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Name: Cielo D.

Year and Section:BEED1A
Class schedule:TTh 2:30-4:00pm
Instructor:Michael Dominic D. Alarkon


Isaw is a popular street food in the Philippines. It is made from pig or chicken intestines that are
cleaned, marinated, and then grilled over charcoal. Isaw is typically skewered on bamboo sticks
and cooked until it becomes crispy and flavorful.

This street food delicacy is often enjoyed as a snack or appetizer and is commonly found in food
stalls or carts along busy streets and marketplaces. It is known for its smoky aroma and unique
texture. Isaw is usually served with a spicy vinegar dip or a combination of soy sauce, vinegar,
and chili.

Isaw has become an iconic Filipino street food, loved by many locals and tourists alike. It is
affordable, tasty, and offers a distinct culinary experience. Despite its humble origins, isaw has
gained popularity and is now enjoyed in various parts of the country.

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