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Question 1 What weapons did Otzi use?

Question 2 What materials was Otzi’s weapons made of?

Question 3 What weapon did he use to hunt food?

Question 1:
Otzi has a copper axe with hanging on his belt. Otzi has 13 cm long dagger
tool that had a small triangular flint blade. Otzi had a retoucher which is
used to sharpen the blade of other weapons such as his dagger. He had a
1.82 meter long bow that was chopped off from a yew tree trunk, and an
arrow quiver
Question 2:
Otzi’s axe’s toe was made from 99.7% pure copper, and a dagger that had
a flint blade, both with wooden hafts and handles. He carried a yew wood
bow that was 1.82 meters long. There were 14 viburnum arrows and only
2 were finished, with flint arrowheads and feathers and he also carried an
arrow quiver made of chamois leather.
Question 3:
His retocher was first use in cutting plants. He carried his finished twisted
bowstring in his quiver which was made of animal’s fibres and not of lime
tree bast.

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