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Tom: Hey, have you heard about Mike, John's son, who was bullied at his school by his

Jamie: Haven't heard of it. It's terrible
Tom: I know. It turned out that Mike had been bullied for months. John just found out a few days ago.
Jamie: That's the worst. Oh poor mikes! How is he now?
Tom: John says he's in the hospital now.
Rashi: what? Who is being treated
Tom: That's Mike, John's son
Rasya: why is that? My seatat is a good kid and just joined this school
Tom: He got bullied by other kids
Rashi: haha
Jamie: Argghgh, I feel like punishing those thugs. I mean, why are they bullying him?
Tom: Maybe because they want to show their dominance? You see, Mike is the new kid at school, so
they want to show who's boss.
Jamie: Do they know that what they do can cause psychological disorders for life? They can destroy
lives forever
Rasya: yes, I've also heard that bullying can traumatize people, that is, people who experience
bullying usually have difficulty interacting with other people.
Tom: yes, They never respond to the consequences of their bad actions
Jamie: God, I hope Mike gets well soon
All: Yahh Astungkara

So "Don't be proud, you can only bully other people, only be proud if you are indeed able to save the
victim from a bad future."

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