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Qualitative Psychology

© 2021 American Psychological Association 2022, Vol. 9, No. 1, 3–26

ISSN: 2326-3601

Conceptual and Design Thinking for Thematic Analysis

Virginia Braun1 and Victoria Clarke2

School of Psychology, The University of Auckland
Department of Social Sciences, University of the West of England
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Thematic analysis (TA) is widely used in qualitative psychology. In using TA,

researchers must choose between a diverse range of approaches that can differ
considerably in their underlying (but often implicit) conceptualizations of qualitative
research, meaningful knowledge production, and key constructs such as themes, as well
as analytic procedures. This diversity within the method of TA is typically poorly
understood and rarely acknowledged, resulting in the frequent publication of research
lacking in design coherence. Furthermore, because TA offers researchers something
closer to a method (a transtheoretical tool or technique) rather than a methodology
(a theoretically informed framework for research), one with considerable theoretical
and design flexibility, researchers need to engage in careful conceptual and design
thinking to produce TA research with methodological integrity. In this article, we
support researchers in their conceptual and design thinking for TA, and particularly for
the reflexive approach we have developed, by guiding them through the conceptual
underpinnings of different approaches to TA, and key design considerations. We
outline our typology of three main “schools” of TA—coding reliability, codebook, and
reflexive—and consider how these differ in their conceptual underpinnings, with a
particular focus on the distinct characteristics of our reflexive approach. We discuss key
areas of design—research questions, data collection, participant/data item selection
strategy and criteria, ethics, and quality standards and practices—and end with
guidance on reporting standards for reflexive TA.
Keywords: design coherence, methodological integrity, reflexivity, participants, saturation

Thematic analysis (TA) is widely practiced in philosophical assumptions, a theoretical frame-

qualitative psychology. What distinguishes TA work, and steer toward particular types of the
from most other qualitative analytic approaches— research question, participant/data item selection
such as grounded theory and narrative analysis— practices, methods of data collection, and quality
is that it is more akin to a method (a transtheoretical procedures. This has led some qualitative metho-
tool or technique) than a methodology (a theo- dologists to argue that the use of TA demands more
retically informed framework for research). conceptual and design thinking from researchers
Approaches like grounded theory and narrative compared to the use of off-the-shelf methodolo-
analysis have been dubbed “off-the-shelf” meth- gies (McLeod, 2015; Willig, 2013). For Willig
odologies (Chamberlain, 2012), in the sense that (2013), TA is not the “easy option” (p. 66) it is
they encompass both analytic techniques and often perceived as, because the researcher “needs
to do a lot of conceptual work before they can
This article was published Online First May 13, 2021. embark upon the research itself” (p. 65). McLeod
Virginia Braun (2015) described TA as “a good choice for re-
Victoria Clarke searchers who feel confident that they know what
We have no conflicts of interest to disclose. they are trying to achieve” (p. 147).
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed The status of TA as a method is sometimes
to Virginia Braun, School of Psychology, The University of
Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland Mail Centre, Auk
framed as an obstacle to good practice, particu-
1142, Āotearoa, New Zealand. Email: v.braun@auckland larly for qualitative newcomers. Some have argued that the combination of the reputation

of TA as an accessible method and its lack of Conceptual and design thinking involves all
inbuilt theory can lead researchers to make the the elements of a research project, assessing
mistake of conducting TA without explicitly whether different elements will work together,
locating it theoretically (King & Brooks, 2017; and producing an explanation for choices made
Willig, 2013). Brown and Locke (2017) sug- (see Box 1, for an overview). A general principle
gested that TA is popular in applied psychologi- for qualitative research design is coherence or
cal research because it is perceived to allow “fit” (Braun & Clarke, 2013; Willig, 2013), where
researchers to “analyse their qualitative data for the research aims and purpose, philosophical,
topic content without considering any methodo- theoretical, and methodological assumptions,
logical horrors” (p. 425). That perception can and methods cohere together (Chamberlain
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

result in the reporting of themes that have no et al., 2011; Tracy, 2010). Levitt et al. (2017)
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

explicit conceptual underpinning. This is a poor proposed a similar concept of methodological

practice—as captured by Qualitative Psychol- integrity to capture when:
ogy’s submission guidelines, which note explic-
research designs and procedures (e.g., autoethnogra-
itly that empirical research will be evaluated as to phy, discursive analysis) support the research goals
whether there is “adequate conceptualization (as (i.e., the research problems/questions); respect the re-
opposed to simple description or reporting of searcher’s approaches to inquiry (i.e., research tradi-
themes)” (American Psychological Association, tions sometimes described as world views, paradigms,
2020). Our perspective on TA, as a method, is or philosophical/epistemological assumptions); and are
tailored for fundamental characteristics of the subject
more optimistic: As the use of TA requires matter and the investigators. (pp. 9–10)
deliberation from researchers, the importance
of a thoughtful, reflective research practice—a The status of TA as a flexible method, rather
practice emphasized as crucial in many quality than a delimited methodology, provides one
standards and guidelines (e.g., Elliott et al., challenge for qualitative newcomers in achiev-
1999; Levitt et al., 2017; Yardley, 2015)—is ing methodological integrity. The multiplicity
highlighted. We are not alone in this position: within TA provides another. TA is best thought
Others have criticized the “predetermined” nature of as a family of methods with some ele-
of off-the-shelf methodologies for allowing for ments in common—alongside some substantial
“thought-less” qualitative research (e.g., Cham- divergences in philosophical assumptions, con-
berlain, 2012). At its best, TA helps us not only ceptualizations of key constructs, and analytic
make visible the various elements that need to procedures. However, this diversity is often
come together for successful qualitative analysis poorly understood, and rarely acknowledged,
characterized by integrity but also to consider with considerable evidence of seemingly
how they connect and build on each other. As TA “thoughtless” muddling together of conceptually
may be taught or learned early as a qualitative incoherent practices in published research
approach,1 we have an important opportunity— (Braun & Clarke, 2020).
or obligation—to make new researchers recog- This article is divided into two sections. The first
nize and think (deeply) about the many layers of focuses on conceptual thinking for TA. Under-
conceptual thinking behind all (good) research standing the conceptual underpinnings of reflexive
practice. TA, and how these differ from those associated
Although we value the flexibility of TA, we with other types of TA, is crucial for methodologi-
appreciate that conceptualizing and designing a TA cal integrity. Our discussion centers on a typology
study can be daunting, especially for qualitative of three main “schools” of TA, with a particular
newcomers, because the qualitative methodologi- focus on our reflexive approach. This typology
cal literature is vast and complex, and provides captures some of the key areas of divergence within
numerous contradictory and contested accounts. In TA as a family of methods. This section aims to
this article, we aim to support such researchers by assist researchers in making deliberative decisions
providing guidance on conceptual and design
thinking for TA, and particularly for the reflexive 1
approach we have developed (e.g., Braun & Some argue that it should be taught early precisely
because it makes the “mechanics”—the conceptual and
Clarke, 2006, 2012, 2019a). To do so, we draw design thinking—of qualitative research visible to new
on both the TA and wider qualitative methodologi- researchers. We thank an anonymous reviewer for raising
cal literature, in psychology and related disciplines. this point.

Box 1
Overviewing Conceptual and Design Thinking for Thematic Analysis Research

Reflexive TA researchers should consider:

• The type of TA to be used.

• Orientations to TA—experiential/constructionist, inductive/deductive, semantic/latent.
• The philosophical meta-theories (ontologies and epistemologies) underpinning the research.
• Any methodological, explanatory, and political/ideological theories informing the research—more loosely, as part
of the package of things the researcher “brings” to data analysis, and/or more formally, as the theoretical lens(es)
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

through which the data are interpreted in deductive orientations.

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

• The research question—both the initial (potentially broader) research question and a more refined/focused question
settled on following (some) data analysis.
• The method(s) of data collection, and particular orientations/modalities (e.g., narrative, feminist, video-call
• Participant group and dataset matters—selection strategy (e.g., convenience, purposive), constitution (heteroge-
nous, homogenous), size, and recruitment/selection.
• The researcher’s positioning in relation to the topic and any participant group.
• Ethical (and political) considerations (e.g., how consent will be negotiated; the politics of representation).
• Conceptually coherent quality practices and standards.

Reflecting and deciding is not necessarily in this order, and not necessarily just before the research, or a particular phase
of the research, commences. Some post hoc reflexive “unpacking” of assumptions and practices may be required for
researchers to strive to “own their perspectives” (Elliott et al., 1999) in the reporting of the research, and explain and
defend their choices and practices.

about their approach to TA, and using that approach meanings—the meanings that underlie the data
knowingly, “owning” the embedded research va- surface (Boyatzis, 1998; Braun & Clarke, 2006;
lues (Elliott et al., 1999). The second section cen- Joffe, 2012). At the same time, there are some
ters on design thinking in reflexive TA. It covers notable differences between various TA ap-
matters of research questions, data collection meth- proaches, underpinned in some cases by markedly
ods and sources, participant group/data set consti- different conceptualizations and values.
tution and size, ethics, and quality standards and The challenge for the qualitative researcher, and
practices. This section will help researchers to the starting point for conceptually coherent design
design a reflexive TA study with methodological in TA research, is to understand the particulars of
integrity. We end with a discussion of reporting their chosen approach to TA, and where it sits on
standards for reflexive TA research. what we conceive of as a TA spectrum. This is a
challenge because specific procedures rely on and
Conceptual Thinking for TA Research encode sets of underlying research values, but these
are not always explicitly stated (see Carter & Little,
TA methods, as a family, share the following 2007). Indeed, in some contexts, particularly those
characteristics: Theoretical flexibility (albeit con- dominated by quantitative positivism, research va-
strained to a greater or lesser degree by assump- lues themselves might be taught as singular and
tions about meaningful knowledge production and universal, or indeed just be assumed. We view
how qualitative research is conceptualized); pro- clarity on research values as fundamental to quality
cedures of coding and theme development; the (TA) research. This is especially important in qual-
possibility of inductive and deductive orientations itative research because of the diversity of research
to analysis (although there can be marked differ- values and associated ontological (theories of real-
ences in how these orientations are conceptual- ity and being) and epistemological (theories of
ized); and the possibility of coding for both meaningful knowledge and knowledge production)
manifest (semantic or descriptive) meanings— assumptions. Understanding that TA is not one
the meanings directly observable on the surface method, but a cluster of methods underpinned by
of the data—and latent (implicit or conceptual) different conceptual models and research values,

facilitates the practices of owning one’s (theoretical (e.g., Boyatzis, 1998; Guest et al., 2012). In
and methodological) perspective (Elliott et al., describing this small q form of TA, we focus
1999), and demonstrating sensitivity to (theoretical) on the conceptualization of coding and themes,
context (Yardley, 2015), highlighted in quality researcher subjectivity, meaningful knowledge
standards and principles. production, and quality standards and practices.
Coding reliability TA typically involves some
A Typology of Thematic Analysis: Coding or all of the following. Themes developed early in
Reliability, Codebook, and Reflexive the analytic process prior to or following some data
familiarization, and often reflecting data collection
We distinguish between three main schools of questions. Themes as effectively inputs into the
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

TA which we call coding reliability, codebook, and coding process rather than outputs from it. Themes
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

reflexive.2 We find Kidder and Fine’s (1987) dis- conceptualized (implicitly) as “fossil[s] hidden in a
tinction between “small q” and “Big Q” qualitative rock” (King & Brooks, 2017, p. 220) or “diamonds
research a useful one for understanding the differ- scattered in the sand” (Braun & Clarke, 2016,
ences across these types. Small q involves qualita- p. 740), lurking in the data awaiting “discovery”
tive data, but is informed by quantitative/(post) by the researcher. Themes also tend to be under-
positivist3 research values and practices; Big Q stood (again implicitly) as a topic rather than
involves both qualitative data, and values and meaning-based, as topic summaries—summaries
practices embedded in a qualitative paradigm. or overviews of things said by participants in
Coding reliability TA exemplifies small q qualita- relation to a particular topic. Topics often map
tive, reflexive TA Big Q, and codebook sits some- closely onto data collection questions. This means
where between small q and Big Q. These types can a topic summary “theme” is effectively a summary
be conceptualized as located on a spectrum of TA, of responses to a data collection question. For
with coding reliability approaches at the small q/ example, an interview question might focus on
(post)positivist end of the spectrum and reflexive barriers to African heritage women accessing pro-
approaches at the other—Big Q/nonpositivist, con- fessional support for postnatal depression and the
structionist—end (see Terry & Hayfield, 2020).4 topic of this question—the barriers to accessing
It is important to note that this is our positioned support—becomes the focus of the “theme.” The
mapping of the “landscape” of TA. We are not
necessarily describing the different approaches in 2
These names reflect the key characteristics of coding in
ways that the authors who developed these would each type and thus only capture one element of differences
recognize, as we have sought to unravel unstated across the approaches, and indeed the practice of doing TA.
We use the term (post)positivist to signal the contested
assumptions and tease out divergences in the way terrain of positivism within psychology. Some predominantly
key concepts such as codes and themes are associate positivism and postpositivism with quantitative
understood. research and argue that the default paradigm for quantitative
research is now postpositivism, rather than (naïve) positiv-
ism, following the critiques of Popper (1959) and others
Coding Reliability Thematic Analysis (e.g., Ponterotto, 2005). Others view postpositivism as span-
ning both quantitative and qualitative research and associate
Coding reliability approaches are so named it with a critical realist ontology and qualitative methodolo-
because the analytic procedures are oriented to gies such as consensual qualitative research (CQR) and
establishing the “accuracy” or “reliability” of objectivist grounded theory (e.g., Morrow, 2007). Our use
of (post)positivism reflects the distinction between small q
data coding, underpinned by a (post)positivist ((post)positivist) and Big Q qualitative (Kidder & Fine,
paradigm or research values (see Ponterotto, 1987), connected to paradigmatic values. We view coding
2005). Stemming from that, there is a concern reliability TA, as well as CQR and objectivist grounded
for controlling researcher subjectivity or “bias,” theory, as examples of small q qualitative.
reliability and replicability of measurement, and This typology captures much of the diversity within the
TA family but there are other (often idiosyncratic) approaches
generating as-objective-as-possible knowledge. that defy easy categorization and combine elements of the
Some coding reliability authors frame their different types (e.g., Buetow, 2010; Malterud, 2012); fur-
approach as “bridging the divide” between positiv- thermore, the use of grounded theory coding techniques and
ist (quantitative) and interpretive (qualitative) other analytic practices (such as constant comparative analy-
sis and memo writing) to develop themes from qualitative
paradigms through combining the use of quali- data—both demarcated as a distinct approach to TA known as
tative techniques and data with (post)positivist thematic coding (e.g., Flick, 2014; Gibbs, 2007) and used
values around meaningful knowledge production more idiosyncratically—remains relatively common.

“theme” is effectively a summary of all the main Codebook Thematic Analysis

barriers discussed by participants. What unites the
observations reported is the topic—the barriers— Codebook approaches sit somewhere between
rather than a pattern of shared meaning evident the coding reliability and reflexive ends of the TA
across responses. This theme conceptualization spectrum. Such approaches combine a more struc-
facilitates early theme development/identification tured approach to coding, through the use of a
(i.e., before any substantial analysis has taken codebook or coding frame, (some) early theme
place), as it is relatively straightforward to identify development, a (typical) conceptualization of
topics without a detailed unpacking of how those themes as topic summaries, all associated with
topics were spoken about. There is often little small q coding reliability approaches, with the Big
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

that unites the meanings within a topic summary Q values of reflexive TA (e.g., conceptualizing
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

other than the topic. Such “themes” can be devel- researcher subjectivity as a resource for research,
oped both inductively, following some data famil- and coding and interpretation of data as an inher-
iarization, and deductively, from prior research or ently and inescapably subjective practice, which
theory. we discuss further below). Our label codebook
In both inductive and deductive orientations to encompasses approaches like matrix (e.g.,
coding reliability TA, a codebook or coding frame Miles & Huberman, 1994; Nadin & Cassell,
is constructed to guide the allocation of data to the 2004), framework (e.g., Ritchie & Spencer,
predetermined themes.5 Codebooks typically con- 1994), network (e.g., Attride-Stirling, 2001), and
sist of a definitive list of codes/themes, a coding template (e.g., King, 2012) analysis, often devel-
label and definition for each code/theme, instruc- oped for, and popular within, applied research. In
tions on how to identify each code/theme, includ- codebook TA, codebooks are not typically used
ing any exclusions, and examples of each code/ to facilitate the measurement of an intercoder
theme. We use “code/theme” because there is not agreement but are rather oriented to pragmatic
always a clear distinction between codes and considerations such as meeting predetermined
themes in coding reliability approaches. Coding information needs (common in some areas of
as a process is often foregrounded over the “code,” applied research), a team of data analysts working
an analytic entity distinct from, but contributing to, together, each coding different portions of the data
a “theme.” The codebook is applied to all or a (with the team potentially including qualitative
portion of the data, ideally by multiple coders novices or users/stakeholders with no research
working independently. The level of intercoder training), and/or a swift and “efficient” analysis
agreement is then calculated to provide a measure (because of working to a tight deadline—of the
of coding reliability (O’Connor & Joffe, 2020)— funder/service). The codebook is used to record
the assumption being that “reliable” coding is and or chart the developing analysis as well as to
possible and two or more researchers choosing guide data coding. Some codebook authors argue
to assign the same piece of data to the same code/ that codebook approaches reflect a pragmatic
theme is a meaningful measure of this. Some compromise of some qualitative research values.
coding reliability researchers advocate for the The open, exploratory, and (sometimes) inductive
use of coders who are “blind” to the research elements of qualitative research pose a challenge
question or have no prior knowledge of the when practical constraints such as those detailed
research area to minimize the “contamination” are present (Smith & Firth, 2011).
of the coding process with this knowledge, and to
maximize objectivity (e.g., Bond et al., 2008). Reflexive Thematic Analysis
Final data coding is typically determined by
agreement or consensus. One of the challenges Reflexive approaches prioritize the values of
for qualitative researchers in disciplines like psy- Big Q qualitative paradigms and emphasize the
chology, where qualitative values remain mar-
ginal, is that the (post)positivist quality standards 5
A deductive approach within coding reliability TA is
prioritized in coding reliability TA are often often conceptualized as providing a tool for testing—refuting
equated with quality practice in all forms of or confirming—a hypothesis. This model aligns with the
deductive orientation and assumptions of the scientific
TA, including reflexive TA (Braun & Clarke, method; it sits at odds with the use of deduction in many
2020). Instead, they reflect a particular set of other versions of TA and indeed qualitative approaches that
theoretically embedded research values. take a Big Q approach.

inevitable subjectivity of data coding and analy- Constructionist orientations to language are con-
sis, and the researcher’s active role in coding and cerned with interrogating the rhetorical implica-
theme generation (e.g., Gleeson, 2011; Hayes, tions and effects of particular patterns of meaning
2000). As our main focus in this article is on and linguistic practices (Braun & Clarke, 2013).
conceptual and design thinking for reflexive TA, Language is conceptualized as active and sym-
we outline the key conceptual foundations of our bolic, as creating rather than simply reflecting
reflexive approach in some detail in the next meaning. In constructionist TA, language is not
section.6 treated as a simple conduit to access information.
Constructionist TA research takes different forms;
Conceptualizing Reflexive Thematic Analysis researchers can make claim to both relativist and
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

critical realist ontologies and postmodern and

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Our Big Q approach to reflexive TA developed poststructuralist epistemologies and methodolo-

from a critique and rejection of the values under- gies (Clarke & Braun, 2014).
lying (post)positivist TA (Braun & Clarke, 2019a). The theoretical flexibility of reflexive TA is
TA, and qualitative research more broadly (e.g., often mistaken for theoretical neutrality. Like all
Morrow, 2007), is often equated with the study of forms of TA, reflexive TA reflects various theo-
subjectivity and lived experience (e.g., Flick, retically based assumptions about how knowl-
2014), and phenomenology (e.g., Guest et al., edge is (best) produced (Mauthner & Doucet,
2012; Joffe, 2012). Furthermore, the mapping of 2003), and these are associated with qualitative
the conceptual foundations of qualitative research paradigms. This Big Q position makes “pure”
in psychology often frames different qualitative induction impossible; the researcher always
paradigms as reflecting different orientations to brings philosophical metatheoretical assump-
the study of experience (e.g., a distinction is tions and themselves to the analysis, meaning
commonly made between interpretivist–construc- an inductive orientation is better understood as
tivist and ideological–critical qualitative para- “grounded” in data. A deductive orientation in
digms, but both are conceptualized as oriented reflexive TA involves using preexisting theory as
to the study of experience and subjectivity, see a lens through which to interpret the data; deduc-
Morrow, 2007). However, as researchers schooled tive reflexive TA is not about “testing” a preex-
in social constructionism (see Gergen, 2015), we isting theoretical framework or hypothesis.
(and others) understand TA, and qualitative re- The core assumptions of reflexive TA can be
search, as extending beyond a concern for experi- summarized across 10 points:
ential phenomena to social processes and the social
construction of meaning.7 We are relatively unique 1. Researcher subjectivity is the primary
among TA authors in making a distinction between “tool” for reflexive TA; subjectivity is
experiential and constructionist orientations to not a problem to be managed or controlled,
TA (see also King, 2012; King & Brooks, 2017). it is a resource for research (Gough &
Broadly speaking, experiential TA (including Madill, 2012). The notion of “researcher
reflexive TA when used in experiential orienta- bias,” which implies the possibility of
tions) is concerned with exploring the truth or unbiased or objective knowledge genera-
truths of participants’ contextually situated experi- tion, is incompatible with reflexive TA, as
ences, perspectives, and behaviors. It is typically knowledge generation is inherently sub-
underpinned by some form of realist (naïve and jective and situated.
critical) ontology (see Maxwell, 2012) and a
range of intersecting and overlapping epistemol-
ogies including interpretivism–constructivism, We do not overview the six phases of the analytic process
ideological–critical (see Morrow, 2007), contex- of reflexive TA—familiarization with the data, coding the
data, generating initial themes from the codes and coded data,
tualism (see Madill et al., 2000) and phenomenol- reviewing and developing themes, defining, naming and
ogy (see Willig, 2013). The conceptualization of refining themes, and writing up the report—as these are
language is key to the experiential/constructionist more practice oriented. They are also discussed extensively
distinction (Reicher, 2000). In experiential TA, elsewhere (e.g., see Braun & Clarke, 2006, 2012).
An orientation similarly captured in constructivist ver-
language is conceptualized as reflecting the true sions of grounded theory (e.g., Charmaz, 2006) and con-
nature of things or participants’ contextually situated structionist versions of narrative analysis (e.g., Sparkes &
unique realities or truths (Braun & Clarke, 2013). Smith, 2008).

2. Following on from this, analysis and subjectivity, and the aligned practice of reflexiv-
interpretation of data cannot be accurate ity, as the key to successful reflexive TA—hence
or objective, but can be weaker (e.g., the label reflexive. We refer here to a “deep”
underdeveloped, unconvincing, thin, and process of reflexive interrogation of researcher
superficial, shallow) or stronger (e.g., assumptions and practice, rather than a simple
compelling, insightful, thoughtful, rich, listing of identity or experience categories
complex, deep, nuanced). when reporting research (e.g., see Trainor &
3. Good quality coding and themes result Bundon, 2020).
from dual processes of immersion or depth Coding, for example, is a process not of
of engagement, and distancing, allowing simple identification, but of interpretation—
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

time and space for reflection and for and researcher subjectivity fuels this process.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

insight and inspiration to develop. Good coding (coding that is more complex and
4. Coding quality is not dependent on nuanced) is often the result of a deep and pro-
multiple coders; a single coder/analyst is longed engagement with the data; codes can and
typical in reflexive TA. Good coding (and should evolve in an organic way over the coding
theme development) can be achieved process, as insight shifts and changes. Individual
singly, or through collaboration, if it seeks codes can expand and contract in scope, be
to enhance reflexivity and interpretative collapsed together with other codes, split into
depth, rather than consensus between two or more codes, and coding labels can be
coders. refined. The point of this organic coding process
5. Themes are analytic outputs, not inputs, is precisely to capture the researcher’s developing
and are developed after coding and from and deepening interpretation of their data. Even at
codes (which are also analytic outputs); as the endpoint of coding, things are still provi-
Saldaña (2013) noted, a theme is “an sional. This organic process makes the use of a
outcome of coding : : : not something codebook to direct data coding incompatible with
that is, in itself, coded” (p. 14). reflexive TA. A codebook does not allow for this
6. Themes are patterns of meaning anchored type of data engagement, as it can delimit coding
by a shared idea or concept (central orga- at the start of the analytic process (particularly the
nizing concept), not summaries of mean- more fixed codebooks preferred by coding reli-
ing related to a topic. ability practitioners). There is also little sense in
7. Themes are not waiting in the data to developing a codebook after coding stops (and
“emerge” when the researcher “discovers” then re-coding the data using this codebook)
them; they are conceptualized as produced because there is no fixed endpoint for coding,
by the researcher through their systematic any further engagement with the data could lead
analytic engagement with the data set, and to new insights (Trainor & Bundon, 2020, illus-
all they bring to the data in terms of trate this point nicely).9
personal positioning and metatheoretical Themes, like codes, are understood as the
perspectives. output of the analysis; the “identification” of
8. Data analysis is always underpinned by themes very early on risks underdeveloped
theoretical assumptions, and these as- themes and analytic foreclosure, where the anal-
sumptions need to be acknowledged and ysis stops at the level of superficial findings
reflected on. (Connelly & Peltzer, 2016). Themes, developed
9. Reflexivity, the researchers’ insight into, from codes, are constructed at the intersection of
and articulation of, their generative role in the data, the researcher’s subjectivity, theoretical
research, is key to good quality analysis. and conceptual understanding, and training and
Researchers must strive to “own their
perspectives” (Elliott et al., 1999). 8
Although definitions of art and science are variable and
10. Data analysis is conceptualized as an art, contested, here we evoke a (naïve) realist positivist empiri-
not a science;8 creativity is central to the cism with our demarcation of science.
This organic and developing coding process still requires
process, within a framework of rigor. systematic tracking and record keeping. For practical advice
on ways of tracking your coding process in reflexive TA, see
This list places researcher subjectivity front Braun and Clarke (2012), and Trainor and Bundon (2020) for
and center in reflexive TA. We view researcher a richly illustrated example.

experience. A data set does not “hold” a single TA This key principle of design coherence
analysis within it. Multiple analyses are possible, (Braun & Clarke, 2013; Willig, 2013), or meth-
but the researcher needs to decide on and develop odological integrity (Levitt et al., 2017), is very
the particular themes that work best for their important in TA research because there are few
project—recognizing that the aims and purpose inherent limits or prescriptions in research
of the analysis, and its theoretical and philosophi- design for TA. In general, as well as having
cal underpinnings, will delimit these possibilities the theoretical flexibility to be used within a wide
to some extent. Existing theories, concepts, and range of philosophical metatheoretical, method-
knowledge are part of the reflexive TA research- ological, explanatory, and political/ideological
er’s set of resources for analyzing the data. How frameworks, TA can be used to address a wide
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much each contributes during the analysis process range of research questions, analyze almost any
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depends on where on the inductive–deductive type of data, and analyze smaller and larger data
spectrum of reflexive TA an analysis sits. Even sets, that are collected from participant groups/
in a deductive or theory-driven orientation, these data sets that are more homogenous or hetero-
serve to guide data coding and the exploration and geneous (King & Brooks, 2017). We start our
determination of final themes for the analysis, discussion of design thinking for reflexive TA
rather than provide a predetermined structure to with research questions, then move to data col-
code the data within or test the data against. lection methods and sources, participant group/
data set constitution and size, quality standards
and practices, and end with an overview of
Design Thinking for Reflexive Thematic reporting standards for reflexive TA.
Research Questions
Design thinking is needed not just for coherent
research, but at many points of research assess- Research is guided by a question that captures
ment, such as ethics review, research proposals, what it is the researcher is trying to understand
or funding applications. In these contexts, the through their data analysis. Qualitative research-
researcher lays out what they intend to do, with ers are interested in understanding a diverse range
a justification of their design decisions. There is no of phenomena; these can be clustered into differ-
single starting point for, and route through, research ent “types” of questions (see Braun & Clarke,
design for reflexive TA. Sometimes, metatheore- 2013). Reflexive TA can address most of these
tical philosophical assumptions and political com- types of research questions—see Table 1. If the
mitments comprise one point of departure—these “essence” of what it is a researcher seeks to
are frequent starting points in feminist and other understand fits within one of these research ques-
politically oriented research (see Braun & Clarke, tion types, then reflexive TA is likely a method
2013). Research questions also constitute a com- that will suit their research, as long as it is used
mon starting point. Using the research question as a within a conceptually coherent design. The types
starting point for design means that the question of questions reflexive TA cannot address are
should guide the choice of methods of data collec- those that require a technical understanding of
tion and analysis, and participant/data set selection language practice and/or narrative structure—
strategies, and the location of the research in rela- these are associated with some types of discursive
tion to specific philosophical meta-, methodologi- psychological (e.g., Wiggins, 2017), conversa-
cal, and explanatory theories. In practice, more tion analytic (e.g., Schegloff, 2007) and narrative
pragmatic and indeed emotional considerations (e.g., Reissman, 2007) approaches; those ap-
often come to the fore in research design—such proaches are best suited for addressing such
as a student researcher choosing an analytic orien- questions.
tation because it is one they have used before, so Questions centered on exploring participants’
feel somewhat confident using it, or it is the experiences and sense-making (variously described
preferred approach of their academic advisor. as understandings, perceptions, motivations, needs,
Such pragmatic starting points do not necessarily and views) seem to be of most interest to psychol-
lead to poor design, as long as the design is ogists. Other questions focused on experiential
thoughtfully considered, and the overall design is phenomena include those concerned with under-
conceptually coherent. standing people’s behaviors or practices (the things
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Table 1
A Typology of Suitable Research Questions for Reflexive Thematic Analysis

Research question focus Examples

People’s contextually situated lived experiences and interpretations of subjective Bosnian refugees’ experiences of discrimination in the U.S. (Komolova et al., 2020);
phenomena South African migrants’ feelings of guilt and shame around leaving their homeland
(Ivey & Sonn, 2020)
The views, perceptions, understandings, perspectives, needs, motivations of particular Public perceptions and symbolic associations of electricity network technologies in the
groups, about particular phenomena, in particular contexts (often combined with lived U.K. (Devine-Wright & Devine-Wright, 2009); African American college women’s
experience questions) beauty and body image concerns (Awad et al., 2015)
The factors or social processes that influence the shape and texture of particular The processes and factors that make interpersonal relationships meaningful to young men
phenomena transitioning to adulthood and beginning postsecondary education and how these
relationships influence their life plans (Arbeit et al., 2016); the factors influencing the
introduction of physical activity interventions in primary health care (Huijg et al.,
The things people do in the world—their contextually situated (variously conceptualized How incoherence, a narrative marker of attachment insecurity, is displayed in the talk of
as) behaviors or practices, and their sense-making around them families undergoing bereavement family therapy (Willcox et al., 2019); how new
fathers request, offer, and receive social support in an online chat room (Fletcher &
StGeorge, 2011)
The (often implicit) contextually situated rules and norms that regulate particular How sporting cultural values and unwritten cultural norms influence the occurrence and
phenomena experience of overuse injuries in rhythmic gymnastics (Cavallerio et al., 2016); how
the organizational cultural experiences of elite youth footballers shape their identity
development and behavior (Champ et al., 2020)
The representation of particular “social objects” or phenomena in particular contexts, and The moral dimensions of the construction of the category “terrorist” in presidential political
the implications or effects of these speeches and implications of these for legitimating counter-terrorism policy (Pilecki,
2017); the representation of Haitian women in mainstream US media (Rendón &
Nicolas, 2012)

The social or discursive construction of particular “social objects,” subject positions, or People’s constructions and meaning-making around counter-normative body hair
other social phenomena in particular contexts and the implications and effects of these practices (Jennings et al., 2019); older fat men’s—involved in a weight loss
intervention—constructions of their bodies and bodily change (Gough et al., 2016)

they do), and their sense-making around these, the speeches (e.g., Pilecki, 2017). Analysis can be
factors and processes that shape and influence conducted across more than one different data
particular phenomena, and the rules and norms type—such as interview and survey data—(with a
that regulate and govern human behavior or prac- clear rationale). The theoretical flexibility of
tices. Constructionist research questions typically reflexive TA means that it can be incorporated
interrogate meaning-making in the social (and into ethnographic designs (e.g., Devaney et al.,
psychosocial) world. They often center on the 2018) and participatory methodologies such as
social construction of reality, and the meaning- memory work (e.g., Delgado-Infante & Ofreneo,
frameworks or discourses that surround and consti- 2014). There is a wide range of research designs
tute the phenomena of interest, and the implications that sit within a “community-located” model,
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of these (Gergen, 2015). from those “community based and located,”

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One important thing to note about research which involve the community, but are researcher
questions in TA research: in some cases, they might driven and directed, to those which are more fully
be (more or less) fixed from the outset, and strictly “participatory,” and involve participants as cor-
adhered to—this is particularly the case in some esearchers and a “power-sharing” model between
forms of applied research and in more (post)posi- researchers and community participants (see
tivist TA. In contrast, research questions in reflex- Coughlin et al., 2017). TA can be used within
ive TA more commonly evolve throughout the both of these broader models. Its relative acces-
course of the research. The initial research ques- sibility (both in terms of procedures and outputs),
tion(s) can be quite open and constitute a “starting and the previously noted potential to side-step
point” that might become more focused or expand “methodological horrors” (Brown & Locke,
or even shift in focus, as data collection and analysis 2017, p. 452)—here knowingly, and for prag-
progresses. They are a starting point for, but are not matic and political purposes (e.g., facilitating
necessarily the endpoint of, the analysis. Reflexive community members contributing to the analy-
TA involves a “dialogue” between the interpreta- sis)—means it is particularly well suited to
tion of the patterned meaning and the research power-sharing participatory methodologies (e.g.,
question. Honing and refining your research ques- Rowley et al., 2020).
tion are not indicators of poor-quality practice, of Data quality is another important design con-
poor design, but of a process through which deeper sideration for reflexive TA, as good quality
insight has been generated. analysis depends on having good quality data
(Connelly & Peltzer, 2016), even more than
Methods for Data Collection having a sufficient quantity of data. Data should
ideally be rich, nuanced, complex, and detailed.
There are few in-built restrictions around data Connelly and Peltzer highlighted “at-surface
collection methods or sources in reflexive TA interviewing” (p. 53) as one reason for poor
research. A wide range of data sources has been quality data, by which they meant little to no
used in published TA research, including every- attention given to prompts and probes and the
thing from more conventional and extensively relationship between researcher and participant.
used methods such as interviews (e.g., Robinson- Data quality is an important consideration before
Wood et al., 2020) and focus groups (e.g., Tebbe analysis begins. It is important to consider the
et al., 2018), to other self-report techniques such fit between data collection methods and the
as open-ended/qualitative survey responses research question, theoretical frameworks, ana-
(e.g., Blackie et al., 2020) and solicited diaries lytic orientations and, for participant-generated
(e.g., Schnur et al., 2009). From innovative and data, the characteristics and needs of the partici-
creative methods such as story completion (e.g., pant group. It is also important to consider how
Jennings et al., 2019) and visual methods (e.g., methods will be used. For example, coding
Devine-Wright & Devine-Wright, 2009), with reliability researchers prioritize a relatively
forms of reflexive TA specifically developed structured and consistent approach to inter-
for the analysis of imagery (e.g., Gleeson, views—asking the same questions in the same
2011), to “naturalistic” and preexisting data order to facilitate the determination of “data
sources such as psychotherapy sessions (e.g., saturation” and a more structured coding
Willcox et al., 2019), online forum posts (e.g., approach, and consonant with the (post)positiv-
Fletcher & StGeorge, 2011), and political ist conceptual underpinnings of coding

reliability TA (e.g., Guest et al., 2006). By con- information has been selected from the total
trast, reflexive TA, in keeping with its qualitative possible sources (the “population”), and this
sensibility, prioritizes a more flexible and fluid sample is used to address the research question.
approach to interviewing that more closely re- Here, we try to avoid this simple representa-
sembles the “messier” flow of real-world con- tional inference, as we discuss participant
versation:10 questions and topics are carefully group/data set selection strategy, size of the
considered but the interview centers the interac- participant group/data set, and (size) justifica-
tion and co-construction of meaning between tions (where authors use sample, we retain their
researcher and participant; there is considerable language). Before we do, we note that the
scope for the researcher to be spontaneously emphasis in TA is on themes, patterns of mean-
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responsive to the participant’s unfolding ac- ing across cases, rather than on meaning within
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

count. The goal is to be “on target while hanging individual cases. Therefore, the participant
loose” (Rubin & Rubin, 1995, p. 42), gaining an group/data set needs to be large enough to justify
in-depth exploration of each participant’s story, the claims regarding patterned meaning. This
not a uniformly structured account. contrasts with more idiographic approaches
If using interactive methods of data collec- such as narrative analysis, where the specific
tion, such as interviews and focus groups, re- characteristics of a small number of cases, and
viewing transcripts of the initial interviews or even one case (e.g., Josselson, 2009), are ana-
focus groups is vital to check they are generating lyzed in depth and detail.11
rich “on target” data. Inexperienced researchers With the caveat that TA is typically concerned
should ask mentors or advisors for feedback on with meaning across data items, there are no
this—interviewing and focus group moderation particular participant group/data set selection
are skilled activities that do not come “natu- requirements for reflexive TA research, neither
rally” to most (see Braun & Clarke, 2013, for regarding how many data items, nor how the
some suggestions; Connelly & Peltzer, 2016, participant group/data set is selected—what
usefully provide examples of transcripts of in- is often known as the “sampling” method or
terviews with and without sufficient probing). If strategy. Robinson’s (2014) four-step “pan-
using non-interactive data collection tools like paradigmatic” guide to sampling provides a use-
qualitative surveys, solicited diaries, vignettes, ful starting point for thinking about the different
and story completions (see Braun et al., 2017), aspects of selecting and generating participant
piloting is crucial to assess data “fit” and “qual- groups/data sets in reflexive TA:
ity.” With such methods, richness is often as-
sessed across a data set, as well as within each • Define a “sampling universe” using inclu-
data item. It is important to design in such sion criteria (attributes that participants or
reviewing or piloting, within the research data items must possess) and exclusion
design and timetable. criteria (attributes that disqualify). The
more specific the criteria, the more homo-
genous (in certain ways) the sampling
Participant Group/Data Set Selection and universe likely becomes. For example,
Constitution moving from “people who do not have
children” to “people who are childfree by
Another important design consideration is choice” to “men who are childfree by
the selection (or generation or construction,
depending on the conceptualization of the 10
Conversation analysts (e.g., Schegloff, 2007) would
research) of the data set, whether through point to the patterning and structure of real-world interac-
the recruitment of participants into a project, tions; our emphasis on looseness or messiness here does not
negate this aspect.
the selection of social media posts on a topic of 11
Reflexive TA has been used in case study research,
interest, or one of a myriad of other ways. where the focus is on a small number of cases, or even one
In quantitative and (post)positivist research case (e.g., see Cedervall & Åberg, 2010; Manago, 2013).
terms, this constitutes a “sample”—a framing Furthermore, some researchers have combined reflexive TA
with narrative methodologies and procedures to produce
that remains pervasive in qualitative research distinct “hybrid” methods that are concerned with both
(including some of our own). Conceptualizing narrative structure and “across case” patterning of meaning
data as a sample reflects the idea that relevant (e.g., Palomäki et al., 2013; Ronkainen et al., 2016).

choice” narrows the pool in particu- be homogenous or heterogeneous in the constitu-

lar ways. tion; deliberately seeking diversity is referred to
• Determine a sample size (or size range) by as maximum variation (Sandelowski, 1995) or
reflecting on what is ideal (consonant with heterogeneity (Fassinger, 2005) sampling (see
the purpose of research, analytic orientation, Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2007). Participant group/
and theoretical underpinnings) and what is data set selection strategies can be combined and
practical (e.g., time, resources, or norms or can blur; real-world practice is often not particu-
expectations of the local—institutional and larly like textbook descriptions. There is no ideal
research field—context). “sampling” strategy for reflexive TA: what matters
• Develop a sampling strategy for selecting most, from a reflexive TA design coherence stand-
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items or participants for inclusion. point, is that researchers understand what their
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

• Source the sample by recruiting participants strategy is, and why they have chosen it, its
or selecting items from the sampling strengths and limitations, and that they can articu-
universe. late how and why it provides a data set to mean-
ingfully address their research question(s). This
Strategy for Selecting Participants/Data Items connects to participant group/data set size.

In qualitative research conducted within quali- Participant Group/Data Set Size

tative paradigms, the aim of the research, and thus
participant/data item selection, is generally to How large should a participant group/data set
capture some of the range and diversity of meaning be? This is a tricky question not just for TA, but
within the “population,” rather than providing qualitative research more broadly (e.g., see
some “quantified representation” of it (Gaskell, Malterud et al., 2016; Morse, 2000; Sim et al.,
2000). And, to allow for an in-depth exploration 2018). Determining a participant group/data set
of the research question(s), which maximizes size for TA is not a simple as identifying the
the opportunity for “transferability” of results “correct number” of participants or data items—
(Spencer et al., 2003). What are known as conve- for a start, there is data type to consider, and the
nience and purposive sampling (Patton, 2015; related consideration of the “volume” and rich-
Sandelowski, 1995) are seemingly the most com- ness of each data item, as well as considerations of
mon participant/data item selection strategies in homogeneity and heterogeneity.
TA research. Convenience sampling involves Larger participant groups/data sets can be use-
selecting “cases” (participants or data items) that ful when the scope of the study is relatively broad,
are easily accessed by the researcher. In practice, the topic is potentially “difficult to grab” (Morse,
this often means advertising a project, and the 2000, p. 4) and/or sensitive for participants, and
participant group constitutes whoever happens there is considerable diversity within the wider
to respond. Psychologists have commonly—and group of interest. When working with smaller
problematically—recruited psychology under- participant groups/data sets (e.g., 10 interviews
graduates through research participation schemes, or fewer), homogeneity (which could, for exam-
another form of a convenience sample (Arnett, ple, be based on demographics, experience, loca-
2008). Convenience sampling is often considered tion, and many other things; Robinson, 2014)
the least rigorous and justifiable participant selec- may help to facilitate theme development. But
tion method (Sandelowski, 1995)—especially even inclusion and exclusion criteria expressly
when the wider group of interest is not specifically designed to produce a homogenous participant
psychology students. However, the critique has group/data set cannot guarantee the homogeneity
not dented its popularity as a participant/data item of sense-making. Then there is also the purpose
selection strategy and there are ways to facilitate and the context of the study (see Morse, 2000), as
diversity within a convenience strategy (e.g., well as pragmatic considerations such as norms
where and how the research is advertised). around publishability (Dworkin, 2012). Context
Purposive sampling can involve deliberately se- is part of what determines what is manageable—
lecting “information-rich” cases (Patton, 2015) the analysis should not just be completable but
that have the potential to maximize understanding done well. In the context of a study with a concrete
of the phenomena under investigation. Purpo- deadline, there is a need to balance a data set with
sively selected participant groups/data sets can enough breadth and depth to give validity to TA,

with time to analyze the data meaningfully before philosophically and methodologically consistent
the deadline. Researchers should not constantly with reflexive TA.12 For Morse (1995), data ade-
feel overwhelmed and like they are “drowning in quacy was operationalized as “collecting data until
data” or fail to do it justice (though this can no new information is obtained” (p. 147); this
happen, Braun & Clarke, 2020). TA research is notion of “no new” is common across different
rarely conducted under “perfect” conditions, with varieties of saturation (data, code, or theme). How-
all the resources, time, and skills needed to ever, not only is the definition and meaning
execute a study in a textbook manner, so partici- of claimed saturation often fuzzy but precisely
pant group/data set size decisions invariably how saturation might have been achieved is com-
involve compromises born of negotiating monly not discussed (Bowen, 2008). A claim of
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competing priorities—pragmatic/practical and saturation—whether defined and/or explained in

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methodological/theoretical. any way or not—is often provided as the rationale

General guidelines around participant group/ for stopping data collection in TA studies (e.g.,
data set selection in qualitative research are useful Grabe et al., 2015; Staneva & Wittkowski, 2013).
for reflexive TA research (e.g., Malterud et al., It is often positioned as separate from, as preceding,
2016; Morse, 2000) but, reflecting the fuzzy nature data analysis (Saunders et al., 2017).
of the qualitative research terrain (Madill & Gough, Claims of data saturation often work (whether
2008), there are no widely agreed on and precise knowingly or unintentionally) as a rhetorically
criteria for determining participant group/data set robust rationale for sample size in TA research.
size. Furthermore, “what constitutes an adequate Most uses of this term seem to evoke the previ-
sample size to meet a study’s aims is one that is ously noted idea that the researcher gets to a point
necessarily a process of ongoing interpretation by in data collection where no new insights will be
the researcher. It is an iterative, context-dependent generated by gathering additional data. This is
decision” (Sim et al., 2018, p. 630). Two formulae problematic from a reflexive TA perspective
that appear to offer more precise criteria for deter- because it effectively positions the researcher’s
mining participant group/data set size, even in task as discovery—as recognizing themes that are
advance of analysis, are saturation and statistical waiting to be discovered—which is not how
models. As these have been widely discussed in the themes or the research process are conceptualized
TA methodological literature, we now explore the in reflexive TA (Braun & Clarke, 2019b).13 Within
relevance of both of these for reflexive TA. a conceptualization of qualitative research as a
reflexive process of knowledge generation or
Saturation construction, rather than discovery, there is always
the potential for new understandings (Mason,
“The data were saturated” is one of the most 2010), developed through ongoing data engage-
ubiquitous participant group/data set size rationales ment, or through reading the data from different
in TA research, and is often taken to be so self- perspectives (nicely illustrated by Ho et al., 2017).
explanatory it is not even defined (Braun & Clarke, The notion that it is possible to “saturate” stops
2019b). The concept of “data saturation” or “infor- making sense (Malterud et al., 2016) if we envis-
mation redundancy” seems to have evolved from age analysis as a process of analytic insight devel-
“theoretical saturation” (Glaser & Strauss, 1967)— oped through engagement with the data and in line
tightly defined and connected to the methodology with our positionings (at the time of analysis).
of grounded theory (O’Reilly & Parker, 2013). In the last decade or so, concern about a lack of
Theoretical saturation is inextricably linked to the concrete guidance for determining saturation has
practice of theoretical sampling and concurrent data led several authors to “operationalize” saturation,
collection and analysis in grounded theory (Morse, and try to determine how many interviews (or focus
2015; O’Reilly & Parker, 2013). Data saturation groups) are enough to reach saturation, or
(Fusch & Ness, 2015), and its variants of code-
(Hennink et al., 2017), theme- (Guest et al., 2006), 12
The concept or use of saturation is referenced in many
and meaning- (Hennink et al., 2017) saturation, has general qualitative quality guidelines and criteria (e.g., Levitt
now become embedded as a “gold standard” (Guest et al., 2018; Morrow, 2005); the best make clear that criteria
such as saturation are not universally applicable or theoreti-
et al., 2006, p. 60) for data set generation in TA cally neutral (e.g., Levitt et al., 2018).
research. However, its use as a generic measure of 13
See also Charmaz (2006), for a more constructivist
data set adequacy is problematic because it is not reworking of saturation within grounded theory.

a certain level of saturation, in TA research (e.g., make them conceptually incompatible with
Guest et al., 2006; Hagaman & Wutich, 2017; reflexive TA. Yet there is a risk that those who
Hancock et al., 2016; Hennink et al., 2017). do not realize the fundamental conceptual differ-
Such guidelines have been taken up and used as ences between different types of TA might be
rationales for TA participant group/data set sizes, tempted to assess TA research design with such
but they are not suitable as guidance for reflexive tools (Hammersley, 2015). Therefore, we wish to
TA because they contain some (sometimes unac- be very clear that we do not recommend the use of
knowledged) assumptions that are at odds with the any of these statistical tools to determine or
conceptual bases, values, and practice of reflexive imagine the “correct” data set size for a study
TA (Braun & Clarke, 2019b). These are evident in that uses reflexive TA.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

various ways.
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Most use a coding reliability or codebook version Determining and Justifying Participant Group/
of TA—although rarely acknowledged as a partic- Data Set Size in Reflexive TA
ular iteration of a broader approach—and evidence
a realist ontology and (post)positivist research va- There is no failsafe way to justify participant
lues. Data collection is often rather structured and group/data set size in reflexive TA. We recommend
standardized, the data generated rather concrete, avoiding the (post)positivist temptation to ground
with an applied focus. Within a “discovery” mode, size decisions around some idealized notion of
themes are implicitly conceptualized as entities that “generalizability,” implicitly “buying into” the
preexist the analysis, and that the researcher elicits notion that bigger is better and statistical generaliz-
from the participants or uncovers through the ana- ability is an ideal for all research (but see Smith,
lytic process (Saunders et al., 2017). Themes are 2017, for an important discussion of ways gener-
often topic summaries and analytic inputs, reflec- alizability can be reconfigured in qualitative
tive of interview questions. Frequency—rather than research). Instead, in terms of a conceptual model
importance and meaningfulness in relation to the for estimating participant group/data set size (in
research question—is typically the primary or sole advance of data analysis, for purposes like ethics
determinant of a theme/code; the rationale for this is review), we find Malterud’s et al. (2016) notion of
rarely explicated. information power useful. Rather than precise
Although we think it is better for reflexive TA calculations, it invites the researcher to reflect on
researchers to avoid the concept of data saturation the “information richness” of the data set and how
altogether (see Braun & Clarke, 2019b), we that meshes with the aims and requirements of the
recognize that this is not always pragmatically study—different purposes mandate different ap-
possible. What is vital for quality practice in these proaches to sample size. Using this reflection, a
instances, is demonstrating knowing use, where study with:
exactly what saturation means is defined, and the
researcher is clear about how precisely such • A broad aim;
saturation was determined. • Nonspecific or few inclusion criteria;
• A more inductive and exploratory approach;
Statistical Formula • Thinner data generated from each partici-
pant or data item;
Fugard and Potts (2015) developed a quantita- • The analysis focused across a data set; and
tive tool for prospectively determining sample • The analysis conducted by a novice researcher
size in TA. The tool, which requires researchers
to determine the expected population theme prev- would generally require a larger participant
alence of the least prevalent theme, the number of group/data set to have adequate information
desired instances of the theme, and the power of power—that is, to be able to say something
the study, attracted critical commentaries from (qualitatively) meaningful. And, contrastingly,
several qualitative researchers (e.g., Braun & a study with a narrower aim, a more specific
Clarke, 2016; Hammersley, 2015). Other equally population/data set focus, perhaps a more deduc-
problematic formulae and tools for prospectively tive approach, and with “thicker” or richer indi-
determining sample size or data saturation have vidual data items, would generally require fewer
also been published (e.g., Galvin, 2015; Tran data items. Such aspects should not be seen as
et al., 2017). Many different aspects of these tools operating independently and summatively, but

as potentially interacting (Sim et al., 2018). This 2012), research participants (e.g., Indigenous
makes some in situ assessment of the data set— populations [e.g., Smith, 2013] or children [e.g.,
such as during data collection; following famil- Shaw et al., 2011]), or collaborating organizations
iarization or even coding—more important than a (some—especially health and medical organiza-
clear determination prior to the research starting. tions—may have their own ethical review pro-
Another concept that may be useful in thinking cesses and requirements). A key point to
about data set adequacy is “theoretical suffi- emphasize is that ethics codes represent minimal
ciency.” Developed by grounded theorist Ian requirements. The British Psychological Society
Dey (1999)—who described saturation as an (2009) noted that “thinking is not optional” (p. 5;
“unfortunate metaphor” (p. 257), suggesting our emphasis), and “no code can replace the need
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completeness of understanding and a fixed for psychologists to use their professional and
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point—theoretical sufficiency is intended to cap- ethical judgement” (p. 4).

ture the notion that data collection stops when the The use of TA as an analytic approach requires
researcher has reached a sufficient or adequate little ethical discussion per se, but qualitative
depth of understanding to build a theory. Similar research in general, and especially within quali-
ways of framing this are “conceptual density” or tative paradigms, raises important ethical consid-
“conceptual depth” (Nelson, 2017). Regardless erations. Familiarization with the discussions of
of whether “building theory” is a goal, these ethics in the context of qualitative research—
concepts emphasize meaning-richness as key to including the emotional impacts of data on
the validity of the (size of the) data set. For us, researchers—is important (e.g., Brinkmann &
informational or meaning sufficiency seems a Kvale, 2017; Denzin & Giardina, 2016;
useful concept for the point at which to stop McClelland, 2017; Miller et al., 2012). Thinking
data collection in TA, and it is only something more broadly about ethics, the design and con-
that can reflexively be determined in situ. duct of qualitative research often involves com-
Despite our acknowledgment that it is difficult to plex and “fuzzy” ethical and moral considerations
determine participant group/data set size in advance such as issues of difference, power (Karnieli-
of data collection, there often is a pragmatic need to Miller et al., 2009) and control, and how we
provide some indication of participant group/data relate to, and represent, participants (Fine,
set size, to meet the requirements of institutional 1992). While none of these considerations are a
review boards, research degree committees, fund- necessary feature of TA research specifically, we
ing bodies, and because of the practical need to encourage TA researchers to pursue a complex
plan time and resources. We suggest researchers and sophisticated reflexive approach to qualita-
provide a participant group/data set size range, tive research and research ethics. To exemplify
with the final participant group/data set size deter- best practice with regard to relating to and re-
mined during data collection or after early phases presenting participants, especially regarding
of the analytic process (see Braun & Clarke, 2013, questions of difference, and to conduct research
for some suggestions for student projects). that is genuinely inclusive, culturally sensitive,
and politically astute.
Thinking Ethically for TA Research

Ethics are a key requirement of all research Quality Standards and Practice
design and practice, and are both procedural
(what we do in relation to participants) and more The final area we consider for design thinking
socio-political, related to the politics of research, is quality, which intersects profoundly with, and
the power relationship between researcher and brings our discussion back to, conceptual think-
participant, and the researcher’s values. Research ing. The quality-assurance strategies we discuss
ethics are codified within ethics codes like those here are informed by the theoretical assumptions
from the American Psychological Association and values of a Big Q qualitative paradigm
(2017) and New Zealand Psychological Society (Braun & Clarke, 2013) and focus on encourag-
(2012) and applied through institutional ethical ing reflection, rigor, a systematic and thorough
review. Ethical guidance may change in relation approach, and even greater depth of engagement,
to particular modes of inquiry (e.g., online rather than on determining the “accuracy” of
research; Association of Internet Researchers, coding or theme identification.

Judgments around quality relate to both pro- TA research for publication (Braun & Clarke,
cess and outcome. We focus both on the quality 2020).
practices that researchers incorporate into their For reflexive TA, we stress the importance
research designs, and on the quality standards and of a deep, engaged, and critically open reflexivity
criteria researchers strive to adhere to, and re- throughout the research process. Of the researcher
viewers, editors, and examiners use to assess the reflecting on, trying to understand, and interrogat-
quality of qualitative research. It is often assumed ing: their values and personal positioning; their
that there are universal quality criteria that apply assumptions and expectations about the topic
to all forms of qualitative research—we men- of their research; and, in designs with participants,
tioned previously the problematic assumption their relationship to and with participants
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

that coding reliability measures are relevant to (Wilkinson, 1988, termed this personal reflexiv-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

all forms of TA. This assumption is typically ity); their design and methodological choices
underpinned by a (limited) conceptualization of (functional reflexivity); and their disciplinary
qualitative research as commensurate with the location and standpoint (disciplinary reflexivity).
study of subjective experience and (post)positiv- And, indeed, how all of these intersect with,
ist research values. For example, many quality and shape, the research process and knowledge
criteria and standards include “member check- produced. In more politically oriented research,
ing” or “participant validation” as a form of conceptualizations of reflexivity that highlight
credibility check (e.g., Elliott et al., 1999; the power dynamics of research are also im-
Morrow, 2005)—in some cases without acknowl- portant (e.g., Ramazanoğlu & Holland, 2002).
edgment that this quality practice is not concep- Reflexivity to us is best conceptualized as a
tually coherent with all forms of qualitative meshed-in mode of (Big Q) research practice; if
research (Reicher, 2000), or consideration of this is unfamiliar, see Finlay and Gough (2003) for
the practical and pragmatic challenges of imple- an accessible starting point, and Trainor and
menting this practice (Braun & Clarke, 2013). Bundon (2020) for an example when doing reflex-
Thus, quality practices and criteria are another ive TA.
aspects of research design that require conceptual Researcher reflexivity is highlighted in many
thinking—researchers should reflect on the theo- quality standards and criteria—Elliott et al.
retical assumptions embedded in particular stan- (1999), for example, included “owning one’s
dards and practices to determine whether they are perspective” in their publishability guidelines,
coherent with their research design and use of emphasizing the need for researchers to specify
reflexive TA. their theoretical orientations and personal ex-
Even though there are aspects of some of these pectations. In acknowledgment of the incom-
quality criteria that do not translate well, or at all, to pleteness of reflexivity—full insight is rarely
reflexive TA, we nonetheless find Elliott’s et al. possible—and the multiplicity of our perspec-
(1999) checklist-criteria publishability guidelines, tives, we reframe this as researchers striving to
Yardley’s (2015) much looser flexible principles, “own,” in the sense of acknowledging and taking
intended to be applicable to a wide range of responsibility for, their perspectives. Some of
qualitative research methods and approaches, these reflections should ideally be included in
Tracy’s (2010) eight “big tent” flexible criteria, research reporting, to render visible to the reader
and the APA journal reporting standards (Levitt some aspects of the context of the research.
et al., 2018) useful. For reflexive TA—and indeed However, we recognize, as do others (Levitt
qualitative research more widely—such “criteria” et al., 2018), that tight journal word limits con-
are not designed to be applied in a rigid way, but as strain the reporting of qualitative research in
flexible resources, open to reinterpretation, for various ways, and reflexivity is often something
thinking about quality in general, and the appro- that is “sacrificed” to remain within such limits.
priate quality standards that should apply to a Reflexivity can also be stylistically confronting
particular piece of reflexive TA research for those schooled in “scientific” writing prac-
(Sparkes & Smith, 2009). Elsewhere, we have tices, as it brings the voice of the individual
provided a 15 point checklist for researchers to researcher into the text.
reflect on the quality and rigor of their reflexive TA One quality practice we strongly encourage is
practice (Braun & Clarke, 2006), and guidelines keeping a reflexive journal throughout the
for reviewers and editors evaluating reflexive research process for recording the researcher’s

reflections and insights, but also to use the prac- Methodology

tice of writing as a tool for deepening reflexivity.
As discussed, a concern for quality practice is We prefer the heading methodology over
embedded throughout the process of reflexive method, to signal a theoretically embedded and
TA—procedures like organic and open-ended reflexive account of the research process. The
coding, theme review and refinement, and the conceptual underpinnings of the research—onto-
recursivity of the analytic phases, are intended to logical and epistemological assumptions; any
sensitize the researcher to the need for prolonged methodological, explanatory, and political/ideo-
and deep engagement with their data to produce a logical theory informing the data analysis—should
meaningful, and useful, analysis that exceeds the be clearly identified, and how theory informed data
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

superficial and the obvious. analysis should be discussed. The particular ori-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

entation to reflexive TA—inductive<>deductive;

semantic<>latent meaning—should be explicit
Best Practice for Reporting Reflexive TA and explained in a situated manner, by which
we mean specific to the project, rather than generi-
To aid discussions of quality for reflexive TA, cally. Reflexivity should be evident, through
we now provide a brief discussion of best practices writing style, discussion of reflexive practices
for reporting reflexive TA. This captures how (e.g., journaling) throughout the process, and, if
reflexive TA research, in which the researcher appropriate, consideration of the researcher’s per-
has thoroughly engaged with practices of concep- sonal positioning in relation to the topic, and the
tual and design thinking, would ideally be re- participants (see Trainor & Bundon, 2020). This
ported.14 Our aim is to support: (a) researchers latter connects to wider qualitative research
in producing written reports of reflexive TA to ethics,15 including around representation. The
the highest standards; and (b) reviewers, editors, participant group/data set should be clearly and
and examiners in appropriately assessing written richly situated (without compromising anonym-
reports of reflexive TA. Overall, we encourage ity), and some explanation of, and rationale for, the
writing styles that bring the “voice” of the individ- constitution and size of the participant group/data
ual researcher into the text—such as the use set should be provided—without reference to
of the first person in the methodology section. saturation or statistical models (see Braun &
For the purpose of this section, we assume that Clarke, 2019b). Where appropriate, how the
any claimed conceptual or other positions would choice of method/data source shaped the research
be aligned with actual reported practice and process and the knowledge produced might be
analysis. considered. The process of analysis should
be described in a situated and specific—not
generic—way, and using the most up-to-date ter-
Introduction minology (see Braun & Clarke, 2019a). How
various quality measures appropriate to the reflex-
The introductory section of the article should ive TA process (e.g., theme review and refine-
provide contextualization and a rationale for the ment) were practiced should be included. With
research—referencing existing research, relevant more than one author, how each author contributed
theory, and the wider context (e.g., social, cultural, to the analysis should be discussed.
policy, political, media, and health)—and may or
may not include a conventional literature review. Analysis
The aim of any synthesis of existing literature is not
necessary to identify “gaps” in knowledge, but to Our current preferred heading for the results/
contextualize the current research; for this reason, findings section is analysis because it avoids
we recommend introduction over literature review
if a section heading is required. A research question 14
In the current context at least, these best practice guide-
appropriate to reflexive TA should be clearly artic- lines remain partly aspirational. They diverge in many ways
ulated, and conceptually aligned with the form of from accepted reporting standards in the wider discipline,
which remain oriented to (post)positivist norms and values
TA reported in the analysis (it may be useful to (see also Levitt et al., 2018).
discuss the refining of an initially broader research 15
Ethical discussion would also include more standard
question). disciplinary processes, such as formal review processes.

evoking both discovery and finality. This section— should arise from, or cut across, the themes, reflect-
which often includes the discussion in the sense that ing that the themes themselves are not analytic
the analytic observations are contextualized in conclusions—theme-by-theme contextualization
relation to existing research and theory in the should be avoided (it is often a sign that the
reporting of themes—should start with a brief results and discussion should have been combined).
overview of the analysis to come (a figure or table, The section should also include an evaluative
or even a simple description or list; this can also be reflection on how design choices shaped (and
used to convey the relationship between themes). possibly delimited) the knowledge produced, as
The analytic narrative should explain the meaning well as a wider reflection on the limitations of
and significance of the data, avoiding both para- the study, and the overall analysis; claims about a
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

phrasing and “arguing with” the data. Theme fre- lack of statistical probabilistic generalisability
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

quency counts should be avoided, especially as a should be avoided.

rationale for the analytic content and structure
because reflexive TA does not equate frequency
with importance. A large number of participants Summary
may say or write things that are not relevant to the
research question, while a small number may say or In this article, we have emphasized that TA
write things that are crucial. Furthermore, the quan- is not a single approach with a single theoretical
tification of qualitative data, even in the form of foundation; we outlined three different schools
simple frequency counts, is often far from straight- of TA and focused on reflexive TA. Sound
forward because data collection is not typically reflexive TA practice depends on deep thinking
rigidly structured and systematized, with precise about the conceptual foundations of the
comparability across participants or data items. research, and effective planning—processes
The themes should form a coherent overall “story” we term conceptual and design thinking. Spe-
about the data, presented in the order that best tells the cifically, we have emphasized the importance
overall story. We generally recommend discussing of coherence or fit in the different aspects
two to six themes (including any subthemes) in any that constitute a qualitative project where reflex-
single report; any more themes suggest an underde- ive TA is used to analyze data; considering
veloped analysis. Use subthemes judiciously; an these elements should help produce TA
overly elaborate thematic structure similarly sug- research characterized by methodological integ-
gests underdevelopment (see Connelly & Peltzer, rity (Levitt et al., 2018). Given the flexibility of
2016). Each theme should be rich, complex, and reflexive TA, we noted different types of
multifaceted (i.e., consist of more than one analytic research questions it can be used to address,
observation), with a distinct core meaning or central different data types it works with, and discussed
organizing concept (themes should not be topic issues related to data set constitution and size.
summaries). There should be little or no overlap In particular, we critically discussed the ubiq-
(boundary-blurring) between themes. Each theme uitous use of (claimed) data saturation as a
name should convey something of the “essence” of rationale for TA data set size, and the use of
each theme; one-word names should be avoided. statistical models for determining data set size
The detailed discussion of each theme should include in advance of analysis. Instead, we emphasized
a balance of data extracts and analytic narrative that thinking critically and reflexively, and in a
(interpretation), regardless of a more illustrative or located way, about the information richness of
more analytic use of data extracts.16 Vivid and data as key in decisions about participant group/
compelling data extracts should be drawn from data set size. We also noted the importance of
across the data set to evidence patterning; presented ethicality, and the use of reflexive journaling to
data extracts should “fit” (or “evidence”) the analytic aid quality practice.
claims. Presentation of data extracts in tables should
be avoided.

Conclusion 16
An analytic use of data involves a detailed analysis of the
specific features of a particular data extract (see Braun &
In the final conclusion (or sometimes discussion) Clarke, 2013), rather than data extracts being used more
section, analytic conclusions and implications generically to illustrate analytic observations.

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