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Date : January 28, 2024

Attention : Engr. Ariel BELANGEL

Subject : Proposal for Construction Safety and Health Program

Dear Sir / Ma’am,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to propose the development and implementation of a
Construction Safety and Health Program to your company. Our objective is to prioritize worker safety
and ensure regulatory compliance through comprehensive safety measures.

Scope of Work:

1. Safety Assessment: Conduct a thorough assessment of potential hazards at the construction site to
identify areas requiring improvement and establish appropriate safety policies.

2. Program Development: Create a comprehensive Construction Safety and Health Program based on
industry best practices and regulations. This program will cover hazard identification, accident
prevention, emergency response, PPE requirements, and training protocols.

3. Safety Training: Provide thorough safety training sessions tailored to the specific needs of the
construction project for workers, supervisors, and site management personnel.

4. Safety Inspections: Conduct regular inspections to monitor compliance, identify potential safety issues
promptly, and take necessary corrective measures.

5. Communication and Reporting: Establish effective communication channels for reporting safety
concerns, incidents, and near misses among workers, supervisors, and management.

Timeline and Budget:

We propose a timeline of 5 working days for the preparation of CHSP, with an estimated budget of
15,000. We are open to discussing and adjusting these parameters to meet your needs and

We believe that prioritizing the safety and health of the workforce contributes to increased productivity
and success in construction projects. We look forward to discussing this proposal with you further to
address any questions or concerns you may have.

Thank you for considering our proposal. We are eager to collaborate with you to create a safe and
secure work environment to your company.

Roy W . Bustillo

Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)

Accredited Occupational Safety and Health Practitioner

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