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Supreme Commander

Supreme commander is a title which was used

within the elven kingdom and it later descendant,
the empire. The title was given to the commander
of the entire centurion and all of the forces
involved with it, and is known to have been given
during pre-empire times; however, no definitive
used of the it has been found during of after the
elven kingdom's evolution into the empire.

It is notable that the known holders of the title

were married to an empress. This, in most forms
of aristocracy, would probably make them some
manner of consort.

Inas to Rafitie
Inas to Rafitie was the supreme commander of the
elven kingdom and the empire before and during
the formation of the emprie. He is famous for his
peacekeeping efforts during the rise of the empire
and helped to secure its creation.

Formation of the empire

the elven kingdom was undergoing a turbulent
period in its history, as the elves had become a
statistical minority and were trying to maintain
control of their kingdom. The situation continued
to deteriorate and the kingdom found it self on the
verge of civil war between those who were loyal
to the monarchy and those who were loyal to the
parliament, Sani stepped in and helped negotiate a
compromise, a new government would be formed
one that would cater to the needs of its citizens.
He arranged for the elven empress to remain as
titular leader of her former kingdom and
figurehead, but all political power was ceded to an
elected government.

It was known that a bronze statue of Sani was

placed in the elven city Astoshi which
commemorated the site upon where he lived,
wrote, fought and died in Vedra.

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