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Tom and the Bullies

an original story by Alex and Mommy

Once upon a time, there was a kid named Tom. He was seven. He was tall
and did well in class. He was a grade one student. One day, Tom went to
school. Two kids saw him and teased him. They also punched him in the
face. The two kids were bullies.

Tom said, “Oh that hurts. Stop that!”

But the two kids didn’t stop. The principal saw what the two kids were
doing to Tom. She told the kids, “Stop what you are doing. You should
not hurt others. Go to detention!”

Tom was hurt. He had bruises on his forehead, but he did not cry. Tom
was brave. He was brought to the clinic. His Mom came to see him.
“Tom, are you okay?”, his Mom asked him.
“Yes, Mom. I’ll be fine.” Tom said.
The two kids were sorry about what they did to Tom. After their
detention, they went to Tom and said sorry about what they have done.
They realized that bullying is not okay.
Tom forgave them and told them not to do it again to him or to the other
The story teaches us that bullying is not good.


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