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Ella cree que no vendrán a la reunión: she doesnt think they´ll come to the meeting

Porque no puedes quedar el miércoles a las 3?:why cant you make i ton Wednesday at 3?
Como distingues cuando alguien esta mintiendo?:how can you tell when someone is lying to
Pido algunas grapas?: shall i order some staples?
Se hablar alemán pero no se hablar coreano: i can speak German but i cant speak Korean
No creo que llueva mañana: I dont think it Will rain tomorrow
No distingo una rana de un sapo: i cant tell the difference between a frog and a toad
Se tocar la guitarra y también se tocar el piano: i can play the guitar and the piano too
Enseguida estaré arriba: i´ll be right up
Pido más carpetas?: shall i order more folders?

I cant tell the difference between skimmed and whole milk : no distingo entre la leche
desnatada y la leche entera
The line is busy: la linea esta ocupada
Can you make it at 19 on Saturday?: puedes quedar el sábado a las 19?
I´ll be right down: enseguida estaré abajo
We probably wont set up an office in London next month : probablemente no abriremos una
oficina en londres el prox mes
I´ll put you through straight away: te paso con él inmediatamente
He cant play tennis but he can play rugby: no sabe jugar al tennis pero puede jugar al rugby
Shall I order some blue pens?: pido algunos boligrafos azules
I´ll be right over: enseguida estaré allí
I cant make it at five o clock on Sunday: no puedo quedar a las 5 el domingo

D. I probably wont go to work

B. I cant find my guitar
C.I cant make it at 13on Monday

I´ll the report and then i´ll send it to you—i´ll send you the report when I finish writing it
I´ll do the dishes and theni´ll call my mother—i´ll call my mother when I finish doing the dishes
He´ll do his homework and then he´ll read the paper —he´ll read the paper when he finishes
doing his homework
She´ll read the letter and then she´ll go to sleep: she´ll go to sleep when she finishes reading the
I´ll have breakfast and then i´ll get ready: i´ll get ready when I finish having breakfast
They´ll paint the bedroom and then they´ll paint the living room : they´ll paint the living room
when they finish painting the bedroom
///Call the boss: Shall we call the boss?-Yes, lets call him/her!
Open the window: Shall we open the window?- Yes, lets open it!
Have a coffee: Shall we have a coffee? Yes ¡, lets have it!
Go for lunch: Shall we go for lunch? Yes, lets go!
File the documents: file them////
There aren’t any pens left: shall I order some pens?—I´LL order some then
The printer in reception isn’t working: shall I order a new printer?—I wont order one then
There aren’t any hole-punches left: Shall I order some hole-punches?—I´ll order some then
There aren’t any folders left in reception: shall I order some folders?---I wont order any then
There aren´t any ink cartridges left for the main printer: Shall I order some ink cartridges?—I´ll
order some then
There aren’t any highlighters left: Shall I order some highlighters?—I wont order any then
There isn’t any tippex: shall I order some tippex?—I wont order any then
There aren’t any post-its: shall I order some post-its?—i´ll order some then

Alumno A: I cant remember where I put the report. Can you remember where I put it? I cant find
Alumno B: Yes, you put it under your desk/ No, I cant remember where you put them

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