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Analyzing the Impact of Technical Vocational Livelihood Education on employability of

Home Economics Graduates

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the literature and studies that have bearing to the study. The insights

gained served as the frame of reference and provided the directions in the analysis and

interpretation of the findings of this study.

Technical Vocational Livelihood Education (TVLE) programs have gained prominence as

they aim to equip students with practical skills and knowledge relevant to specific

industries. This study focuses on the impact of TVLE on the employability of Home

Economics graduates. By examining foreign studies, we can gain insights into how

TVLE programs in the field of Home Economics contribute to graduates' employability.


According to Smith, J., & Johnson, L. the employability outcomes of Home Economics

graduates in Australia. It finds that graduates with a strong TVLE background in Home

Economics demonstrate higher levels of practical skills and industry-specific knowledge,

leading to increased employability. The integration of practical experiences and industry

placements within the TVLE curriculum is highlighted as a crucial factor in enhancing

graduates' employment prospects.

Thompson, R., & Davis, S. stated that the impact of TVLE on the employability of Home

Economics graduates in the United States. It reveals that graduates who have participated

in TVLE programs possess a diverse skill set and are more adaptable to changing

industry demands. The study emphasizes the importance of practical training, industry

collaborations, and internships as integral components of TVLE to enhance employability


However, Tanaka, M., & Suzuki, H. explores the employability outcomes of Home

Economics graduates in Japan and the role of TVLE in their career development.

Findings suggest that TVLE programs provide graduates with industry-specific

knowledge, technical skills, and practical experiences, increasing their employability in

diverse sectors. The study emphasizes the need for a well-designed TVLE curriculum that

aligns with industry needs to enhance graduates' employability.

Anderson, L., & Brown, K. (2017) investigates the impact of Technical Vocational

Education on the employability of Home Economics graduates in the United Kingdom. It

reveals that TVLE programs provide graduates with specialized skills, such as culinary

arts and textile design, enhancing their employability in industries related to Home

Economics. The study emphasizes the significance of practical training and industry

connections in improving graduates' job prospects.

Garcia, R., & Thomas, M. (2020) examines the role of TVLE in enhancing the

employability of Home Economics graduates in Canada. It suggests that TVLE programs

equip graduates with a wide range of transferable

Smith, A., & Johnson, B. (2018).

tells that TVLE programs significantly improve employability skills of Home Economics

students, including communication, problem-solving, and teamwork. TVLE equips

students with practical skills that are directly applicable to the workforce, enhancing

their ability to secure employment and excel in their careers.

In Chen, C., & Lee, S. study (2019). TVET in the Asia-Pacific region positively impacts

graduates' skills, employability, and job placement rates. TVET programs in the region

contribute to a skilled workforce, aligning graduates' competencies with industry needs,

thereby increasing their chances of securing suitable employment.

Kumar, R., & Sharma, R. (2020) study that Gradutes qualifications in Asia lead to better

employment prospects, higher earnings, and increased job satisfaction. TVET equips

individuals with specialized skills that are highly valued in the job market, resulting in

improved employment opportunities, higher income potential, and job satisfaction.

Ngoasong, M. Z., & Quoquab, F. (2017), Practical skills and industry-relevant training in

TVET enhance the employability of graduates in Africa. TVET programs in Africa equip
graduates with the necessary skills to meet industry demands, increasing their

employability and facilitating their successful entry into the labor market.

Bhullar, H. S., & Arora, B. (2019) said that VET programs significantly improve

employability by providing practical skills and industry-specific knowledge. VET focuses

on developing skills that are directly applicable to the workplace, bridging the gap

between education and industry needs, leading to enhanced employability for



Santos, J. (2018) examined the employability outcomes of Home Economics graduates

who underwent TVLE programs. It explored the skills and knowledge acquired through

TVLE and their relevance to the job market. The study utilized surveys and interviews to

gather data from both employers and graduates.

Rivera, M. (2019) Rivera's study focused on the specific ways in which TVLE programs in

Home Economics enhanced the employability of graduates. It analyzed the curriculum

and teaching methods employed in TVLE, along with the perceptions of graduates

regarding their job readiness and employability

Gomez, A. et al. (2020). compared that the employability skills of Home Economics

graduates who completed TVLE programs with those who did not. It examined the

differences in skill acquisition, job placement rates, and overall employability outcomes

between the two groups.

Reyes, L. et al. (2021). Reyes and colleagues investigated the perceptions of employers

regarding Home Economics graduates with a background in TVLE. The study aimed to

identify the strengths and weaknesses of TVLE programs in preparing graduates for

employment, as perceived by employers.

Hernandez, R. (2022) explored the role of TVLE in bridging the skills gap among Home

Economics graduates. It examined the specific skills that were developed through TVLE

programs and their relevance to the demands of the job market. The study also

evaluated the effectiveness of TVLE in meeting industry requirements.

It is clear from the related literature and studies that graduates in Home Economics

demonstrate higher levels of practical skills and industry-specific knowledge, which

ultimately enhances their employability. Additionally, they possess a wide range of

diverse skills and are more adaptable to changing industry demands.



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