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WILD Shape - Black Bear WILD Shape - Crocodile WILD Shape - Constrictor Snake

19 11 +0 40ft 19 12 +0 20ft 13 12 +2 30ft

15 10 14 2 12 7 15 10 13 2 10 5 15 14 12 1 10 3
Perception +3 Stealth +2
Passive Perception 13 Passive Perception 10 Blindsight 10ft, passive Perception 10

Bite +3 1d6+2 /p Bite +4 1d10+2 /p * Bite +4 1d6+2 /p

Claws +3 2d4+2 /s Constrict +4 1d8+2 /b *

Climb 30ft. Large beast Large beast

Multiattack: 2 attacks, bite and claw. Swim speed 30ft
Swim speed 30ft
Keen smell: advantage on smell related Hold breath: can hold breath for 15 * target is grappled (escape DC 14). Until
grapple ends, target is restrained and snake
perception checks minutes. can't constrict another target.

* target is grappled (escape DC 12).

Until grapple ends, target is
restrained and crocodile can't bite
another target.

WILD Shape - Poisonous Snake WILD Shape - Spider WILD Shape - Cat

2 13 +3 30ft 1 12 +2 20ft 2 12 +2 40ft

2 16 11 1 10 3 1 12 8 1 10 2 3 15 10 3 12 7
Stealth +4 Perception +3, Stealth +4
Blindsight 10ft, passive Perception 10 Darkvision 30ft, passive Perception 10 Passive Perception 13

Bite +5 1 /p * Bite +4 1 /p * Claws +0 1 /s

Tiny beast Tiny beast Tiny beast

Climb speed 20ft
Swim speed 30ft Keen Smell - Advantage on
Spider climb - can climb difficult surfaces smell related Perception
* target must make DC 10 and upside down without ability checks. checks.
Constitution saving throw, Web sense - when in contact with Web,
taking 2d4 poison damage on spider knows exact location of any creature
failed save, half on successful in same Web.

save. Web walker - ignores webbing movement


* target must succeed DC 9 Constitution

save or take 1d4 poison damage.

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