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Daily Test 2023 S2

Discussion & Review Ganti akun

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Daily Test Discussion & Review

Choose the right answer

Author : Georgete Heyer

Trade Paperback : 438 pages

Publisher : SourceBooks CasaBlanca

First Release : 1965 (Now released

in 2008)

The novel Frederica is full of surprises.

When Frederica brings her younger siblings
to London determined to secure a brilliant
marriage for her beautiful sister, she seeks
out their distant cousin the Marquis of
Alverstoke. Lovely, competent, and
refreshingly straightforward, Frederica makes
such a strong impression that to his own
amazement, the Marquis agrees to help
launch them all into society.

This novel is a regency romance. There

was a playful, lighthearted feel to this book
that, along with the engaging characters,
totally charmed me.

At the beginning, the hero was a cynic,

and the heroine was a bit too controlling of
her family (though always with the best
intentions). When being together, though,
they brought out the best in each other. As
they spent time together, they fell in love
almost without realizing it.

A large number of characters were

introduced at the beginning, but their
relationships to each other were clear and I
was able to quickly sort them all out. The
pacing was very good, and the world-building
was excellent. The author skillfully wove a lot
of details about the time period into the story
(helped along in part by a young boy
interested in the newest technologies of the
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is
my favorite historical romance, but Frederica
is ow my second favorite. If you like Pride
and Prejudice, I’s highly recommend that you
give this book a try.

What is the relationship between Frederica

and the Maquis of Alverstoke?

bother and sister

niece and nephew

mother and son

aunt and nephew


Batalkan pilihan

How can globalization be beneficial


Exchanges of western and eastern cultures
become intensive

Political ideas inspire people for a more

democratic unity

People of different cultures are aware of

others’ likes and dislikes

Developed countries realise the importance

of education

Cultural adaption is more open and


Batalkan pilihan

The right statement about the text is ....

No direct effect between politic and


globalization can cause the lost of our

identity as human being

the open market because of globalization

can destroy the traditional product in a

the result of political move in a country can

effect other country because of

culture heritage is in great danger because

of globalization

Batalkan pilihan

RM, BTS’ leader, has made a stellar

return with his highly anticipated solo
album Indigo. It’s led by “Wildflower,” a single
that features South Korean rock group Cherry
Filter’s vocalist Youjeen and sees the rapper’s
“desire to live like humble and tranquil
wildflowers rather than a flamboyant flame
that quickly vanishes.”
Co-written by RM and Docskim, “Wildflower”
traces the rapper’s tussle with the shackles
of fame in a soft-rock soundscape. After
experiencing the glitz and glamor that fame
has to offer, RM wishes to reconnect with his
real self: “When everything I bеlieved in grew
distant/ When all this fame turned into
shackles/ Please take my desire away from
me/ No matter what it takes/ Oh, let me be
myself.” RM sticks true to his established
persona as one-third of BTS’ dynamic rap trio
and raps about moving forward irrespective
of what others may have to say. There’s an
assuring sense of drive and self-confidence
emanating from the 28-year-old popstar who
knows his next destination is towards a
version of himself he yearns the most: “To
face all the prejudice and
misunderstandings/ I don’t care much for
being tossed into the air/ Grounded on my
own two feet/ Amongst the flowers without
names/ I can’t go to the stars again, I can’t/
Underfoot, I just go.”

Who is Docskim?

The bandmate of RM

The producer of all songs in Indigo

The person who writes Wild Flower with


He is the member of Cherry Filter

One of the rapper in trio BTS rappers

Batalkan pilihan

Which of the following is the most

improbable reason why adopted children
want to have/know their adoptive records?

They want to pay back their adoptive

parents’ expenditure

They want to know their status in adoptive


They want to know their natural parents

They want to know why they are adopted

They want to know why their parents place

them up for adoption

Batalkan pilihan

RM, BTS’ leader, has made a stellar

return with his highly anticipated solo
album Indigo. It’s led by “Wildflower,” a single
that features South Korean rock group Cherry
Filter’s vocalist Youjeen and sees the rapper’s
“desire to live like humble and tranquil
wildflowers rather than a flamboyant flame
that quickly vanishes.”
Co-written by RM and Docskim, “Wildflower”
traces the rapper’s tussle with the shackles
of fame in a soft-rock soundscape. After
experiencing the glitz and glamor that fame
has to offer, RM wishes to reconnect with his
real self: “When everything I bеlieved in grew
distant/ When all this fame turned into
shackles/ Please take my desire away from
me/ No matter what it takes/ Oh, let me be
myself.” RM sticks true to his established
persona as one-third of BTS’ dynamic rap trio
and raps about moving forward irrespective
of what others may have to say. There’s an
assuring sense of drive and self-confidence
emanating from the 28-year-old popstar who
knows his next destination is towards a
version of himself he yearns the most: “To
face all the prejudice and
misunderstandings/ I don’t care much for
being tossed into the air/ Grounded on my
own two feet/ Amongst the flowers without
names/ I can’t go to the stars again, I can’t/
Underfoot, I just go.”

What does wild Flower talk about?

The struggle to face the life after the

pandemic which is a mess

His connection with his bands, family and


Being true to yourself without losing

yourself in this swirl of the world

The ‘self’ and works RM wants to be in the


Comparing himself as a wildLower that

loved by people

Batalkan pilihan

The writer purpose in writing the text is ....

to explain the readers how an adopted

child is raised

to describe people who adopt a child

to inform the readers the reasons and

problems of adopting a child

to tell the readers how to adopt a child

to persuade people to have foster child or

to adopt a child

Batalkan pilihan

An adoptive child has no right ....

to be well treated as a member of a family

to live with his/her natural parents

to know his/her adoption record

to get adequate love and care

to receive inheritance

Batalkan pilihan

Juvenile delinquency refers to anti-

social or illegal behavior by children or
adolescents and is considered a serious
problem all over the world. It is caused by
social, economic and cultural factors. This
juvenile criminality is apparent in marginal
sectors of urban areas where children are
exposed to violence in their immediate social
environment, either as observers or as victim.
Because delinquents basic education, if they
have any, is poor. They have been
marginalized from the society and destitute
of any dignity or self esteem. Although most
legal systems prescribe specific procedures
for dealing with young criminals, such as
juvenile detention centers and suppression,
approaches to prevent youth from becoming
delinquent should also include measures to
instill equality and justice, fight and peace
among youth. These preventive policies
should be given priorities over coercive

Socioeconomic opportunities and

administrative services should be provided in
rural areas to discourage young people from
migrating to urban areas. Similarly, youth
from poor urban settings should benefit from
plans that focus on education, employment
and access to leisure programs, especially
during long school holidays. Young people
who drop out of school holidays. Young
people who drop out of school or come from
broken families should have access to
specific social programs that help them
become responsible adults.
Information campaigns should be
planned to sensitize youth to be aware of the
detrimental effects of violence on the family,
community and society, to teach them how to
communicate without violence. Focus on the
importance of family should become a
priority because it is the primary institution of
socialization of youth and continues to play
an important role in the prevention of juvenile
delinquency and underage crime.

What should be provided in rural areas?

Coercive measures

Juvenile criminality

Preventive policies

Socioeconomic opportunities and

administrative service

Information campaigns and administrative


Batalkan pilihan

RM, BTS’ leader, has made a stellar

return with his highly anticipated solo
album Indigo. It’s led by “Wildflower,” a single
that features South Korean rock group Cherry
Filter’s vocalist Youjeen and sees the rapper’s
“desire to live like humble and tranquil
wildflowers rather than a flamboyant flame
that quickly vanishes.”
Co-written by RM and Docskim, “Wildflower”
traces the rapper’s tussle with the shackles
of fame in a soft-rock soundscape. After
experiencing the glitz and glamor that fame
has to offer, RM wishes to reconnect with his
real self: “When everything I bеlieved in grew
distant/ When all this fame turned into
shackles/ Please take my desire away from
me/ No matter what it takes/ Oh, let me be
myself.” RM sticks true to his established
persona as one-third of BTS’ dynamic rap trio
and raps about moving forward irrespective
of what others may have to say. There’s an
assuring sense of drive and self-confidence
emanating from the 28-year-old popstar who
knows his next destination is towards a
version of himself he yearns the most: “To
face all the prejudice and
misunderstandings/ I don’t care much for
being tossed into the air/ Grounded on my
own two feet/ Amongst the flowers without
names/ I can’t go to the stars again, I can’t/
Underfoot, I just go.”

These statements are true according to the

text, except....

There are 10 tracks in Indigo

RM wants to run away from his fame

RM knows very well the ‘him’ he wants to

be in the future

Wild Flower incorporate the hard rock

sound inside

RM’s album is mediocre according to the


Batalkan pilihan

... western ideas are always imposed upon

the eastern thoughts. (last sentence)
The word imposed in the text above can be
best replaced by the word ....





taken advantage of

Batalkan pilihan

RM, BTS’ leader, has made a stellar return

with his highly anticipated solo album Indigo.
It’s led by “Wildflower,” a single that features
South Korean rock group Cherry Filter’s
vocalist Youjeen and sees the rapper’s
“desire to live like humble and tranquil
wildflowers rather than a flamboyant flame
that quickly vanishes.”
Co-written by RM and Docskim, “Wildflower”
traces the rapper’s tussle with the shackles
of fame in a soft-rock soundscape. After
experiencing the glitz and glamor that fame
has to offer, RM wishes to reconnect with his
real self: “When everything I bеlieved in grew
distant/ When all this fame turned into
shackles/ Please take my desire away from
me/ No matter what it takes/ Oh, let me be
myself.” RM sticks true to his established
persona as one-third of BTS’ dynamic rap trio
and raps about moving forward irrespective
of what others may have to say. There’s an
assuring sense of drive and self-confidence
emanating from the 28-year-old popstar who
knows his next destination is towards a
version of himself he yearns the most: “To
face all the prejudice and
misunderstandings/ I don’t care much for
being tossed into the air/ Grounded on my
own two feet/ Amongst the flowers without
names/ I can’t go to the stars again, I can’t/
Underfoot, I just go.”

The right statement about RM is ....

Wild Flower is RM as BTS

According to the reviewer, he has self

conSdence in moving forward

He wants to make a song about Lower

According to the reviewer, his struggle in

fame has inspired people

He is in the early twenty

Batalkan pilihan

Juvenile delinquency refers to anti-

social or illegal behavior by children or
adolescents and is considered a serious
problem all over the world. It is caused by
social, economic and cultural factors. This
juvenile criminality is apparent in marginal
sectors of urban areas where children are
exposed to violence in their immediate social
environment, either as observers or as victim.
Because delinquents basic education, if they
have any, is poor. They have been
marginalized from the society and destitute
of any dignity or self esteem. Although most
legal systems prescribe specific procedures
for dealing with young criminals, such as
juvenile detention centers and suppression,
approaches to prevent youth from becoming
delinquent should also include measures to
instill equality and justice, fight and peace
among youth. These preventive policies
should be given priorities over coercive

Socioeconomic opportunities and

administrative services should be provided in
rural areas to discourage young people from
migrating to urban areas. Similarly, youth
from poor urban settings should benefit from
plans that focus on education, employment
and access to leisure programs, especially
during long school holidays. Young people
who drop out of school holidays. Young
people who drop out of school or come from
broken families should have access to
specific social programs that help them
become responsible adults.
Information campaigns should be
planned to sensitize youth to be aware of the
detrimental effects of violence on the family,
community and society, to teach them how to
communicate without violence. Focus on the
importance of family should become a
priority because it is the primary institution of
socialization of youth and continues to play
an important role in the prevention of juvenile
delinquency and underage crime.

Who should have access to specific social


Youth who has good achievements at


Youth who drops out of school

Youth from rich family

Youth who gets poor family

Youth who has ever done crime

Batalkan pilihan

Author : Georgete Heyer

Trade Paperback : 438 pages

Publisher : SourceBooks CasaBlanca

First Release : 1965 (Now released

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