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ChatGPT 3.

possessed. With the help of supernatural beings, he started constructing the temples at an
astonishing speed. As dawn approached, Prince Bandung was almost finished with the
task. Worried that he might succeed, Princess Roro Jonggrang devised a plan to thwart his


Prince Bandung: Princess Roro Jonggrang, I have completed the task your father set for
me. I have built a thousand temples overnight as he demanded. Now, let us be together

Princess Roro Jonggrang: (Hesitant) Prince Bandung, I am truly amazed by your feat, but
before I can accept your proposal, there is one more thing I need from you.

Prince Bandung: Anything, my love. Just name it, and I shall do it for you.

Princess Roro Jonggrang: (Scheming) Build one more temple for me, but this time, do it
without the help of supernatural beings. If you can accomplish this, I will gladly marry you.

Prince Bandung: (Confident) Very well, my dear. I accept your challenge. I will build the final
temple with my own hands.

Despite the exhaustion from his previous efforts, Prince Bandung began the construction
of the final temple. However, without the aid of supernatural beings, the task proved to be
too much for him. As the day progressed, he realized that he wouldn't be able to complete
it before sunset.

As the sun started to set, Prince Bandung became furious upon realizing the deception of
Princess Roro Jonggrang. In his anger, he cursed her, turning her into a stone statue. Thus,
the princess became part of the grand temple complex known as Prambanan, forever
frozen in stone, serving as a reminder of the consequences of deceit and betrayal.

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