaningful use for augmented reality has been a
challenge? Why or why not?
Do you think the hype surrounding new technologies like mixed-reality headsets often
overshadows their actual usefulness? Why or why not?
In your opinion, what role does pricing play in the success or failure of innovative technology
products like mixed-reality headsets?
How does the article suggest Apple should approach marketing its Vision Pro headset, considering
its high price?
How do you think the competition between tech giants like Apple, Microsoft, and Google influences
the development of mixed-reality technology?

Apple Vision Pro: Can it really
buck the trend of augmented reality flops?

Instrumental - kluczowy, zasadniczy Backing - wsparcie, poparcie

Must-have - coś, co musisz mieć Pie-in-the-sky - oderwany od
Impetus - bodziec, impuls rzeczywistości
Littered - zawalony/zasypany (czymś) Odd - dziwny
Live up to sth - spełniać oczekiwania Quirks - dziwactwa, kaprysy
Tend to - mieć słonność do Wield - dzierżyć, władać
Immersive - pochłaniający, zajmujący, Fatal - śmiertelny
wciągający Fad - chwilowa moda
Clunky - niezgrabny, nieporęczny, Flopped - klapa, porażka
niewygodny Overlay - nakładka
Tinkering - majstrować przy czymś Variety - różnorodność
Amass - gromadzić, zbierać Afield - daleko
Relatively - stosunkowo, względnie In situ - na miejscu
Acquisition - nabycie, zakup, przejęcie Bowel cancer - rak jelita grubego
Fleeting - przelotny, chwilowy, przemijający Iteration - wersja

Augmented reality
1) Is augmented reality a groundbreaking technology that will enhance our lives in unimaginable
Augmented reality is just another passing fad in the tech world, offering little practical value and
merely serving as a distraction. Why should we invest resources and energy into a technology that
may not deliver on its promises?

2) Should augmented reality be integrated into educational curricula to enhance learning

Augmented reality in education may create a dependency on technology, hindering students'
ability to think critically and solve problems independently.

3) Is augmented reality a boon or a threat to personal privacy?

Augmented reality can provide personalized experiences tailored to individuals' preferences,
making life more convenient and enjoyable. Why should we fear the potential invasion of privacy
when the benefits of customization and convenience outweigh the risks?

4) Should augmented reality replace face-to-face interactions in social settings?

Augmented reality can bring people together virtually, transcending physical boundaries and
fostering connections in an increasingly globalized world.

5) Can augmented reality address accessibility challenges and improve the lives of people with
Augmented reality may inadvertently exclude individuals with disabilities if the technology is not
designed and implemented with their specific needs in mind.

6) Should augmented reality be regulated to ensure ethical use and prevent misuse?
Augmented reality's immersive nature raises ethical concerns that warrant regulatory measures to
protect individuals from potential harm and misuse of the technology.

7) Does augmented reality have the potential to reshape cultural experiences and heritage
Augmented reality may overshadow the authenticity and depth of cultural experiences, reducing
them to mere digital simulations and diluting their true.

Augmented reality
1) Is augmented reality a groundbreaking technology that will enhance our lives in unimaginable
Augmented reality has the potential to revolutionize various industries, from healthcare to
entertainment, offering immersive experiences and innovative solutions. Why should we not
embrace a technology that opens up new possibilities and improves our quality of life?

2) Should augmented reality be integrated into educational curricula to enhance learning

Augmented reality can engage students in interactive and immersive learning, making complex
subjects more accessible and stimulating their curiosity.

3) Is augmented reality a boon or a threat to personal privacy?

Augmented reality blurs the line between the virtual and physical worlds, raising serious concerns
about privacy breaches and the collection of personal data without consent. Why should we
sacrifice our privacy for the sake of augmented reality's advancements?

4) Should augmented reality replace face-to-face interactions in social settings?

Augmented reality may erode genuine human connections and lead to a superficial and isolated
society, where real-life interactions become increasingly rare.

5) Can augmented reality address accessibility challenges and improve the lives of people with
Augmented reality has the potential to break down barriers and provide inclusive experiences for
individuals with disabilities, empowering them to participate fully in various aspects of life.

6) Should augmented reality be regulated to ensure ethical use and prevent misuse?
Regulating augmented reality would stifle innovation and impede its progress, limiting the
technology's potential to positively impact various industries and experiences.

7) Does augmented reality have the potential to reshape cultural experiences and heritage
Augmented reality can breathe new life into cultural experiences, offering immersive storytelling
and preserving heritage for future generations.


Augmented reality

What are some of the key differences between augmented reality and virtual reality, and how
do these technologies impact user experiences?
How has the perception of augmented reality evolved over time, from its initial hype to the
challenges faced by previous devices?
What challenges might arise in terms of content creation and quality control as augmented
reality becomes more prevalent in consumer applications?
How might augmented reality reshape the way we consume and interact with digital content
in various industries, such as advertising, fashion, or tourism?
What impact could augmented reality have on cultural heritage preservation and the way we
perceive historical sites and artifacts?
In what ways can augmented reality be utilized to enhance educational experiences beyond
traditional classroom settings?
How do you envision augmented reality shaping the future of work and professional
industries, such as remote collaboration, training, and telemedicine?
What are the ethical considerations surrounding augmented reality, particularly in terms of
data privacy, surveillance, and the blurring of real and virtual boundaries?
What are some potential social implications of widespread adoption of augmented reality
technology in terms of human interaction and engagement with the physical world?
How might augmented reality impact mental health and well-being, considering both
potential benefits and risks associated with extended exposure to digital environments?
How might augmented reality disrupt traditional forms of entertainment, such as live
performances, sports events, or theme parks?


Spatial - przestrzenny, przestronny Immersed - zanurzony w

Computing - przetwarzanie danych Extraordinary - nadzwyczajny, niezwykły
Groundbreaking - przełomowy Compact - kompaktowy, niewielkich
Flick - pstryknąć, popchnąć (coś palcami) rozmiarów
Cast - rzucać (np. cień) Seal - uszczelka
Dimension - wymiar, rozmiar Conform - dostosowywać się
Display - wyświetlacz, ekran Breathability - oddychalność
Remarkable - niezwykły, nadzwyczajny Cushioning - amortyzowanie
Entirety - całkowicie, zupełnie Innovation - innowacja, nowość
Seamlessly - bezproblemowo, płynnie Clarity - przejrzystość
Glance - zerknąć na, rzucić okiem na Profound - głęboki, dogłębny
Jaw-dropping - oszałamiający, imponujący Crisp - wyraźny, ostry
Sophisticated - skomplikowany, Depth - głębokość
zaawansowany Alloy - stop (np. metali)


Instrumental - kluczowy, zasadniczy Backing - wsparcie, poparcie

Must-have - coś, co musisz mieć Pie-in-the-sky - oderwany od
Impetus - bodziec, impuls rzeczywistości
Littered - zawalony/zasypany (czymś) Odd - dziwny
Live up to sth - spełniać oczekiwania Quirks - dziwactwa, kaprysy
Tend to - mieć słonność do Wield - dzierżyć, władać
Immersive - pochłaniający, zajmujący, Fatal - śmiertelny
wciągający Fad - chwilowa moda
Clunky - niezgrabny, nieporęczny, Flopped - klapa, porażka
niewygodny Overlay - nakładka
Tinkering - majstrować przy czymś Variety - różnorodność
Amass - gromadzić, zbierać Afield - daleko
Relatively - stosunkowo, względnie In situ - na miejscu
Acquisition - nabycie, zakup, przejęcie Bowel cancer - rak jelita grubego
Fleeting - przelotny, chwilowy, przemijający Iteration - wersja

Starting a discussion:
Let's start with... - Zacznijmy od...
To begin with... - Po pierwsze / na początek...
Firstly, let's consider... - Po pierwsze, zastanówmy się nad...
I'd like to raise the topic of... - Chciałbym poruszyć temat...
The first point I want to make is... - Zastanówmy się nad...

Introducing your opinion:

From my point of view... - Z mojego punktu widzenia...
In my opinion... - Moim zdaniem...
Personally, I think that... - Osobiście uważam, że...
As far as I'm concerned... - Jeśli chodzi o mnie...
I'm of the opinion that... - Jestem zdania, że...

Agreeing and disagreeing:

I completely agree with you. - W pełni się z tobą zgadzam.
You're completely right - Masz całkowitą rację
I couldn't agree more - Nie mógłbym się bardziej zgodzić
I agree - Zgadzam się
I see your point, but... - Rozumiem Cię, ale...
That's a valid point, but I still think that... - To jest słuszna uwaga, ale wciąż uważam, że...
I'm not so sure about that, because... - Nie jestem pewien/pewna co do tego, ponieważ...
I have to disagree with you on this one. - Nie zgadzam się z tobą w tej kwestii.

Asking for clarification:

Could you explain that a bit more? - Czy mógłbyś/Czy mogłabyś to trochę wyjaśnić?
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by... - Nie jestem pewien/pewna, czy dobrze
zrozumiałem/zrozumiałam to, co mówiłeś/mówiłaś o...
Can you give me an example of that? - Czy mógłbyś/mogłabyś podać przykład?
Would you mind elaborating on that? - Czy mógłbyś/mogłabyś to rozwinąć?

Expressing doubt:
I'm not entirely convinced that... - Nie jestem całkowicie przekonany/a, że...
I'm a bit skeptical about... - Jestem trochę sceptyczny/a wobec...
I have some reservations about... - Mam pewne wątpliwości co do...
I'm not sure if I agree with... - Nie jestem pewien/pewna, czy się zgadzam z...

To refer back to what was said earlier:

To go back to what you were saying earlier... - Wracając do twojej wcześniejszej wypowiedzi...
As we were saying earlier... - Tak jak wcześniej wspominaliśmy...
To go back to what I was just saying... - Wracając do tego, co mówiłem przed chwilą...
To revisit our earlier point... - Aby powrócić do naszego wcześniejszego punktu...

Do you mind if I just jump in? - Czy masz coś przeciwko, jeśli się wtrącę?
I don’t mean to interrupt, but… - Nie chcę przerywać, ale...
May I interrupt? - Czy mogę przerwać?
Sorry to interrupt, but I feel that... - Przepraszam, że przerywam, ale mam wrażenie, że...
Sorry, but ... - Przepraszam, ale...

Dealing with interruptions:

Sorry, could you hold on a sec, let me just finish... - Przepraszam, czy możesz chwilę poczekać, pozwól
mi to tylko skończyć...
Just a moment please; I won’t be long... - Chwileczkę, proszę; nie potrwa to długo...
We’re definitely going to talk about that next... - Na pewno porozmawiamy o tym następnie...
Just a second, please. I promise we'll come back to that... - Sekundka, proszę. Obiecuję, że do tego
Hold on please... - Poczekaj proszę...

To avoid direct confrontation:

I take your point, but... - Rozumiem, co masz na myśli, ale...
I understand what you are saying... - Rozumiem, co mówisz...
I see / I know what you mean, but... - Widzę / Wiem, o co ci chodzi, ale...
I partially agree although... - Częściowo się zgadzam, jednak...
Let's talk this from different perspective... - Rozważmy to z innej perspektywy...

Tentative or partial agreement:

That's partially true but... - To częściowo prawda, ale...
To some extent, I agree with you, but... - Do pewnego stopnia zgadzam się z tobą, jednak...
It's not as simple as it seems... - To nie jest takie proste, jak się wydaje...
I am not so sure about that... - Nie jestem tego taki pewien/a...

Giving a strong opinion:

I'm convinced that... - Jestem przekonany/a, że...
There is no doubt that... - Nie ma wątpliwości, że...
It's absolutely clear for me that... - To dla mnie absolutnie jasne...
I'm sure that ... - Jestem pewien/a, że...

Asking for comments:

What do you think about that? - Co o tym sądzisz?
Would you like to comment on that? - Czy chciałbyś/chciałabyś się wypowiedzieć na ten temat?
What are your thoughts on this matter? - Jakie są Twoje przemyślenia na ten temat?
Are you for or against it? - Jesteś za czy przeciw?


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