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As Jermaine stood there in the classroom before the end of year examination, he led with a quote from
the great Marcus Garvey “never forget that intelligence rules the world and ignorance carries the
burden. Therefore, remove yourself as far as possible from ignorance and seek as far as possible to be
intelligent”. His classmates took the words he said and went into the examination room. As they were all
settled and waiting for their examination paper, Jamila stood up and asked to be excused. The assessor
informed Jamila that she had approximately five minutes to get back in time for her exam or she will not
be able to sit the exam. Jamila turned and looked at Emma with a strange face and immediately Emma
knew that something was wrong. Jamila immediately exits the exam room with approximately three
minutes left for her to get back in time.

Three minutes passed and Emma realized that Jamila had not returned to sit her exam. The examiner
started issuing out the papers to the students. Emma then stood up and asked the examiner if she could
give her a minute so she could go and find Jamila. In that moment, the examiner was contemplating
whether she should give Emma the go ahead. However, she gave Emma the go ahead so Emma raced to
the bathroom and saw Jamila on the bathroom floor crying. Emma ran to Jamila and she blood on the
floor. She then came to realization that Jamila was pregnant and she had a miscarriage. Emma was not
only pissed at Jamila but she was also surprised because Jamila had been her best friend since they were
babies and Emma didn’t know that Jamila would have kept a secret like that from her. However, Emma
helped Jamila cleaned up and they both headed back to their examination room.

Emma was very angry and disappointed in Jamila about everything that had happened.

Three weeks passed and Emma hadn’t spoken to Jamila because of the incident. Not only were Emma
and Jamila in the same class but they were placed in the same group. Eventually Jamila walked over to
where Emma was sitting and started to talk to her.

“So, we are never going to talk again?” Jamila asked.

Emma and her new group of friends turned around and look at Jamila and they began to laugh. Jamila
turned and walked away. A week later at school, Jamila started to hear rumors about her having a
miscarriage. Emma started to feel very guilty about what she did, so she went over to where Jamila was
sitting and she started to apologize.

“I am very sorry Jamila. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I only told Stephanie and she must have told
other persons” said Emma.

Jamila got up and walked away. “I knew that I had lost a friend” she whispered.

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