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Word Meaning Examples

Tedious boring and tiring, esp. The extension to multiple

because long or often repeated intervals is feasible, although it
would be tedious and is
unlikely to increase our
understanding of interval
Monotonous not changing and therefore boring She stood all day ironing a
monotonous succession of clot
hes and sheets.
Clock off to leave work, especially by recor I'm not going to clock off at 5
ding the time you leave on if I have
a special machine a customer who needs some he
Demanding needing a lot of attention, effort, I’m trying to learn English, and
or time I find it very demanding.
Resourceful skilled at solving problems and She plays the part of a tough,
making decisions on your own resourceful newspaper reporte
Conscientious feeling a moral responsibility to She was a
do your work carefully and to conscientious worker, and
be fair to others I’ll miss her.
Self-sufficient able to provide everything you The programme aims to make
need, especially food, for yourself the country self-sufficient in fo
without the help of other people od production and
to cut energy imports.
Straightforward honest and Roz is straightforward
without unnecessary politeness and lets you know what
she's thinking.
Steady happening in a smooth, gradual, Orders for new ships are rising,
and regular way, after several years of
not suddenly or unexpectedly steady decline.
Ill-fated unlucky or certain to experience f The ill-
ailure that cannot be avoided fated aircraft later crashed into
the hillside.
Affectionate showing feelings of liking or love Thousands admire the
sentimental writer;
the affectionate father is
hardly known in his parish.
Assertive Someone who is If you
assertive behaves confidently and really want the promotion,
is not frightened to say what you'll have to be more
they want or believe assertive.
Bossy A bossy person is Highlights of the fair include a
always telling people what to do mom calling contest, a pie
auction, bossy bingo and a
tractor pull.
Mature Mature people behave like adults When her bonds matured,
in a way that shows they are she moved the money into stoc
well developed emotionally ks.
Moody If someone is Moody's also downrated the
moody, their moods change sudde credit rating for the airport, as
nly and well.
they become angry or unhappy ea
Get stuck to start doing We showed them where
something enthusiastically the crates had to be moved to,
and they
got stuck in straightaway.
Head-on A head-on accident is one in We should have sat down
which the fronts of and addressed the issues head-
two vehicles hit each other on.
Go round If there is enough of something to For a few weeks in
go round, there is enough for the summer, visitors are able to
everyone in a group of people go round the palace.
A white lie a lie that is told in order to Sometimes they may get
be polite or to stop someone from confused as to what is
being upset by the truth a white lie and what is a black
Put something tog to prepare a piece of work by coll It takes about three weeks to
ether ecting several ideas and suggestio put the magazine together.
ns and organizing them
Carry on to continue doing something, or Daphne is carrying on
to cause something to continue the family tradition by becomi
ng a lawyer.
Repetitive involving doing or saying the This is repetitive and, as a
same thing result, somewhat overstated.
several times, especially in a way
that is boring
Civil servant a person who works for local, stat He was the
e, or esp. the federal government only career civil servant to bec
ome an under secretary of
Ungrateful not showing or expressing thanks, The ungrateful women occupy
esp. when it a space between life and death.
is expected or deserved
Sought- after wanted by many people and At the age of 17 she is already
usually of high quality or rare one of Hollywood's most
sought-after actresses.
Millennial a person who was born between Millennials have grown up
around 1981 and 1996 with the internet and
can't imagine a world without
Typo a small mistake in a text made There were several typos and
when it was typed or printed sections that were rather
clumsily expressed.
Cold-calling the activity of calling or visiting a He was prepared for a lot
possible customer to try to sell th of knocking on doors and cold-
em something without calling to drum up business.
being asked by the customer to do
Stunt an exciting action, usually in It's a typical action movie with
a film, that plenty of spectacular stunts.
is dangerous or appears dangerou
s and usually needs to be done by
someone skilled
Underneath directly under and When
usually hidden by something else the painting was restored,
an older painting was discover
ed underneath.
Intimately closely in The two of them have been
a personal or sexual way intimately involved for a year.
Nibble to eat something by taking a lot A mouse has nibbled through
of small bites the computer cables.
Splendid excellent, We had splendid food/a
or beautiful and impressive splendid holiday/splendid weat
Frustration the feeling of being annoyed or The teacher confirmed widespr
less confident because you ead frustration with
cannot achieve what you want, or the lack of up-to-date textbook
something that makes s.
you feel like this
Vivid Vivid descriptions, memories, He gave a very vivid and
etc. produce very clear, powerful, often shocking account/descrip
and detailed images in the mind tion of his time in prison.

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