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Topic 1. Communication idioms

1. Learn the following idioms:

to come out of your shell to be less shy and more communicative

in black and white when something is very clear and easy

to understand

keep me posted keep someone updated on events

let the cat out of the bag to tell someone a secret or to disclose
some information that perhaps you
should not have

hot off the press when we receive information or news

that is very recent we refer to it as
breaking news or hot off the press

spread like wildfire when people gossip usually the

information, fact or fiction, goes from
one person to another very quickly

2. Fill in the gaps using the idioms above:

1) My boss did not ____________________________________ about the deal
until all the relevant contracts were signed. 2) These stories are
______________________ through the city. 3) Derek has really
__________________________ since he started working here. 4) I had left my
contact number with MAS management and they promised
__________________________. 5) I've got it _____________________ he's
resigning. 6) Until it happened and the proof was ________________________,
she would give him the benefit of the doubt.
3. Watch the video “How to speak so that people want to listen” and
answer the following questions:
1) What is the most powerful sound in the world?
2) What are four really powerful cornerstones, foundations that we can
on if we want our speech to be powerful?
3) What is the definition of HAIL?
4) What are the components of your toolbox?

Topic 2. Personality idioms

1. Learn the following idioms:

pain in the neck an irritating, annoying person

lone wolf / lone bird someone who prefers his own

company and does not like socializing

moaning Minnie a person who complains a lot about

insignificant things

wet blanket a person who ruins other people’s fun

by staying pessimistic and complaining
all the time

rolling stone a person who moves from place to

place, job to job, without staying
anywhere long

wallflower a shy person, usually a girl who has no

one to talk to or dance with at a party

nerd someone who is very interested in

science or technology, particularly in

cold fish someone who has very little emotions,

who is regarded as hard-hearted and

bright spark a clever person

chatterbox a person who talks a lot

party animal someone who likes to attend parties


dark horse someone who has greater abilities than

he shows or than other people are
aware of

happy camper a person who is always happy and

satisfied. It is often used in the

smart cookie somebody who has got a strong

personality or who is quite smart

crank/an oddball/fish/bird/weirdo (very a person whose behavior or way of life

informal) is regarded as strange

rough diamond someone who seems impolite or is not

well-educated, but who has a kind
heart and good character

bunny boiler a girl who behaves improperly after a

relationship break up

2. Fill in the gaps using the idioms above:

1) I don't want to sound like a ____________________ but this was the worst
road I've ever cycled! 2) He is a __________, he spends lot of his time in
computer. 3) I was always _______________ in high school. I never liked to dance
in front of people. 4) It is always pleasant not to be entirely
a _____________________ in these matters. 5) I never knew my father very well.
He became a bit of a _____________________ after my sister was born, so he'd
only ever hang around for a week or two at a time. 6) Little brothers are such
a ________________________! 7) The difference between us is, Lucian is shy and
I'm a ______________________, except when I am painting. 8)
She stole my songs and I was not a very __________________________ about
that. 9) Harman described his character as a bit of
a __________________________ but with a sensitive side. 10) He was such
a _________________ at the party that they never invited him again. 11) She is
no _______________ and likes reading and listening to classical music. 12) John's
youngest is doing well at school. He's a bit of a _________________, isn't he?
13) A lot of people are saying that she could be _______________________ for
winning a medal in the championships. 14) The old man's a
real ______________________. I've never seen him laugh. 15) A person with a
new idea is a _____________until the idea succeeds. 16) The woman
in charge was obviously a ___________________ with a lot of experience. 17)
She isn't just a ____________________ – she's a really lonely, heartbroken person.

3. Watch the video “14 Powerful psychological tricks that actually

work” and list them.

Topic 3. Character related idioms

1. Learn the following idioms:

as cold as ice this idiom can be used to describe a
person who does not show any emotion

bleeding heart a bleeding heart is a person who is

excessively sympathetic towards other

born with a silver spoon in your mouth born into a rich family

class act someone who’s a class act is

exceptional in what they do
cry-baby a cry-baby is a person who gets
emotional and cries too easily

good-for-nothing a lazy person who doesn’t do anything

useful is a good-for-nothing

hail-fellow-well-met someone whose behavior is hearty,

friendly and congenial

happy as a clam, happy as a lark extremely happy, overjoyed or pleased

mad as a hatter insane, crazy or deranged

two-faced someone who is two-faced will say one

thing to your face and another when
you’re not there

yes-man someone who always agrees with

people in authority is a yes-man

2. Fill in the gaps using the idioms above:

1) She was __________________________________ and has never done a day's
hard work in her life. 2) She's _____________________ with her ten dollar pay
raise, even though the long-term prospects for the business are not good. 3) He is
just a _________________, trust me I have been working with him for 5 years. He
will only say what the boss wants to hear. 4) My boss becomes
____________________ when the work is not completed correctly and submitted
on time. 5) Even if he was ________________________, she believed that she
could melt him with her warmth. 6) She told him he was a
lazy _____________________ and should get a job. 7) He was greeted with
the usual ________________________________ slap on the back and handshake.
8) Don't be such a ___________________  – it's only a scratch. 9) He is not
a typical __________________, which makes his support for child care so
important. 10) She's a real ___________________ on and off the soccer field. 11) I
don't trust her – I suspect she's a bit ________________.
3. Watch the video “How to improve communication skills” and render
its main ideas.

Topic 4. Appearance related idioms

1. Learn the following idioms:

cut a dash to make a striking impression by
having a very positive appearance and
wearing attractive clothes

not a hair out of place to have a perfect appearance

look a sight to look awful, unsuitable or very untidy

look like a million dollars to look extremely good

all skin and bone to be very thin or too thin

vertically challenged this term is a humoristic way of

referring to someone who is not very

pretty as a picture someone who is (as) “pretty as a

picture” is very attractive or appealing
in appearance

five o’clock shadow this expression refers to a patch of

stubble on the face of a man who
hasn’t shaved for at least a day

face that would stop a clock someone who has a face that would
stop a clock has a shockingly
unattractive face
2. Fill in the gaps using the idioms above:
1) The girls Alex dates are always _______________________, but don't
have much going on between their ears. 2) He
really ________________________ in his smart new uniform. 3)
A _________________________ was along his chin and the sides of his face, but
it was adorable on him. 4) She must ____________________ with red swollen
eyes. 5) She refused to marry a rich good looking young French who proposed to
her. Instead, she chose to live with a muscular thug with a
________________________________. 6) The painter did a good job – the house
_________________________. 7) The new trousers aren't just for tall girls but
the _________________________ as well. 8) He was little more
than ___________________________ when he was released from prison. 9) She
had a lot of make-up on and ______________________.

3. Watch the video “Your personality and your brain” and render its
main ideas.

Topic 5. Nationality idioms

1. Learn the following idioms:

talk for England talk very much

go Dutch share the cost of a meal

Dutch courage the courage alcohol gives

Mexican standoff disagreement on something

it’s all Greek to me I can’t understand anything

Chinese whispers children’s game in which messages are

pardon my French excuse me for swearing

Indian summer warm autumn

take French leave leave without authorization

double Dutch nonsense

an Englishman’s home is his castle used to say that English people believe
that they should control what happens
in their own homes, and that no one
else should tell them what to do there

Chinese walls regulatory information barriers that aim

to stop the flow of information that
could be misused, especially in
financial corporations

more holes than Swiss cheese if something has more holes than a
Swiss cheese, it is incomplete, and
lacks many parts

slow boat to China this idiom is used to describe

something that is very slow and takes a
long time

walk Spanish if you walk someone Spanish, you

physically force them to leave a place
or discharge them.

a young Turk a young person who is rebellious and

difficult to control in a company, team
or organization

too many chiefs and not enough there are too many managers and not
Indians enough workers to work efficiently

2. Fill in the gaps using the idioms above:

1) No one on the board of directors was willing to compromise their position
on the issue, and with each of us having veto power, it looked like we were
heading into a ________________________. 2) ___________________ is a great
game – it's always hilarious to see what the last person has interpreted by the end!
3) I can't believe John didn't pay for me. We ended up ________________ on the
whole date. 4) I had to have a drink to give me ____________________ before my
wedding. 5) Whenever I'm with Miranda, she just ______________________, and
I can't get a word in! 6) He ____________________________ from school when
he wants to watch a sports match. 7) Their conversation about computers was all
_______________________ to me! 8) A: "John, don't use language like that in
front of the kids." B: "Oops, ____________________, everyone!" 9) Don't try to
explain the technicalities of how this machine works; it would
be _____________________. 10) I know it's September, but don't get out your
winter clothes just yet – this area often has an _____________________. 11) I
don't like to stay in a dormitory; I belong at home just
like ______________________________. 12) Jackson claimed the system had
______________________. 13) Different activities are carried out in different
departments between which there are __________________. 14) Why are you
home so early? – Well, they made me _____________________. 15) It's been
three weeks since I ordered those clothes online – is the package on a
______________________ or something? 16) 'I was a bit of a
__________________ in the past, but I’ve calmed down a lot nowadays. 17) “The
trouble with that company is that there are

3. Watch the video “English conversation: the meaning of hand

gestures” and render its main ideas.

Topic 6. Exam idioms

1. Learn the following idioms:

ace a test obtain very high score or an excellent

burn the midnight oil work late into the night

hit the books begin to study hard

in the bag success assured

make the grade be satisfactory and of an expected level

pass with flying colors do very well in a test or exam

sail through succeed in something without difficulty

study animal someone who studies hard

draw a blank fail in attempts to remember something

bone up on study hard, usually in preparation for a


moment of truth critical or decisive time when you find

out if your efforts have succeeded
(result day)

on course for likely to achieve something

2. Fill in the gaps using the idioms above:

1) I have not yet got the job, but I believe its pretty much ______________.
2) The company is _____________________ profits of £ 20m in the next
financial year. 3) You'd have a lot more fun if you weren't such a
___________________ all the time. 4) I knew you'll ____________________.
Congratulations. 5) He asked me for my phone number and I
___________________ – I couldn't remember it. 6)
Now, the ______________________ has arrived in which we must be prepared to
defend the little influence we have. 7) She ____________________ the
exam/course. 8) Marvin wanted to be an actor, but he didn't
_______________________. 9) I have to _________________ criminal law for a
test next week. 10) Timmy’s parents promised him a new bicycle if
he _______________ his science _____________. 11) Danny was in danger of
failing, so before his last math test he left the show early to go home
and ______________________. 12) The assignment was very lengthy so she was
forced to ___________________________ to get it done on time. 

3. Watch the video “Improving working memory capacity” and render

its main ideas.

Topic 7. Love idioms

Part A

1. Learn the following idioms:

a match made in heaven a relationship/pairing in which each
member/part perfectly complements the

an item a couple who are involved in an

established relationship

better half partner/spouse

birds of a feather flock together people who have the same

outlook/tastes/interests will be found in
each other’s company

blind date a meeting between two people who do

not know each other, arranged in the
hope that a romance might develop
between them

double date a social occasion attended by two


head over heels intensely in love

love is blind when you love someone, you no longer
see/care about their faults

love me, love my dog if you love someone you must accept
everything about them including their

lovey-dovey romantic and affectionate (often

excessively so)

other half partner/spouse

puppy love intense, new, and usually superficial

love (often said in reference to love
experienced by teenagers)

2. Fill in the gaps using the idioms above:

1) She _____________________________ with her tennis coach and they have
decided to get married soon. 2) _________________, but marriage is a real eye-
opener. 3) When Beth fell in love with Joe at a young age, she was sure that she
would marry him, but now she realizes that it was
just ____________________ and has moved on. 4) My wife and I first met on
a _____________________ arranged by her sister. 5) They are always holding
hands and kissing in public. They are a __________________ couple. 6) The
lawyers who attended the seminar were
like ___________________________________. They have not even spoken to
anyone outside their group. 7) When they realised that he and Lesley were an
____________, they weren't very happy about it. 8) Jules and Nora are a
________________________. They love doing things together and cannot bear to
be away from each other. 9) They had gone on a _________________ with another
couple who were their friends, and had a really good time together. 10) Alan
decided to get married to Lisa although her brother was a drug dealer. When they
started their relationship, she often insisted: "______________________." 11) I
cannot enjoy the party without my ________________ being here. 12) You've
been single since so many years, I suggest you to find you ________________ and
get married now.
Part B

1. Learn the following idioms:

the apple of someone’s eye the person someone adores

those three little words the words ‘I love you’ to be hung up on

someone – to long for/be obsessed with

to (take) a fancy (to) someone to become fond of/attracted to someone

to get hitched to get married

to hit it off to immediately get on with someone

to pop the question to propose marriage

to find Mr or Mrs Right to find the person best suited to us, the
person we have been waiting for

to have a crush on someone to find someone attractive and think

about this person all the time, usually
describes teenage infatuation

to fall for someone to fall in love with someone, to be very

attracted to someone

your heart skips/misses a beat suddenly you feel so excited or

frightened that your heart beats faster

faint heart never won fair lady if you do not take a chance you will
never win

love is in the air there is a good feeling about a loving

relationship developing

2. Fill in the gaps using the idioms above:

1) It is obvious that Steve really loves Sarah, but she told me that he has not
said _____________________________ yet. 2) She was a very charming little girl
and a very bright student, and ____________________ her
teachers' ____________. 3) My new neighbours are my idea of an ideal couple.
I've heard they ___________________ pretty early in their lives and have been
going strong ever since. 4) I've suddenly _____________________ to detective
stories. 5) Maggie was deeply in love with Stuart, so when
he _______________________, she said yes without any further thought. 6) I have
a list of things that I am looking for in a partner. Once I find someone who has all
of those qualities I will know that I have _____________________. 7) I didn't
really ______________ with his friends. 8) The shocking news made her
_______________________. 9) Why don’t you ask him out? Remember that
___________________________. He’ll probably be flattered and impressed if you
approach him first. 10) I don't ______________________ anybody right now. I'm
enjoying being single. 11) Spring is here, and ________________________. 12) I
think Charlie has ___________________ Jenny. He is always trying to find
reasons to be with her.

3. Watch the video “Men are from Mars Women are from Venus
Summary” and render its main ideas.

Topic 8. Idioms about relationships

1. Learn the following idioms:

get off on the wrong foot when you meet someone for the first
time you do or say something to upset

get on someone’s nerves to irritate someone because you say or

do something annoying

to give someone the cold shoulder when you deliberately ignore someone
because you are upset with them

on the rocks when something is not going well

give someone a hard time treat someone badly or unfairly, to
make someone suffer

hit it off to get on well with someone you meet

go back a long way when you know a close friend for a

very long time

through thick and thin when a friend has shared all our ups
and downs with us and we have shared
all of his/hers we can genuinely say we
have been through everything together

a shoulder to cry on when there is a serious crisis in our

lives and we really need a friend to
help and listen to us, someone friendly
and helpful who will listen to our

joined at the hip refers to two friends who are always

seen together. They are always hanging
out together.

clicked an informal word used to describe how

two people became friends very

2. Fill in the gaps using the idioms above:

1) Her kids always __________ her _________________ when she
takes them shopping. 2) But what she really needed was
________________________. 3) Jake and
Sue __________________ immediately. 4) He remained loyal to
me __________________________. 5) After the news spread about her direct
involvement in the big scandal, the friends and relatives ________ her
____________________ and eventually she had to leave the town forever. 6)
The noise from the apartment upstairs was beginning to _____________ my
_______________. 7) She and her business partner ______________________. 8)
She had a big wedding, but a few months down the line, her marriage
was _________________ because she suspected her husband of cheating on her. 9)
Chris and Jenny have been ___________________ since they started dating each
other a year ago. You would never see one without the other. 10) I
______________________ in my new job when I forgot to pass on an important
message to the boss. 

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