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Review structure

A. Find the root word in the following words. Circle the root. Underline the prefix if
there is one. Double underline the suffix if there is one. If the word is a compound
word, do nothing.

1. Wireless
2. Washboard
3. Prearrange
4. Cosponsor
5. Payment
6. Unforceful
7. Disloyal
8. Butcher knife
9. Rentable
10. Angelic

B. Read the sentences. Each has a derivative. Underline the derivative and write the
prefix in the blank.

Inter 1. On the last Sunday of the month the two churches will have an
interfaith service.

Dis 2. Jeanne did not want to find out the movie tricks used to make Star
Wars, fearing that this would disenchant her.

Super 3. Eric spent all his spare time reading comic books and dreaming about

Un 4. After the speech, the mayor moved to unveil the statue.

Mis 5. It always made grandpa angry when he would misplace his
newspaper and would have to hunt around for it.

Re 6. Because of the accident on the expressway, the police had to reroute

the traffic.

Post 7. The coach called the members of the team together for a postseason

Non 8. Eduardo spent his whole time in Vietnam in a noncombat post,

working as an airplane mechanic.

Im 9. Otto the gorilla flung his banana peel at the crowd, because he was
impatient with their noise.

Pre 10. Nowadays, most clothes that we buy are preshrunk.

C. Study the sentences and the words that are in parentheses. Write the letter of the
word that best replaces each word in parentheses.

a 1. During the Boston Marathon this year, (count) thousands of runners

a. Countable b. Countless c. County

c 2. Mr. Brown remembered well his long courtship of the present Mrs.
a. Courtly b. Courtesy c. Courtship

c 3. The newspaper’s support of the new parking lot was a (continue) of its
policy of boosting civic improvement.
a. Continuation b. Continuity c. Continuous
c 4. (Normal), the horses are cared for by the stablehands.
a. Normalcy b. Normality c. Normally

b 5. The doctor’s strict treatment of his patient seemed (mercy), but it worked
well and resulted in a cure.
a. Merciful b. Merciless c. Mercifully

D. Read the sentences and study the derivatives in italics. Select the definition that best
defines the derivatives and circle it. Use affix meanings to help you understand the

1. Joe was assigned to an antiaircraft unit near San Francisco after he left Fort
Hood, Texas.
a. tank b. clerical c. air defense

2. The Girl Scout leader showed unconcern about the threatening clouds in the sky.
a. interest b. no interest c. happiness

3. The kitchen was spotless after Eddie cleaned it.

a. white b. empty c. without dirt

4. Donna Lee found it profitable to sell greeting cards by mail.

a. financially rewarding b. helpful c. interesting

5. Many businesses now presort their mail before delivering it to the post office.
a. stamp b. tie up c. arrange in advance

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