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Unit 5: Material world - The fashion industry under the influence of consumerism


The fashion industry is deeply entwined with consumerism (consumer society), as it relies on the constant
desire for new trends, styles, and products. Key aspects of the fashion industry under consumerism:

 Fast Fashion: Consumerism has given rise to the phenomenon of fast fashion. Fast fashion brands
produce inexpensive clothing items that mimic the latest runway trends, making them accessible
to a wide range of consumers. The fast fashion model emphasizes quick turnover, with new
collections released frequently to encourage continuous buying. This rapid production and
consumption cycle has raised concerns about its environmental impact, as it contributes to waste
and encourages disposable fashion.
Examples of fast fashion brands: H&M, Shein, Zara

 Trend-driven Culture: Consumerism fuels a trend-driven culture within the fashion industry.
Styles and preferences change quickly, creating a constant demand for new and different
products. Fashion brands rely on marketing strategies and celebrity advertisment to influence
consumer choices and create a sense of urgency around the latest trends. This culture of trend-
chasing encourages consumers to continually update their wardrobes, driving consumption.
Platforms that emphasize the trends: TikTok, Instagram, Pinterest

 Branding and Status: Consumerism in the fashion industry is often tied to branding and status.
Luxury fashion brands cultivate an image of exclusivity and aspiration, positioning their products
as status symbols. Consumers are willing to pay a premium for items associated with prestigious
brands, as ownership of these products signals wealth, social status, and taste. Brand loyalty is
essential to the fashion industry's success under consumerism.

 Sustainable Fashion Movement: While consumerism has often been associated with negative
environmental impacts in the fashion industry, there is a growing awareness and movement
towards sustainable fashion. Consumers are increasingly demanding transparency, ethical
production practices, and eco-friendly materials. This shift has led to the rise of eco-conscious
fashion brands, recycling initiatives, and a push for more sustainable consumption patterns.
Solutions: purchasing second hand clothes from flea markets and thrift shops

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