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Do the given tasks. (Pages 44-49)

Task 1. Describe what is UDL and its purpose?


Is a framework that guides practitioners to create and develop learning environments, curricula,
and assessment tools in ways that accommodate diverse learners .

Task 2. Explain the three elements of UDL.

1. Multiple means of representation: This principle encourages educators to present

information in a variety of formats. The same concept could be presented in text, through
images, through a video, via audio, or through hands-on activities.
2. Multiple means of action and expression: This principle helps educators provide
students with a variety of ways to demonstrate what they’ve learned. Learners differ in
how they navigate through learning environments and demonstrate what they know.
3. Multiple means of engagement: This principle encourages educators to use different
ways to motivate learners. Learners vary with regard to how they can be encouraged to

T2.1 Multiple means of representation (5pts)

It refers to presenting information in multiple ways. Teachers use this principle when they find
more than one way to explain a concept or provide information.

T2.2 Multiple means of action and expression


It refers to offering students diverse ways of expressing what they have learned. Teachers use
this principle when they find more than one way to assess the knowledge students have gained.

T2.3 Multiple means of engagement (5pts)

Teachers and other educators can use multiple means of engagement to make their lessons
accessible to a wide variety of learners. Multiple Means of Engagement. Multiple means of
engagement refers to the need to motivate learners in diverse ways.

Task 3. Read table 3.2 about UDL principles. Focus on the

3rd column about UDL examples of
implementation and inclusive practices.

Cite a specific activity in class for

each suggested implementation or inclusive practice.

Describe the actual scenario or apply to actual

setting. (Kung ikaw si TEACHER, unsai imong ipa buhat sa klase based from
these suggested inclusive practices.)

T3.1 Use of culturally responsive teaching

strategies and materials. (5pts)

Identifying students’ learning styles with The concept of culturally responsive teaching might
seem complicated, but it is quite straightforward.

T3.2 Chunk activities and give more breaks.


Careful chunking can help students learn to strategize their approach to academic tasks. This
helps build executive function, the ability to intellectually structure and plan a series of
behaviors, like writing a paper, or completing a complex assignment

T3.3 Use of technological and assistive devices

to support learning. (5pts)

Classcraft Classcraft is a fun and inventive way to encourage positive behaviors in your
classroom while meeting your students’ unique needs and Closed captioning for visual media

T3.4 Take advantage of seat arrangements and

classroom furniture. (5pts)

I must be able to choose the seating arrangement wisely in order to help the class reach its
goals and take students to new levels. Seating arrangement helps the management of students
and activities as well as providing more responsibility for self-learning.

T3.5 Provide opportunities for outdoor work.


I’ll let them do the outdoor work because students can often become bored and primarily rely on
extrinsic motivation to retain the content being delivered to them. When connecting education to
the natural environment, students have context in which to place their learning, and the intrinsic
motivation of teamwork and ecological preservation as fuel to increase their desire to study and
engage with the curriculum.

Task 4. State the UDL principle that covers the

following suggested inclusive practices. (5pts)

T4.1 Do team-team building exercises regularly

and integrate lessons in such activities.

UDL Principle # 2: Multiple means of action and expression

T4.2 Teach mindfulness

UDL Principle # 3. : Multiple means of engagement

T4.3 Promote collaborative strategies such as

fish bowl discussions or think-pair-share.

UDL Principle # 3: Multiple means of engagement

T4.4 Emphasize social roles in the classroom.

UDL Principle # 2.. : Multiple means of action and expression

T4.5 Use graphic organizers for synthesizing


UDL Principle # 1.. : Multiple means of representation

Total 50pts

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