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Colico, John Gabriel O.

Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation

A. Living Things

1. Cellular damage
Too much electromagnetic radiation can harm the cells in our
bodies. It can mess with the DNA inside our cells, causing changes that
might lead to cancer. This happens because the radiation can go into our
cells and create free radicals, which can damage our DNA. The risk of
cancer is higher with strong radiation like X-rays and gamma rays. But
even lower levels of radiation from things like radio waves and
microwaves might have a small risk of causing cancer. It's important to
be careful with how much exposure we have to these types of radiation.

2. Sleep Disturbances
Inordinate electromagnetic radiation, especially from things like
phones and bright lights, can mess up our body's natural rhythms. For
instance, the light from screens can affect our sleep patterns and make it
hard for us to get a good night's rest. When our rhythms get messed up,
it can cause problems like hormonal imbalances, a weaker immune
system, and a higher chance of getting sick. So, it's important to be
mindful of our exposure to this kind of radiation for our overall health.

3. Increased Stress Levels

Continuous exposure to electromagnetic fields has been linked
to elevated stress levels in some studies. The constant presence of
radiation from various sources may trigger a stress response in the body,
potentially affecting overall well-being and contributing to the
development of stress-related health issues.

Colico, John Gabriel O. 10-Wetzel

Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation

B. Environment

1. Impact on Wildlife Navigation

Electromagnetic radiation, especially from power lines and
communication towers, can disrupt the natural navigation systems of
birds, insects, and other wildlife. This interference may lead to
disorientation and affect migration patterns, potentially harming

2. Impact on Plant Growth

Excessive exposure to electromagnetic fields, particularly from
sources like power lines, may affect plant growth and development.
Some studies suggest changes in seed germination, root development,
and overall plant health in areas with high electromagnetic radiation.

3. Altered Behavior in Insects

Electromagnetic radiation can influence the behavior of insects,
such as bees and butterflies, which play a crucial role in pollination.
Changes in their behavior may have cascading effects on plant
pollination and, subsequently, the ecosystem.

4. Soil Contamination
Improper disposal or leakage of radioactive waste can lead to
soil contamination. Radioactive substances seep into the soil, making it
unsafe for agriculture and affecting the plants that grow in it. This
contamination poses risks to both the environment and human health, as
it may enter the food chain through crops grown in contaminated soil.

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