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Food Anal.

Methods (2017) 10:1787–1799

DOI 10.1007/s12161-016-0718-9

Different Approaches for Digestion, Performance

Assessment and Measurement Uncertainty for the Analysis
of Cadmium and Lead in Feeds
Luciano Molognoni 1,2 & Jaqueline Zarpelon 3 & Leandro Antunes de Sá Ploêncio 1,3 &
Jacson Nascimento dos Santos 1,2 & Heitor Daguer 1

Received: 21 July 2016 / Accepted: 7 November 2016 / Published online: 6 December 2016
# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016

Abstract Certain feedingstuffs are sources of contamination Introduction

for animals with cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb). Different ap-
proaches for sample digestion, performance assessment, and Toxicity and ecotoxicity assessment of metals such as cadmi-
measurement uncertainty for the analysis of Pb and Cd by um (Cd) and lead (Pb), mistakenly referred as Bheavy metals,^
flame atomic absorption spectrometry were compared. Full shall be guided by their chemical properties and by the bio-
method validation, including matrix effect and analytical logical and environmental properties of the organisms at risk.
limits, were assessed. Despite having a lower performance However, these relationships are still at an early stage of
compared to the microwave digestion, dry ashing was a viable knowledge (Duffus 2002). Furthermore, inorganic contami-
alternative for sample digestion, leading to lower operating nants cannot be completely excluded of feed production and
costs. Interlaboratory validation proved to be a cheaper alter- thus of the food chain, since they are naturally present in
native, instead of the long traditional in-house approach. The certain raw materials, such as the mineral supplements.
method was suitable for routine analysis of several feed sam- Thus, contamination with Cd and Pb should be minimized
ples. There was a greater amount of quantifiable results for Pb, and controlled, in order to reduce its hazardous effects on
ranging from traces up to high concentrations (7430 ± 930 mg animal health, as well as in humans (European Commission
kg-1). Cd was also quantified in some samples, ranging from 2002a, b). Cd and Pb may present a cumulative nature and can
0.11 ± 0.01 to 8.71 ± 0.90 mg kg−1. The higher concentrations be transferred to the food chain without benefits for any bio-
of both metals were found in mineral mixtures and fish meal. logical function in both animals and humans (López-Alonso
and Fink-Gremmels 2012).
Cd and Pb are naturally found in phosphate rocks used in
Keywords Dry digestion . Microwave digestion . Proficiency the manufacture of fertilizers and formulations for feed sup-
testing . Top-down approach . Traditional approach plementation, constituting an important source of contamina-
tion for animals (EFSA 2004). Cd can accumulate in the kid-
neys, liver, and lungs, and competing with other minerals,
such as zinc, iron, copper, and selenium, due to their chemical
similarity. Exposure to Cd has been related to carcinogenic
effects in human prostate, lung, kidney, and liver (Waalkes
* Heitor Daguer
2000; Vassileva and Hoenig 2011). Pb accumulation occurs mainly in the soft tissues and bones (EFSA 2009). Animal
studies have been providing evidence that Pb, in its inorganic
Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento, Laboratório form, has carcinogenic effects on kidney and brain and there-
Nacional Agropecuário (SLAV/LANAGRO/RS), Rua João fore can trigger similar problems in humans (WHO Library
Grumiché, 117, São José, SC 88102-600, Brazil Cataloguing in Publication Data 2010).
Instituto Catarinense de Sanidade Agropecuária (ICASA), To prevent food contamination by toxic metals, it is neces-
Florianópolis, SC, Brazil sary to identify and quantify these elements in the food chain.
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil With this purpose, several analytical techniques have been
1788 Food Anal. Methods (2017) 10:1787–1799

adopted. Flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS), hy- In this context, the main goal of this research was to com-
dride generation absorption spectrometry (HG AAS) pare different approaches for the digestion of samples, the
(Molognoni et al. 2016), graphite furnace absorption spec- analytical performance assessment, and the calculation of the
trometry (GF AAS) (Borges et al. 2015), inductively coupled measurement uncertainty of a method for the analysis of Pb
plasma–optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) (Durduran and Cd in feedingstuffs by FAAS.
et al. 2015), and detection by inductively coupled plasma–
mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (Vassileva and Hoenig 2011)
have been widely disseminated. However, the technique Materials and Methods
choice by the control laboratory must take into account their
availability because of the cost, their sensitivity, and reproduc- Reagents and Solutions
ibility. In addition, sample preparation process is another fun-
damental step and should be available within the same All chemicals were in analytical grade. Used water was ultra-
perspective. pure (18.3 MΩ cm resistivity). Cd and Pb reference solutions
The various steps involved in an analytical process are (1000 mg L−1) were supplied by Fluka (Steinheim, Germany),
subject to errors that may alter the results considered as con- with minimum 99% purity. Hydrochloric (HCl), nitric
ventionally true. Method validation is the confirmation, (HNO3), per chloric (HClO4), and sulfuric (H2SO4) acids
through objective evidences, that the requirements for a spec- and ammonium hydroxide (NH 4OH) were supplied by
ified analytical protocol are fulfilled (Associação Brasileira de Sigma-Aldrich Co. (St. Louis, MO, USA). EDTA and
Normas Técnicas 2005). The Commission Decision 657/ lantanium oxide (La2O3) were supplied by Vetec Química
2002/EC is traditionally considered an appropriate validation Fina Ltda. (Duque de Caxias, Brazil). Cd standard solution
guide, with great international acceptance (European (100 mg L−1) was prepared by diluting the reference solution
Commission 2002a, b). Currently, it has the highest amount in nitric acid solution 2%. All standard solutions were kept
of publications involving its application (MacDonald et al. under refrigeration until use. Buffer solution (pH 4.4) for Pb
2009; Lucatello et al. 2015). analysis was prepared with EDTA (81.5 g), NH 4 OH
There are different methods and calculation approaches (0.01 mol L−1), HClO4 (30 mL), and La2O3 (25 g).
for estimating the measurement uncertainty (MU) (Medina-
Pastor et al. 2011; Rozet et al. 2011; Coelho et al. 2013).
The Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Instrument
Measurement (GUM) is an international consensus on
how to estimate the calculation due to their ability to cover The analytical and instrumental parameters were adjusted to
specific models with different approaches and types of obtain the best sensitivity (Table 1). Sample digestion was
measurements (ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008 2008). In carried out in a Multiwave 3000 microwave system supplied
Analytical Chemistry, a MU calculation approach does by Anton Paar GmbH, (Graz, Austria) or in a muffle furnace
not necessarily refer to the calculation method. In fact, it with temperature ramp builder supplied by Fornos Jung Ltda.
is a strategy to quantify the relevant sources of uncertainty (Blumenau, Brazil). Sample quantitation was performed in the
of a measure. As proposed by GUM, in the traditional AAnalyst 200 FAAS spectrometer (PerkinElmer Inc.,
bottom-up approach, each source of uncertainty is individ- Waltham, MA, USA), equipped with deuterium arc back-
ually quantified, and their effects are combined as proposed ground corrector and Echelle optical resolution system.
by using an expansion of Taylor series. The top-down (or Acetylene (99.7% purity) and compressed air from a compres-
experimental) approach uses empirical data to represent the sor (with filter and dehumidifier) were used as fuel and carrier
entire measurement process, generally simplifying the esti- gas, respectively. Hollow cathode lamps for the analyzed ele-
mation of the overall uncertainty, without the need to study ments were from Lumina (PerkinElmer Inc., Waltham, MA,
and quantify each uncertainty component alone, as in the USA). A 300D Nexion mass spectrometer with ICP-MS
GUM method (Medina-Pastor et al. 2011). These compo- (PerkinElmer Inc., Waltham, MA, USA) was also used to
nents can be evaluated in combination through assist method validation.
interlaboratory studies (proficiency testing) or through in-
house validation (Magnusson et al. 2004; Eurolab 2007; Sample Preparation
Ellison 2014). An interlaboratory validation approach must
be considered by control laboratories when a proficiency Before testing, all samples were grinded in a ZM 200 ultra-
test with a significant number of participants is available. centrifugal mill (Retsch GmbH, Haan, Germany), with sieves
This is a cheaper alternative, since it uses empirical data of 1.0-mm trapezoid holes. Samples were stored in tightly
from collaborative studies, instead the long traditional pro- closed glass containers and kept at room temperature until
cess of in-house validation (Thompson et al. 2006). the digestion procedure.
Food Anal. Methods (2017) 10:1787–1799 1789

Table 1 Instrumental settings

adopted for method development Instrumental settings
and validation for the samples
digestion and quantitation of lead Microwave Muffle furnace
and cadmium in feedingstuffs Power ramp—10 min Time (h) Temperature (°C)
Digestion length—35 min
Cooling time—15 min 2 100 ± 10
Power—800 W 4 200 ± 10
Maximum internal/external temperatures—240/210 °C 2 300 ± 10
Maximum pressure—40.0 bar 5 450 ± 10
Power of radio frequency—1600 W Wavelength (λ)—228.80 nm (Cd), 283.31 nm (Pb)
Main argon gas flow—18.0 L min−1 Slit width—1.0 nm
Auxiliary gas (argon) flow—1.2 L min−1 Current—10.0 mA
Nebulizer gas (argon) flow—1.13 L min−1 Burner height—7.0 mm
Burner angle—0°
Fuel gas flow—2.5 L min−1
Type of oxidant—air with flow of 2.5 L min−1

For the microwave digestion, portions of 0.50 ± 0.01 g of significant differences between the values of the measure-
sample were weighed directly into a microwave digestion ments obtained by the two techniques.
vessel. Then, HCl (2.0 mL) and HNO3 (6.0 mL) were added Analytical curves were prepared with six concentration
to each vessel. A power ramp was adopted (Table 1). After levels (including zero), using unweighted linear functional
digestion, the samples were filtered and transferred to relationship of concentration (x) vs. absorbance (y). Solvent
25.0-mL volumetric flasks. analytical curves were prepared by using a 2% solution of HCl
The dry digestion was carried out by firstly weighing and HNO3 1:3. The assessed linear ranges were 0–30 and 0–
5.00 ± 0.10 g of sample in porcelain decomposition vessels. 200 mg L−1 for Cd and Pb for all the assessed dilutions and
Then, H2SO4 (1.0 mL) was added to each vessel. Vessels were wavelengths (228.80 and 283.31 nm), respectively. Linearity
submitted to heating in a plate and then dry ashing was carried was assessed with two repetitions per level, on three different
out for 13 h, adopting a temperature ramp (Table 1). Ash were days. The acceptance criterion was the coefficient of determi-
diluted in HCl 8 mol L−1 in a water bath (100 °C), filtered, and nation (R2 > 0.99). The residual plots of each day of analysis
transferred to 25-mL volumetric flasks containing 1.0 mL of were examined for obvious patterns, and the Grubb’s test was
buffer solution. applied sequentially, until no further outliers were detected
(P < 0.05). The residues were also evaluated for violations
of the assumptions of normality employing the Anderson-
Traditional In-House Validation Darling test and homoscedasticity by applying the Bartlett
test. F tests were conducted to verify the regression and
In-house validation was conducted according to the lack-of-fit significance. Additionally, it was checked if signif-
Commission Decision 657/2002/EC (European icant difference between the derivatives of the analytical
Commission 2002a, b), in terms of precision (repeatability curves could be noted when in-house reproducibility condi-
and in-house reproducibility), recovery, analytical curves, tions were applied. Statistical analyses were performed using
specificity/selectivity, decision limit (CCα), detection ca- the Microsoft Excel and the Minitab 14 softwares.
pability (CCβ), ruggedness, and stability. Additionally, The matrix effect was assessed to verify the increase or the
matrix effect, limit of detection (LOD), and limit of quan- decrease in absorbance. The procedure was based on the anal-
titation (LOQ) were also assessed, according to the ysis of the following three analytical curves: curve I was pre-
Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food pared in solvent, by diluting the standard solution in acidic
Supply (Brasil 2011). solution; curve II was prepared by fortifying the blank sample
Specificity/selectivity was checked by analyzing both before digestion; and curve III was prepared by fortifying the
blank and incurred samples (n = 20). The results were assessed blank sample after digestion. The evaluation was performed
by agreement between the measurements by FAAS and ICP- by evaluating the significant difference between the deriva-
MS performed for three samples. The t test (for two samples tives obtained for each calibration curve. For this, the t test
assuming equal variances) was carried out to determine (for paired samples) with 5% significance level was applied.
1790 Food Anal. Methods (2017) 10:1787–1799

Recovery and precision were assessed from the same exper- international proficiency testing using a poultry mixed
iment. In total, aliquots of 21 blank samples were spiked into 3 feed provided by FAO-IAG (International Group
groups of 7 aliquots each. The fortification levels were 7.5, 15.0, Analytical–Section feedingstuff), with 119 laboratories from
and 22.5 mg kg−1 for Cd and 50.0, 100.0, and 150.0 mg kg−1 for 48 countries (in total). To evaluate laboratory performance, the
Pb. Analytical curves were prepared at each evaluation day. z-score was calculated by the difference among the average
Recovery was assessed in 3 days by considering the recovery results of the laboratory and the target value (median), expressed
rate (−20 to +10%). Precision was evaluated for each analyte by the program, and divided by the overall variability. The result
and for each concentration level. Precision in terms of repeat- was evaluated according to the following criteria: satisfactory
ability was assessed by the analysis of seven aliquots on the (z ≤ 2), questionable (2 < z < 3), and unsatisfactory (z ≥ 3).
same day under the same analytical conditions, by the Horwitz
equation. Precision assessment in terms of in-house reproduc-
ibility was based on the coefficient of variation (CV < 10%) by Measurement Uncertainty
applying the variables day (n = 3) and analyst (n = 2).
Ruggedness was assessed by the Youden fractional facto- Measurement uncertainty was calculated by diffe-
rial design model. Seven factors that could influence the rou- rent approaches. All calculations were performed at
tine method were slightly varied. These factors were identified 15.00 mg kg-1(Cd) and 100.0 mg kg−1 (Pb) concentration levels.
with letters and consisted of volume of HCl (2.0 and 1.9 mL) The traditional approach was performed according to the
(A), volume of HNO3 (6.0 and 5.9 mL) (B), supplier of HCl Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (ISO/
(two different suppliers) (C), size of the holes of the grinding IEC Guide 98-3:2008 2008). Sources of uncertainty were iden-
sieve (0.5 and 1.0 mm) (D), variation in the nebulization flow tified, evaluated, and then individually quantitated. These sources
(2% variation towards optimum condition) (E), variation in were related to analytical weighing procedures (standards and
burner height (7.0 and 6.9 mm) (F), and heating time of hol- samples), dilutions, and absorbance interpolations in analytical
low cathode lamps (30 and 40 min) (G). Their results repre- curves. The measurement model used in this approach was
sented the average concentration of three points for each pa-
rameter. The evaluation was performed by comparing the de- C mg kg−1 ¼ ð1Þ
viation of ruggedness (standard deviation of the differences m
(SDi)) with the deviation of the in-house reproductivity (Szi) where Cmg kg−1 is the analyte concentration (mg kg−1), m is the
for each analyte. In addition, it evaluated if the effects were sample weight (g), V is the volume of stock solution after
significant by the principle of sparsity. For this, the Lenth’s digestion (mL), and L is the absorbance interpolations in an-
method was used, by estimating the standard error of con- alytical curves (mg L−1).
trasts. The margin of error (ME) was obtained with 95% The standard uncertainty due to weighing (m) took into
confidence. account the eccentricity error and the mass displayed by the
The stability test was performed at room temperature by analytical balance. The latter was calculated by considering
applying the t test (for paired samples), with 5% significance the measurement uncertainty of the maximum error accepted
level. Differences among the averages for each day of storage by the laboratory and the instrument resolution. This uncer-
and the reference values were compared. tainty was calculated by the following equation:
CCα was obtained by multiplying the standard deviation of
21 fortified blank samples by the average and by the 1.64 ∂m 2
factor. CCβ was also obtained by multiplying the standard u2 ðmðExt ; M t ; Ex; M ÞÞ ¼ :ðσExt Þ2
deviation of 21 samples by 1.64 and adding this value to the  
CCα. The determination of the analytical limits (LOQ and ∂m 2
þ :ðσM t Þ2
LOD) was done from the analysis of seven replicates of blank ∂M t
sample. LOD and LOQ were determined from three times and  
∂m 2
from ten times the standard deviation of the average by the þ :ðσExÞ2
slope of the calibration curve, respectively. These parameters ∂Ex
were determined by considering the same criteria established  
∂m 2
for the analysis of mineral feed samples. þ :ðσM Þ2 ð2Þ

Interlaboratory Validation Approach

where u(m) is the weighing standard uncertainty, Ex is the ec-
centricity error (g), M is the value displayed by the balance (g), t
The accuracy of the alternative digestion by dry ashing (in
is the alternative index for the tare of the balance, (σ xi)2 is the
muffle furnace) was also checked by an interlaboratory vali- 2
dation approach. The method was evaluated by the output standard uncertainty, and ∂m
∂xi is the sensitivity coefficient.
Food Anal. Methods (2017) 10:1787–1799 1791

The standard uncertainty due to the diluting process (V) The top-down approach (in-house validation) was obtained
was calculated by considering the uncertainties, errors, and by combining the deviations related to repeated measurements
performance data of volumetric flasks. This uncertainty in repeatability and in-house reproducibility conditions. The
source was calculated by the following equation: contributions due to ruggedness deviation and bias were also
  considered. The model for the calculation of measurement
∂V 2 uncertainty was
u ðV ð V 1 ; V 2 ; …; V i ÞÞ ¼
:ðσV 1 Þ2
∂V 1
  u2 ðR&R&R&bÞ ¼ ðσS r Þ2 þ ðσS zi Þ2 þ ðσS Di Þ2
∂V 2
þ :ðσV 2 Þ2 þ …
∂V 2 þ ðσS bias Þ2 ð6Þ
∂V 2 where u(R & R & R & b) is the combined standard uncertainty
þ :ðσV i Þ2 ð3Þ
∂V i due to repeatability, in-house reproducibility, method rugged-
ness, and bias (dimensionless); (σSr)2 is the repeatability stan-
where u(V) is the volume standard uncertainty, V1 is the dard deviation (dimensionless); (σSzi)2 is the in-house repro-
uncertainty of the pipetted volume (mL), V2 is the un- ducibility standard deviation (dimensionless); (σSDi)2 is the
certainty of the final volume (mL), V1i is the infinite ruggedness deviation (dimensionless); (σSbias)2 is the bias de-
variable for volume (mL), and σVi is the sensitivity viation; and i is the number of applied variations.
coefficient. The top-down approach (proficiency testing (PT) scheme)
The standard uncertainty due to the sample concentration related to the interlaboratory validation was obtained from the
as a result of its interpolation in the calibration curve (L) was proficiency test’s participants standard deviation variability
calculated by adopting the least squares method by the follow- (SR), when a target value was assigned. The standard uncer-
ing equation: tainty was calculated by the following equation:
v6 ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

u6  2 7 7 σS R
7 uðPTÞ ¼ pffiffiffi ð7Þ
Sy uu6 1 1 C−x 7 n
uðLÞ ¼ *u6 4 þ þ   7
5 ð4Þ
b t N n N 2
∑ xi −x where u(PT) is the uncertainty calculated with data from pro-
ficiency testing, σSR is the standard deviation of n results
where u(L) is the standard uncertainty due to the residue of the (mg kg−1), and n is the number of compliant results achieved
calibration curve, S Y is the residue standard deviation by the proficiency test’s participants.
(mg L−1), b is the angular coefficient (absorbance mg−1 L), n The measurement uncertainty due to the combination of
is the number of measurements in xi, C is the analyte concen- approaches was also estimated. Firstly, the traditional ap-
tration (mg L−1), N is the number of C measurements, x is the proach was combined with random effects obtained during
value of calibration standards, and i is the index for the num- in-house validation, represented by standard uncertainty
ber of measurements needed to the preparing of calibration (u(R & R & R & b)). Then, it was combined to the variability
curve. of the proficiency test’s participants, given to the standard
The combined standard uncertainty was calculated by com- uncertainty (u(PT)). The sources of uncertainty were individ-
bining the output standard uncertainties of the overall mea- ually assessed to check their contribution to the overall value,
surement model. The calculation was performed in accor- aiming to define the more appropriate approach to be applied
dance to the law of propagation of uncertainties by using a to the analytical method.
Taylor series expansion through the following equation: Finally, the expanded standard uncertainty was obtained by
multiplying the coverage factor (95.45%) by the combined
   2 standard uncertainties, which have been obtained from the
∂C 2 2 ∂C
uc ðC ðm; V; LÞÞ ¼
:ðσmÞ þ :ðσV Þ2 different approaches by the following equation:
∂m ∂V
 2 U ¼ k:uc ðyÞ ð8Þ
þ :ðσLÞ2 ð5Þ
∂L where U is the expanded standard uncertainty, uc(y) is the
combined standard uncertainty, and k is the coverage factor.
where uc is the combined standard uncertainty; C is the
measurand; ∂C∂xi are the sensitivity coefficients; m, V, and L Method Applicability
are the variables of the overall measurement model; and
(σxi)2 is the output standard uncertainty of each variable of After validation, method applicability was checked on several
the overall measurement model. samples of feedingstuffs collected by the Brazilian official
1792 Food Anal. Methods (2017) 10:1787–1799

feed inspection service, by adopting both digestion ap- fluoridric acid) for the digestion of mineral feeds, neither ad-
proaches. In total, 50 samples of feedingstuffs have been an- ditional reagents (such as hydrogen peroxide and HClO4) to
alyzed, consisting of mineral feed with protein (n = 10), fish the decomposition of organic matter. This is advantageous for
meal (n = 3), pig feed (n = 2), cattle feed (n = 1), meat and the increased security of analysts in the handling of chemicals
bone meal (n = 1), blood meal (n = 1), feather meal (n = 1), and for the lower reagent consumption during routine
and wheat flour (n = 1). All results were expressed as means of analysis.
triplicate analysis with the measurement uncertainty from the In general, recovery rates were about 100% for both Pb and
more appropriate approach. Cd (Fig. 1). Recovery rates were 98 and 90% (Cd) and 106
and 91% (Pb) by microwave digestion and dry digestion, re-
spectively. Lower recoveries were already expected for Cd,
Results and Discussion since it is a volatile species. On the other hand, the determi-
nation of Pb usually deals with many problems such as the
Due to the high chemical recalcitrance and long organic contamination of reagents and materials, which can lead to
chains, the elemental analysis of complex matrices, with var- expressive analytical blank solutions and higher analytical
ied chemical composition, usually challenges digestion proce- values than the actual concentration. Since average recovery
dures (Enders and Lehmann 2012). In this study, two distinct rates were satisfactory for both digestion processes, such prob-
digestion methods for the analysis of Cd and Pb in lems did not seem to influence the final results of this work.
feedingstuffs were developed. Several studies have been dem- Since the 80s, the calcination in muffle has been defended
onstrating the advantages of microwave digestion, in compar- as an open digestion system, mainly by its operational saving
ison to the classic dry digestion. Microwave has been related (Adeloju 1989). This type of digestion is economically viable
to higher-efficiency digestion and lower contamination during and affordable, since it requires a smaller quantity of
sample prepare. It is a faster process, which usually leads to chemicals and an easy to use equipment (muffle furnace), in
more precise results (MacCarthy and Ellis 1990; Aydin 2008; comparison to the high cost of a microwave system.
Demirel et al. 2008; Yang et al. 2013). Moreover, with the Furthermore, it results in fewer risks related to the use of
digestion of samples in a pressurized system, better recoveries chemical reagents, lower background signals (due to the low
are achieved, because the loss of volatile analytes is mini- quantity of reagents), and the ability to handle considerably
mized (Aydin 2008). As it can be seen in Table 2, our results larger amounts of sample, which avoids homogeneity issues
demonstrate that the microwave digestion approach was effi- often found in these kinds of samples (Akinyele and Shokunbi
cient, since adequate recoveries (among 80–110%) and low 2015). In this research, other issues such as the volatility of the
coefficients of variance (CVs) were achieved. Mixing HNO3 analytes were round by transforming the matrix into sulfate
and HCl was an adequate strategy to digest samples with high (CdSO4 and PbSO4) before calcination. This practice was also
amounts of organic compounds, as well as inorganic samples successful when samples of fish were digested with H2SO4
such as mineral feeds. Passivation of the analytes has not been before calcination, avoiding losses of Cd due to its volatility
observed by using this mixture. Moreover, there was no need (Molognoni et al. 2016). As it can be seen in the first
for using acids with high complexing properties (such as interlaboratory round, Cd results were far below the target

Table 2 Results of traditional in-

house validation for the analysis Conventional performance evaluation Analytes
of cadmium and lead in blank
samples of mineral feeds by Cd Pb
microwave digestion and flame
atomic absorption spectrometry Linearity (R2) >0.999 >0.999
Limit of detection (mg L−1) 0.01 0.16
Limit of quantitation (mg L−1) 0.04 0.52
Limit of decision (CCα) (mg kg−1) 17.05 114.00
Capacity of decision (CCβ) (mg kg−1) 19.09 127.99
Robustness deviation 0.04 0.02
In-house reproducibility deviation 0.10 0.06
Bias deviation 0.02 0.01
Fortified level (mg kg−1) 7.50 15.00 22.50 50.00 100.00 150.00
Recovery rate (%) 84.00 98.00 91.00 108.00 106.00 105.00
Repeatability (CV%) 2.64 3.60 0.03 5.55 1.04 0.01
In-house reproducibility (CV%) 9.89 0.38 8.22 5.70 0.40 1.13
Food Anal. Methods (2017) 10:1787–1799 1793

Fig. 1 Graphical plot of the

recovery of fortified blank sample
for the analysis of cadmium and
lead in feeds by microwave and
dry ashing

value (median), which demonstrated great losses of this ele- which was performed by previously transforming the analyte
ment due to its volatility, with recovery rate of only 26.9% and into sulfate, the volatility issue was solved. An acceptable
z-score around −5.0 (Fig. 2). In the second proficiency round, recovery of 82.2% has been then achieved; thus, a proficient

*This study: F-AAS; round 1: 36.7% used ICP-MS; 26.7% used FAAS; 20.0% used AAS-graphite furnace; and 16.6% used
ICP-AES; round 2: 31.5% used ICP-MS; 26.4% used AAS-graphite furnace; 23.7% used ICP-AES and 18.4% used FAAS;
Round 3: 36.4% used ICP-MS; 24.2% used FAAS; 21.2% used ICP-AES and 18.2% used AAS-graphite furnace.
Fig. 2 Proficiency testing rounds and respective z-scores considered for the interlaboratory validation approach for the analysis of cadmium in feeds*
1794 Food Anal. Methods (2017) 10:1787–1799

performance could be reported (z-score = −1.0). Finally, in the reproducibility in relation to microwave digestion system, es-
third proficiency round, an even better accuracy was achieved pecially for Cd. However, all the results from both methods
(z-score = −0.5; recovery = 95.6%) due to the optimization of were considered satisfactory, according to both validation
the acid addition before calcination. On the other hand, when approaches.
presented in the form of sulfate, the unsatisfactory solubility of Regardless of the analytical method and technique, the re-
Pb and its contamination by the addition of acid lead to dis- liability of results must be checked by validation procedures
agree with the target value in the first proficiency round. (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas 2005). Method
However, corrective actions, such as adding a buffer solution validation by using an interlaboratory approach becomes a
and the use of analytical blank solutions, were enough to solve possibility if a sufficient number of participants use similar
these issues, as well as the chemical interference of double analytical methods and techniques. In addition, more than an
sulfates in the flame. This was evidenced by the improvement interlaboratory round is required, so that assessments must be
of laboratory’s accuracy along the three proficiency rounds, carried out and possible corrective actions can be taken. This
leading to a perfect result (z-score = 0) (Fig. 3). As shown in a approach, if properly assessed, is an alternative to convention-
study conducted by Enders and Lehmann (2012), dry-ashing al collaborative and validation studies, which are known to be
digestion methods can be modified to achieve a better recov- more costly (Thompson et al. 2006). In this work, all the
ery, precision, and adsorption of analytes in the decomposition results of conventional validation parameters were in accor-
vessels. With this aim, we modified a calcination method to dance with the criteria established by the Commission
avoid losses due to Cd volatility and Pb solubility problems, Decision 657/2002/EC (Table 2) (European Commission
proving to be a viable and cheaper alternative. In general, the 2002a, b). The method was linear in the adopted analytical
d r y d i g e s t i on s ho w ed a w o r s e p e r f o r m a n c e a n d ranges, since the regression coefficients were greater than 0.99

*This study: F-AAS; round 1: 36.7% used ICP-MS; 23.3% used FAAS; 23.3% used AAS-graphite furnace and 16.7% used
ICP-AES; round 2: 36.4% used ICP-MS; 30.3% used AAS-graphite furnace; 21.2% used FAAS; and 12.1% used ICP-AES;
round 3: 38.8% used ICP-MS; 22.6% used AAS-graphite furnace; 19.3% used FAAS and 19.3% used ICP-AES.
Fig. 3 Proficiency testing rounds and respective z-scores considered for the interlaboratory validation approach for the analysis of lead in feeds*
Food Anal. Methods (2017) 10:1787–1799 1795

Table 3 Comparison of results

by flame atomic absorption Sample Digestion Determination Analytical technique
spectrometry (FAAS) and
inductively coupled plasma mass FAAS ICP-MS
spectrometry (ICP-MS) for the
specificity/selectivity evaluation Premix Microwave Cd NQ a <0.04 mg kg−1 a
Pb 12.14 mg kg b 11.41 mg kg−1 b
Mineral feed Microwave Cd 1.59 mg kg c 1.54 mg kg−1 c
Pb 2.36 mg kg−1 d 1.94 mg kg−1 d

Lines with results with the same lowercase letter do not differ significantly (P > 0.05). Limits of detection
(mg kg−1 ), 0.01 (Cd) and 0.16 (Pb)
NQ not quantifiable

in the 3 days of validation. On the other hand, neither extreme Accuracy and recovery were satisfactory, since recoveries
values nor tendencies were identified in the analytical curves. ranged from approximately −20 to +10%, with CV <10%
Statistical methods are often required to detect trends and (Table 2). There was no significant difference among the re-
draw conclusions from experimental data (Granato et al. sults of the analysts when subjected to in-house reproducibil-
2014). With this aim, the Anderson-Darling test was applied ity conditions (P > 0.05). Selectivity/specificity in feed matri-
to confirm the normal distribution of the residuals of the re- ces was also considered satisfactory, since no significant dif-
gression, with P = 0.1108 > 0.05 values, P = 0.2111 > 0.05, ference could be reported among samples analyzed by ICP-
and P = 0.1374 > 0.05 for the first, second, and third days of MS and FAAS (P > 0.05) (Table 3). Specificity is the unequiv-
analytical curves, respectively. The distribution of the resid- ocal measurement capability of the analyte in the presence of
uals of the regression was homogeneous; thus, homoscedas- endogenous and exogenous matrix components. Mass spec-
ticity was demonstrated. Moreover, there was no significant trometry is an adequate tool to check the authenticity of the
difference among the curve derivatives calculated for three analytes in both detection/quantitation methods due to its high
separate validation days (P > 0.05). By comparing the slopes selectivity and specificity (European Commission 2002a, b).
of the different analytical curves (solvent, matrix fortified be- According to the criteria of the Youden’s test, the FAAS
fore digestion, matrix fortified after digestion), no significant method has proved to be robust when subjected to small var-
effect matrix was evidenced (P > 0.05). Therefore, method iations. The deviation due to ruggedness was even lower than
applicability was assessed using solvent analytical curves. the largest source of random error due to method validation,

Fig. 4 Lenth’s plot for the

ruggedness assessment of the
cadmium and lead analysis by
microwave digestion and flame-
atomic absorption spectrometry*

*ME: margin of error; volume of HCl (2.0 and 1.9 mL) (A); volume of HNO3 (6.0 and 5.9 mL) (B); supplier of HCl
(two different suppliers) (C); size of the holes of the grinding sieve (0.5 and 1.0 mm) (D); variation in the
nebulization flow (2% variation towards optimum condition) (E); variation in burner height (7.0 and 6.9 mm) (F) and
heating time of hollow cathode lamps (30 and 40 min) (G).
1796 Food Anal. Methods (2017) 10:1787–1799

* Expanded standard uncertainties calculated for the concentrations of 15 mg kg-1 (cadmium) and 100 mg kg-1 (lead).
PT scheme approach obtained from data of the third proficiency testing round for both analytes.
Fig. 5 Values of the expanded standard uncertainties obtained by different approaches*

the laboratory reproducibility (Table 2). Moreover, the Lenth’s formation of double sulfate with La, thus favoring the atomi-
plot demonstrates that the assessed factors were much lower zation of Pb in the flame (Gonçalves 1983). There was no
than the calculated margin of error; thus, no influence on the significant difference among the results of the solutions ana-
results could be noticed (Fig. 4). The stability study of the lyzed in each period and the reference value (obtained on day
digested stock solution demonstrated that up to the 40th day, 1). This process simulated the laboratory routine, where solu-
the solutions are still stable at room temperature (25 °C) for tions are stored at room temperature in the waiting of larger-
both analytes, even by using a buffer solution during sample volume samples to be injected onto the equipment. The meth-
preparation. The main goal of adding the buffer solution is the od also had adequate sensitivity to its purpose, with LOD and

Table 4 Results of the overall uncertainties due to measurements of cadmium and lead in feeds by flame atomic absorption spectrometry, calculated by
the traditional approach

Type Measurement Quantity value Uncertainty value Divisor u(xi) Entrance unity Distribution Ci u(yi) Output unity Veff

Quantitation of cadmium
B u(m) mass 0.5000 0.0005 2.02 0.0002 g t-Student −777.15 0.18 mg kg−1 ∞
B u(V) volume 25.00 0.01 2.02 0.01 mL t-Student 15.62 0.09 mg kg−1 ∞
A u(L) interpolation 0.30 0.03 2.23 0.02 mg L−1 t-Student 49.73 0.75 mg kg−1 12.09
in curve
Combined uncertainty (uc) = 0.77 Veff = ∞
Expanded uncertainty (U) = 1.56
Coverage factor (k) = 2.00
Quantitation of lead
B u(m) mass 0.5000 0.0005 2.02 0.0002 g t-Student −10,102.12 2.33 mg kg−1 ∞
B u(V) volume 25.00 0.01 2.02 0.01 mL t-Student 203.12 1.12 mg kg−1 ∞
A u(L) interpolation 2.00 0.004 2.23 0.002 mg L−1 t-Student 49.73 0.11 mg kg−1 12.09
in curve
Combined uncertainty (uc) = 2.59 Veff = ∞
Expanded uncertainty (U) = 5.18
Coverage factor (k) = 2.00

Type A method of evaluation of uncertainty by the statistical analysis of series of observations, type B method of evaluation of uncertainty by means other
than the statistical analysis of series of observation, u(xi) entrance standard uncertainty, Ci sensitivity coefficient, u(yi) output standard uncertainty, Veff
effective degrees of freedom
Food Anal. Methods (2017) 10:1787–1799 1797

Table 5 Analysis of cadmium

and lead in real feed samples by Total samples (n = 50) Contentsa (±MU mg kg−1) Digestion by
both microwaves and dry-ashing
digestions and quantitation by Cadmium Lead
flame atomic absorption
spectrometry Mineral feed (n = 30) Microwave
Minimum concentration 0.18 ± 0.02 9.03 ± 1.15
Maximum concentration 8.71 ± 0.90 7430 ± 930
Average 1.99 ± 0.22 403.58 ± 50.45
Unquantifiable samples n=5 n = 20
Mineral feed with protein (n = 10) Microwave
Unquantifiable samples n = 10 n = 10
Fish meal (n = 3) Dry ashing
Minimum concentration 0.11 ± 0.01 7.14 ± 0.90
Maximum concentration 0.15 ± 0.01 11.53 ± 1.44
Average 0.13 ± 0.01 9.35 ± 0.90
Pig feed (n = 2) Dry ashing
Minimum concentration <LOQ 0.55 ± 0.06
Maximum concentration <LOQ 2.74 ± 0.40
Average <LOQ 1.64 ± 0.11
Unquantifiable samples n=2 –
Cattle feed (n = 1) Dry ashing
Concentration <LOQ <LOQ
Meat and bone meal (n = 1)
Concentration <LOQ 4.95 ± 0.62
Blood meal (n = 1)
Concentration <LOQ <LOQ
Feather meal (n = 1)
Minimum concentration <LOQ 5.00 ± 0.62
Wheat flour (n = 1)
Minimum concentration <LOQ <LOQ
Measurement uncertainty (MU) was calculated by using combined approach (traditional + PT scheme) and an
effective degree of freedom that corresponds to a probability of coverage factor of approximately 95.45%; limits
of quantitation (LOQ)—cadmium 0.04 mg L−1 and lead 0.52 mg L−1

LOQ. In addition, settling other analytical limits such as CCα complement each other and provide greater reliability to the
and CCβ is important to estimate the results’ level of trust and results.
to prevent false-negative and false-positive results (Table 2). Furthermore, regardless of the adopted validation ap-
Interlaboratory studies are a way to predict the performance proach, overall performance data are usually applied to the
of analytical methods from external data, which are indepen- calculation of measurement uncertainty (ISO/IEC Guide 98-
dent from the accuracy obtained in-house. If laboratories use 3:2008 2008). Figure 5 shows the values of the expanded
in-house evaluations only, without an external reference, the standard uncertainties calculated by in-house validation top-
possibility of executing methods influenced by random vari- down approaches, which were similar even when separately
ations or trends for long periods can raise, thus affecting the evaluated. These were low values that underestimated the final
final value of the measurand (Thompson et al. 2006). In this result. On the other hand, the value obtained by the traditional
context, the interlaboratory approach is effective for the per- GUM approach was higher than any source of variation rep-
formance evaluation of the analytical methods. Based on the resented by the in-house validation approach, such as preci-
proficiency rounds, it was possible to adjust the digestion sion, recovery, and ruggedness, because the major sources of
method initially developed, which resulted in consistent and uncertainty were related to analytical processes represented by
reliable measurements, compared to the conventional true val- the measurement model. In the determination of Cd, the larg-
ue. On the other hand, in order to produce consistent data in its est source of uncertainty was related to the interpolation of the
routine, a laboratory should also implement an adequate mon- absorbance in the calibration curve. In the Pb analysis, the
itoring program of its performance. These procedures should weighing and diluting analytical procedures presented a wide
consider both in-house and interlaboratory studies, since they variation in comparison to other processes, such as random
1798 Food Anal. Methods (2017) 10:1787–1799

effects (Table 2). This can be understood because the method high concentrations (7430 ± 930 mg kg−1). Cd was also quan-
was developed with constant masses and dilution processes. tified in some samples, ranging from 0.11 ± 0.01 to
Thus, maximum assigned errors, higher than the balance cal- 8.71 ± 0.90 mg kg−1. The higher concentrations of both metals
ibration errors, have been considered in addition to dilution were found in mineral mixtures and fish meal.
processes. Furthermore, these errors propagate several times,
such as in the preparing of analytical curves.
Combining different approaches to estimate the MU may Conclusion
provide a better representation of the measurement process
due to the inclusion of random effects (type A uncertainties) Both digestion approaches developed in this work were effec-
to the traditional modeling (Eurolab 2007). In this case, the tive, as demonstrated by their applicability. Dry ashing was a
traditional approach combined to the top-down in-house val- viable alternative, leading to lower operating costs for the
idation conferred no changes to the MU value, since adequate digestion of samples, even after few adjustments and adapta-
precision, ruggedness, and recovery were achieved. This was tions. Despite having a lower performance compared to the
evident by finding the same measurement uncertainty values microwave digestion, the results were also satisfactory and
for the traditional approaches, with and without combinations. reproducible. The validation approaches used for both the
The top-down approach is often used to estimate the MU by overall method and the alternative digestion method demon-
using proficiency testing data. Compared to the traditional strate the importance of applying control tools for measuring
approach, its calculation is simple and practical (Ellison quality, whether being through in-house or interlaboratory ap-
2014). However, sometimes it can lead to values that do not proaches. However, linking approaches must be considered to
represent the method’s actual routine, for not containing all the generate additional data. Regardless of the approach used for
information that affect the measurement quality (Magnusson estimating the uncertainty, its detailed study must always be
et al. 2004). In this work, the use of the top-down PT approach considered. An uncertainty estimation calculation cannot be
was considered adequate. This approach usually overesti- limited to validation studies only, as other sources can be
mates or underestimates the result, when used for comparisons significant.
to other values, specifications, and regulations. This was al-
ready discussed by Lecomte et al. (2012), who showed that Acknowledgments We acknowledge Food and Agriculture
this approach has not been considered optimal for Organization of the United Nations and the Austrian Agency for Health
and Food Safety for authorizing the use of the FAO-IAG Ringtests data.
underestimating results, in comparison to the traditional ap- ICP-MS analyses were carried out at Universidade Federal de Santa
proach (Table 4). On the other hand, when combining the Catarina. We would like to acknowledge Vera Lucia Azzolin Frescura
traditional approach to the PT variations, the results of Pb Bascuñan for this facility. We are also grateful to Fundação de Amparo à
and Cd were better represented. This was due to a greater set Pesquisa e Inovação de Santa Catarina (FAPESC) for funding this re-
search with fellowships (Grant No. 1683).
of hitting probability, within the acceptable range according to
the Guidelines on Measurement Uncertainty, which recom-
Compliance with Ethical Standards
mends maximum MU values in specific concentrations of
the measurands (Codex Alimentarius Commission 2011). In Conflict of Interest Luciano Molognoni declares that he has no con-
this research, maximum values of 16 and 22% were consid- flict of interest. Jaqueline Zarpelon declares that she has no conflict of
ered for Pb and Cd concentrations of 100 and 15 mg kg−1, interest. Leandro Antunes de Sá Ploêncio declares that he has no conflict
respectively (Fig. 5). The adopted MU approach was then of interest. Jacson Nascimento dos Santos declares that he has no conflict
of interest. Heitor Daguer declares that he has no conflict of interest.
combined with PT scheme. This approach covered the proba-
bility of the results more appropriately and was considered Ethical Approval This article does not contain any studies with human
ideal for comparisons and decision making, increasing the participants or animals performed by any of the authors.
reliability of the results. The α and β errors were similar con-
tributions to the overall approach in the in-house validation. Informed Consent Not applicable.
Same sources, such as the precision deviations, are considered
for the calculation of both errors. The values were equal to or
greater than the total in-house approach, because these limits
are calculated with all fortification points applied to the meth-
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