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At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:

 Define the concept of species

 Understand the criteria used to identify a species
 Apply the concept of species to real-life examples


a. Topic
Species Concepts
b. References
Southwestern University PHINMA retrieved from
Faaizah Academy –
c. Materials
Visual aid
d. Concepts
Species is a group of organisms that can interbreed with others of the same type;
individuals within a species possess similar anatomical characteristics.
Biological Species Concept states that a species is any population or group of population
whose members can interbreed and produce viable, fertile offspring.
Morphological Species Concept states that a species is any population or group of
population whose members have the same body shape or features.
Phylogenetic Species Concept states that a species a species is the smallest set of
organisms that share an ancestor and can be distinguished from other such sets.
e. Values Integration
Understanding, cooperation, appreciation
f. Methodology
Lecture-discussion, group activity, problem-based learning, games, concept mapping


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity
1. Prayer
Good Morning everyone!
Before anything else may I request everyone
to please stand up for a short prayer.
Yes Ms./Mr. _________, please lead the
(Proceeds to pray) (Proceeds to pray)

2. Classroom Management
Before sitting down pick up the pieces of trash
around you and arrange your chairs.
(Picks pieces of trash and arranges their
3. Checking of the Attendance chairs)
Class monitor, please check the attendance.

B. Motivation (Class monitor checks the attendance)

Ok class, I will be showing sets of photos and
your task is to say if they are the same animals
or not.
Now, for the first picture. Do you think they are
the same animals?
Yes Sir, both are dogs,

For the second picture. Are they the same?

Yes, they are the same.

No, they are not the same animals. I’ll give you
a hint, one is a rabbit and the other one is a
The one on the right is a hare and the one on
the left rabbit (could interchange depending on
the positioning of the photos)
How can you say so that the one on the left is
the rabbit and the on one on the right is the
The rabbit has smaller ears than the hare. (or)
The hare has larger ears than the rabbit.
Ok, for the last one.

They are not the same Sir. The other one is a

crocodile and the other one is a alligator.
Ok, so the other on is an alligator and the
other one is crocodile. How did you
differentiate the two? The alligator has a “U” shaped mouth while the
crocodile has “V” shapes mouth.
Very good class, so what term do we use
when an animal or organism is the same? Species Sir.
That’s right!

C. Presentation of the Topic

So, our topic for today is Species Concept.
And to be guided, we have the following
 Define the concept of species
 Understand the criteria used to identify
a species
 Apply the concept of species to real-life

D. Lesson Proper
So, class when you hear the word species,
what come to mind?
Organisms that look alike.
Ok correct, what else?
Organisms that can reproduce.
Very good. So, species is defined as a group
of organisms that can interbreed with others of
the same type; individuals within a species
possess similar anatomical characteristics.
Now, actually there is no single scientific
definition of species that work for all situations.
So, today we are going to be discussing about
how do we define species according to
different species concept.

First is the Biological Species Concept.

It states that a species is any population or
group of population whose members can
interbreed and produce viable, fertile offspring.

When we say viable what does that mean?

Capable of living, Sir.
Correct! It is capable of living.

How about fertile?

Capable of reproducing.
Yes! Correct.

Here, in the biological species concept many

characteristics can vary within a single
species. For example, us humans we have
different race. We have Asians, Caucasians,
Black etc. But what makes us the same
species is that we are capable of reproducing.
Pro or advantages of the biological species
concept is that it suggests that speciation
occurs due to reproductive isolation.
Now, reproductive isolation is a natural
mechanism of preventing different species
from producing viable or fertile offspring.
For example, when we interbreed a horse and
a donkey which are totally different species we
get a mule. Now this mule is viable, it is alive
but it is infertile. Meaning it is not capable of
reproducing mules.

(Students will listen and interact with the


Then we have the con or disadvantages. The

biological species concept is inapplicable to
asexual organisms and on fossils. It is so
because there is no interbreeding during
asexual reproduction and on fossils because
this a now extinct species.
Now you may ask, how about those organisms
how do we differentiate species to species.

This is where the second species concept

comes in, which is the Morphological Species
Concept which states that a species is any
population or group of population whose
members have the same body shape or
Here, it is mainly concerned about the physical
characteristics of the organisms.
For example, this photo you will notice a clear
morphological difference. The fossil on the
right has a large spine jutting from both its
head and rear ends while the on one the left
does not have those spines.

Advantages of morphological species concept

is that can be used for asexual organisms as
well sexual organisms and on fossils.

Disadvantage is that in can be misleading and

subjective. When we say misleading there are
a lot of organisms which actually look alike but
are totally different species. While subjective
part is that there is going to be influence of

Now for the third concept, it is the

Phylogenetic Species Concept which states
that a species is the smallest set of organisms
that share an ancestor and can be
distinguished from other such sets.

Let’s take a look at this photo.

The lines that you see is what we call a

phylogeny tree. The lines depict that
evolutionary descents of different species,
organisms or genes from a common ancestor.
According to the phylogenic species concept
that a species is the smallest set of organisms,
meaning these organisms are at the tip of the
phylogenic tree. On this picture Salamander A
and B are separate species. While C even
though is having diversified is still a single

Advantage of this species concept is that in

recognizes the influence of history in the
formation of species.
Disadvantage is that we can’t know all of the
evolutionary history of all the species.

We will divide the class into 4 groups. Let’s
start the counting with you Mr./Ms.________. (Students will start to count)

May I request everyone to please put the

chairs on the side so we will have a space on (Students will put the chairs on the side).
the middle.

Ok, now group 1 stay here, and 2 here, 3 here

and four. (Students will go to their assigned areas)

We will be having a quiz bowl.

Now this is not going to be an ordinary quiz

bowl because instead of questions it is going The groups are going to be forming a line.
to be situations or cases. Members of the group are going to take turns
in answering. First team to raise their hand will
have the chance to answer the question. If in
case the group was unable to answer the
question, other teams will have the chance to

Direction: Cases/Situations are going to be

flashed on the screen. You will answer
whether the case/ situations depict (1)
Biological Species Concept, (2) Morphological
Species Concept, and (3) Phylogenetic
Species Concept

1. Seals and Sea Lions are differentiated

through a noticeable anatomical difference. Morphological Species Concept
Sea lions have a visible ear flap while seals
are termed “earless” because they lack an
external ear flap.

2. Western Meadowlark and Eastern

Meadowlark cannot breed, have different Biological Species Concept
songs and different behaviors.

3. Modern humans (Homo sapiens) have

speciated alongside with Homo
neanderthalensis or what we call the Phylogenetic Species Concept
Neanderthals but are separate species.

4. These ants are sisters. They have different

sizes and physical appearance because of Biological Species Concept
their roles in the colony.

5. Paramecium caudatum are asexual

organisms identified through their distinctive Morphological Species Concept
shoes-sole like shape.

6. A poodle and a Pekingese are bred

producing peakapoos which are capable of Biological Species Concept.
interbreeding with other dog breeds.

7. Dinosaurs fossils are identified using

distinctive physical characteristics. Morphological Species Concept

8. Bear species descended from a common

ancestor called Ursidae. Phylogenetic Specie Concept

9. A male lion is breed with a female tiger to Biological Species Concept

produce a Liger which is sterile or infertile.

10. Frogs have smooth skin, long legs and

relatively large eyes. Toads, on the other Morphological Species Concept
hand, usually have thicker bumpy skin and
shorter legs.

E. Application
So, class, understanding what species are and
how to identify them is critical, both for
biologists and for the general public.
In what day to day situations is it important that
we identify species? When we find food in the wild it is important
that we are able to identify what is edible and
what are not?

What else? On farmers to be able to tell the difference

between crop plants and weed.

What else? So that we are able to protect and conserve

those species that are endangered

That right! The Philippines is one of the 17

biological hotspots in the world, meaning we
are teaming in wildlife, some species are only
found on the country, so let’s all try to protect

F. Generalization
So, to review, how do we define species Species is any population or group of
according to the biological species concept? population whose members can interbreed
and produce viable, fertile offspring

Why are different species nit able to reproduce Because of reproductive isolation.
viable fertile offspring?
Species is any population or group of
How about according to the morphological population whose members have the same
species concept? body shape or features

In what situations is the morphological species When the organisms being identified are
concept commonly used? asexual or fossils.

Species a species is the smallest set of

And according to the phylogenetic species organisms that share an ancestor and can be
distinguished from other such sets.

Directions: Using the graphic organizer below describe what is meant by a species using the three
different species concepts.


Direction: Do a research on more species concept and write it on a one half crosswise.

Prepared by:

Melvin Earl Cidro Agda

BS Biology 4

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