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Concept Title 1: “AI-Based Text Filtration for Responsible Content – Blurring Offensive

Language in Real-time Social Media Interactions"

1. What is the priority area?

The focus is on developing and implementing AI-based tools to enhance online safety by
addressing the issue of offensive language and promoting responsible communication in
real-time social media interactions.

2. Where would you align it in the SDG?

● SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure): By utilizing AI-based text filtration
technology, the concept contributes to the advancement of innovative solutions for
improving digital infrastructure and online communication.
● SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions): The focus on filtering offensive
language aims to create a safer and more respectful online environment, contributing to
the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies.
● SDG 5 (Gender Equality): Offensive language and online harassment disproportionately
affect certain groups, and implementing tools to filter such content can contribute to
creating a more gender-inclusive digital space.

3. What is the concept of the topic?

The concept revolves around the development and implementation of an AI-based
solution, designed to filter offensive language in real-time during social media interactions. The
technology aims to promote responsible content and enhance online safety by automatically
identifying and blurring offensive language, fostering a more positive and respectful digital
communication environment.

4. What is the motivation behind the topic?

The motivation behind this topic is to address the growing concerns related to online
toxicity and offensive language in social media interactions. With the rise of digital
communication platforms, there's an increasing need to create tools that can ensure a safe and
respectful online space. By using AI to filter offensive content in real-time, the concept aims to
mitigate the negative impact of harmful language, fostering a more inclusive and positive online
Concept Title 2: “Smart Routes for Davao: Predicting and Beating Traffic with Machine

What is the priority area?

- The main focus is tackling traffic congestion in Davao City by implementing smart routes
through machine learning algorithms. This means using machine learning to give both
residents and newcomers better routes, making transportation smoother and more
accessible for everyone.

Where would you align it in the SDG?

- This initiative aligns primarily Sustainable Development Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and
Communities, as it aims to provide accessible and sustainable transport systems.
Additionally, it contributes to Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure by
leveraging technological innovation to enhance urban transportation.

What is the concept of the topic?

- The concept involves utilizing machine learning algorithms to analyze real-time data and
predict traffic patterns in Davao City. By incorporating factors such as weather,
accidents, and special events, the system aims to provide dynamic route optimization
suggestions to drivers, thereby mitigating traffic congestion and improving overall
transportation efficiency.

What is the motivation behind the topic?

- Incorporating machine learning in Davao City's traffic management benefits both current
residents and newcomers. Newcomers, unfamiliar with local road networks, find it
challenging to navigate the city's traffic. The machine learning system provides accurate
predictions and real-time route adjustments, easing newcomers' navigation and reducing
stress associated with unfamiliar traffic conditions. This contributes to a smoother
integration of individuals into the community, enhancing Davao City's overall livability for
both residents and newcomers.
Concept Title 3: “Enhancing Mental Health Support: A Chatbot Algorithm for Suicide

1. What is the priority area?

It is aimed to support individuals in their suicidal ideations by the integration of algorithm
that cultivates compassionate conversation with swift identification of warning signs and to offer
immediate guide to the person through professional intervention when it is necessary.

2. Where would you align it in the SDG?

● SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being) - Aims to ensure healthy lives and promote
well-being for all at all ages. Mental health is a crucial aspect of well-being, and your
thesis focuses on enhancing mental health support through the use of a chatbot
algorithm for suicide prevention.
● SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) - As it involves the development and
application of innovative technology. It employs innovation and technological solutions
for societal challenges.

3. What is the concept of the topic?

To develop and implement a chatbot algorithm designed to enhance mental health
support specifically targeting suicide prevention. This involves leveraging innovative technology
to provide quick and accessible assistance for individuals facing mental health challenges.

4. What is the motivation behind the topic?

The motivation behind the topic is from the growing global concern regarding mental
health crisis, characterized by escalating rates of suicide and limited accessibility to traditional
mental health services.
Concept Title 4: “

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