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7/18/22, 9:22 AM 3111 Group Theory

Group Theory (3111)

Christian Hokaj
Jun 17, 2022 - Sep 16, 2022
7:30 - 9:30 PM ET (4:30 - 6:30 PM PT)

Week: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Homework: Week 1
You have completed 9 of 9 challenge problems.
Your writing problem response has been graded.
Past Due Jun 27.
Request Extension

Week 1: Chapter 1, Appendix A
Week 2: Sections 1.5-2.3
Week 1 Transcript: p Fri, Jun 17

Challenge Problems

Announcement 1 (38886)

Don't forget about Office Hours: an AoPS staff member will be on the message board to answer your questions in real time every
day from 4:00 - 5:30 PM ET (1:00 - 2:30 PM PT) and 7:30-8:30 PM ET (4:30-5:30 PM PT).

Announcement 2 (38887)

Here is a "Week 0" handout for you to optionally review some of the logic, set theory, and material on functions that we'll be
relying on through the course. You should feel free to ask any questions about this material on the Message Board.

Remember that if you get stuck on a homework problem, you can always ask on the message board! Click on the pencil icon V in
the upper-right corner of the problem, and this will open a box where you can ask your question, which will be posted on the
message board. You can also click on the speech bubble icon t, which will bring up any discussions on that problem.

Problem 1 – Correct! – Score: 5 / 7 (38262)

Problem: Report Error

Select all the options which are true.

A. In a group, if gh = gk , then h = k .

B. In a group, if hg = gk , then h = k .

C. In a group, if h = k , then hg = gk .


A. True. This is the cancellation law, which we proved in class. 1/21
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B. False. For instance, let the group be the triangle group, a nontrivial counterclockwise rotation, a nontrivial
clockwise rotation, and any reflection. Then but .
C. False. We can give essentially the same counterexample as above: Let and let be any reflection.

Your Response(s):
% B. In a group, if hg = gk , then h = k ., C. In a group, if h = k , then hg = gk .
$ B. In a group, if hg = gk , then h = k .

Problem 2 – Give Up – Score: 0 / 7 (38263)

Problem: Report Error

Select all of the following which form groups.

A. The set FA of all functions R → R , under "pointwise" addition + : FA × FA → FA . The definition is simply
(f + g)(x) = f (x) + g(x).

B. The set FB of all functions [0, ∞) → [0, ∞) , under pointwise addition.

C. The set FC of all functions R → R , under composition.

D. The set FD of strictly increasing functions R → R , under composition. (Recall that a function is strictly increasing if
y > x implies f (y) > f (x).)


A. This is a group. The identity is the constant zero function . The inverse of is . Associativity follows
directly from associativity of addition in .

One can't help but notice that we didn't use anything specific about in this example. Think about how to generalize this
result as far as you can! (To be continued.)
B. This is not a group. The identity element is still , but no nonzero function has an additive inverse; for instance
the inverse of would have to be , which is not in .
C. This is not a group, because many functions, such as , have no compositional inverses. As we saw in class,
the set of all bijections would be a perfectly good group.
D. This is also not a group. The identity function is strictly increasing and serves as an identity for composition.
If , then is one-to-one, that is, implies . Thus has an inverse function of a sort; the
problem is that the domain of is the range of , which may not be all of . For instance, behaves this
way. Its inverse has domain only . So again, the issue is that not every strictly increasing
function defined on is a bijection.

Your Response(s):
% A. The set FA of all functions R → R, under "pointwise" addition + : FA × FA → FA . The definition is simply
(f + g)(x) = f (x) + g(x)., B. The set FB of all functions [0, ∞) → [0, ∞), under pointwise addition.

% A. The set FA of all functions R → R, under "pointwise" addition + : FA × FA → FA . The definition is simply
(f + g)(x) = f (x) + g(x)., B. The set FB of all functions [0, ∞) → [0, ∞), under pointwise addition., C. The set FC of all

functions R → R, under composition.

% C. The set FC of all functions R → R, under composition.
% D. The set FD of strictly increasing functions R → R, under composition. (Recall that a function is strictly increasing if
y > x implies f (y) > f (x).)

% B. The set FB of all functions [0, ∞) → [0, ∞), under pointwise addition.
% A. The set FA of all functions R → R, under "pointwise" addition + : FA × FA → FA . The definition is simply
(f + g)(x) = f (x) + g(x)., B. The set FB of all functions [0, ∞) → [0, ∞), under pointwise addition., C. The set FC of all 2/21
7/18/22, 9:22 AM 3111 Group Theory
functions R → R, under composition., D. The set FD of strictly increasing functions R → R , under composition. (Recall that a
function is strictly increasing if y > x implies f (y) > f (x).)
% C. The set FC of all functions R → R, under composition., D. The set FD of strictly increasing functions R → R , under
composition. (Recall that a function is strictly increasing if y > x implies f (y) > f (x).)
% A. The set FA of all functions R → R, under "pointwise" addition + : FA × FA → FA . The definition is simply
(f + g)(x) = f (x) + g(x) ., C. The set FC of all functions R → R, under composition.
& Give Up

Problem 3, part (a) – Correct! – Score: 1 / 7 (38051)

Problem: Report Error

Here is a bit of a painting on the ceiling of an ancient Egyptian tomb. How many elements does its group of symmetries have?
Assume that the picture is perfectly regular wherever it looks close to regular. In particular, ignore the little white crescents on the
bottom-right of the purple dots in each square.

There are the four rotations through multiples of (including the identity map), as well as reflections through lines through
the midpoints of two opposite sides or through two opposite vertices. Thus there are eight total symmetries:

Hint(s): Did you think about reflectional symmetries? 3/21
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Your Response(s):
% 1
% 4
% 6
$ 8

Problem 3, part (b) – Correct! – Score: 7 / 7 (38052)

Problem: Report Error

How many elements does this painting's group of symmetries have? Assume that the picture is perfectly regular wherever it
looks close to regular, and consider the color of tiles to be part of the structure of the painting.

In this case, besides the identity transformation, we have only the reflections through diagonal lines and the rotations through an
angle . The other rotations and reflections send tiles with yellow backgrounds to tiles with white backgrounds, so they aren't
symmetries. 4/21
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Your Response(s):
$ 4

Problem 4 – Give Up – Score: 0 / 7 (38037)

Problem: Report Error

Suppose that in some group . Compute as a power of .

Notice first that

which sets us up for a proof by induction. Incrementing is squaring our answer, so we'll prove that .

The base case, where , is given. For the inductive step, assuming , the calculation above shows

as desired.

Hint(s): Can you use induction here?

Your Response(s):
% b^{2n}
% b^{n+1}
% b^{2}
% b^{0}
% b^{n}+1
& Give Up

Problem 5, part (a) – Correct! – Score: 5 / 7 (38040)

Problem: Report Error

Consider the following partially-filled Cayley table: 5/21
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Express in the form , using the smallest nonnegative exponents possible. You may simplify s and s away, so for
instance you may write and

From the table we have , so

where we've made three uses of associativity. Thus, . We also have , so .

Your Response(s):
% x^{4}y^{1}
$ x^{0}y^{1}

Problem 5, part (b) – Correct! – Score: 1 / 7 (38041)

Problem: Report Error

Consider the following partially-filled Cayley table:

Fill in the seventh row of the table, writing every entry in the form for and 6/21
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2 3 2 3
e x x x y xy x y x y

x e



3 2
y x y x

xy x

x y x
2 y
1 x
1 y
1 x
0 y
1 x
3 y
1 x
0 y
0 x
3 y
0 x
2 y
0 x
1 y
x y

We notice that has order 4, and . This lets us move "through" powers of . So we can always push
to the end of the word. Furthermore , so we never need more than one copy of . Therefore we have the ability to
write any element in the form or .

Your Response(s):
2 3 2 3
e x x x y xy x y x y

x e


% x

3 2
y x y x

xy x

2 2 1 1 1 0 1 8 1 0 0 3 0 2 0 3 2
x y x y x y x y x y x y x y x y x y

x y

2 3 2 3
e x x x y xy x y x y

x e


% x

3 2
y x y x

xy x

2 2 1 1 1 0 1 3 1 0 0 3 0 2 0 3 2
x y x y x y x y x y x y x y x y x y

x y 7/21
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2 3 2 3
e x x x y xy x y x y

x e


% x

3 2
y x y x

xy x

2 2 1 1 1 0 1 3 1 0 0 3 0 0 2 3 2
x y x y x y x y x y x y x y x y x y

x y

2 3 2 3
e x x x y xy x y x y

x e


% x

3 2
y x y x

xy x

2 2 1 1 1 0 1 3 1 0 0 3 0 0 2 3 1
x y x y x y x y x y x y x y x y x y

x y

2 3 2 3
e x x x y xy x y x y

x e


% x

3 2
y x y x

xy x

2 2 1 1 1 0 1 3 1 0 0 3 0 2 0 3 1
x y x y x y x y x y x y x y x y x y

x y

2 3 2 3
e x x x y xy x y x y

x e


% x

3 2
y x y x

xy x

2 2 1 1 1 0 1 3 1 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 0
x y x y x y x y x y x y x y x y x y

x y

2 3 2 3
e x x x y xy x y x y

x e


$ x

3 2
y x y x

xy x

2 2 1 1 1 0 1 3 1 0 0 3 0 2 0 1 0
x y x y x y x y x y x y x y x y x y

x y 8/21
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Problem 6 – Completed – Score: 3 / 3 (38048)

Problem: Report Error

Let be a set equipped with some binary operation and assume that is an identity element for
this product. Assume that is associative, but don't assume that every element has an inverse, so may not be a group. If
are a pair such that

Prove that .

One product is given by

The other comes by reversing the order,

As a side remark, a set with an associative binary operation admitting an identity element is called a monoid. All groups are
monoids, but not all monoids are groups.

Your Response:
//nothing to be gained from the first statement as inverse may not
exist for any element in abstract structure.

This too is useless to derive anything.

Lack of inverse makes this problem in a new type, as now not a group. But, associative property is hardly helpful, as it just means
that : .
What was needed here was abelian property, but confused if that implied inverse too.
This should be part of the solution provided, that does having commutativity implies inverse for all elements in the group.
If commutativity holds, then .
Then, very easy to solve this problem:

Problem 7 – Completed – Score: 3 / 3 (38050)

Problem: Report Error

The Heisenberg group is the set with the binary operation given by

Show that is a group.

The origin is the identity element, since

and 9/21
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For inverses, we must thus solve for and for . We easily find
or , which leads respectively to and
. Thus every element has a right inverse and a left inverse, which implies the two one-sided
inverses coincide, so has inverses.

Finally, for associativity we calculate


The two three-fold products are equal.

A less technical way of proving associativity, if you're familiar with multiplying matrices, is to notice that this is merely the matrix
product where corresponds to the matrix

There are many interesting groups of matrices, but we won't focus on them in this course.

Your Response:
First need check for closure.
So, the form must be kept during multiplication of two such
elements lying in the group.
Immediately comes need to show identity as need form of .
So, take two elements of the form:

Hence, closure and identity are there.

Next, need inverse.
Suppose, inverse of is , then first solve in terms of .
So, .
Or, .
Or, .
But, that doesn't lead anywhere.
Also, how to prove associative property, or just inherit from reals.

Problem 8 – Graded – Technical: 4 / 7 – Style: 0.4 / 1 (38049)

Problem: Report Error

We saw in class that the symmetry group of the triangle is non-Abelian. Prove that there exists no non-Abelian group of smaller

Note: you may use any result proved in class without re-proving it, but you must clearly state what result you're using.

Explain, in words, how you solved this problem. Use complete sentences. Write as though the person reading is one of your
classmates who has not seen the problem before. Include any important observations you made and explain why you are doing
anything that isn’t totally obvious. To learn more about how writing problems work, you can go here.

Remember that if you get stuck on a homework problem, you can always ask on the message board! Click on the pencil icon V in 10/21
7/18/22, 9:22 AM 3111 Group Theory
the upper-right corner of the problem, and this will open a box where you can ask your question, which will be posted on the
message board. You can also click on the speech bubble icon t, which will bring up any discussions on that problem.

The symmetry group of the triangle has order . We will show that any group of order less than is Abelian.

The only group of order has the trivial binary operation , and it's Abelian. The only group of order
has the binary operation , since by cancellation we can't have . A group of order has elements
. By cancellation we can't have or so , or in other words, . Then the group
must be . Since and commute, this group is also Abelian.

In class we found both groups of order and observed these are both Abelian.

Now assume we have a group of order that is non-Abelian. Such a group has two non-commuting elements, and . That
means that the set contains distinct elements. We can begin to write the Cayley table for this supposed
group as

Consider . Since this shares a row with and and a column with and , we know must either be or . If

which contradicts that and don't commute. Thus must be :

Focusing on the second column: we know that so we fill this in.

However, this leaves no value available for , since and appear in its row and appears in its column. This
contradicts that and do not commute. Therefore there is no non-Abelian group of order

Since no group of order less than is Abelian, and rotations and reflections do not commute in the triangle group as shown by
our Cayley table in class, the symmetry group of the triangle must be the smallest non-Abelian group. 11/21
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Incidentally we can show that the triangle group is the unique non-Abelian group of order by using our argument from above.
Assume that we are given a non-Abelian group of order Then there are elements and that do not commute and we can
reproduce the partial Cayley table from above with an extra column and row. The elements and are interchangeable at this
point. Either or one of these elements, say has order greater than

If we get

This sixth element is some new and the Cayley table is

This is the symmetry group of the triangle with reflections , , and and nontrivial rotations and .

Alternatively so the sixth element is .

If then

but this would make and commute, since . Likewise if then and commute.
Therefore and has order

Now looking at products in the -row we see and . 12/21
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At this point we note that must be a power of , but if or then commutes with . Therefore
and we get

This is also the Cayley table for the symmetry group of the triangle where is a rotation and is a reflection.

Hint(s): How did we find the order 4 groups? Can we do something similar for groups of other orders?

Your Response:
Order of triangle group, .

There are only five orders smaller than six

Below consider the easiest cases first: one, two. Then will consider groups of order .

Let the group operation be denoted by .

1. Group of order one is trivial, having only identity element . The group can have only one entry, and as , so group is
Order table:

An example of group with order one is point, with only rotation.

2. Group of order two is having two elements: . The group can have only four entries, and as ,
so group is Abelian.
Order table:

An example of this group is geometrical object of a line with two fixed endpoints. Operation being rotation by . In groups,
have actions as elements usually, due to abstraction. So, element rotation in cck direction. The operation
rotation gives back original orientation of the line.

An algebraic example can be addition . 13/21
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This group is also abelian.

Now, consider group of order .

But, as order , as group order is , so elements should be . Hence, .

> Let, the group of order be derived like in class with actions (elements) instead be taken as : .

In second row, , as . Cannot have , or .

So the only choice left is .

Then, choice for . Then, . But, want to check if it is feasible that both .
Also, it means .
And, , and . Similarly, .
Hence, correct.

Also, Only one choice is left for .

The table is:


4. Now, consider group of order . 14/21
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> Let, the group of order be derived like in class with actions (elements) instead be taken as : .

4a. Let, , then no other entry in second row or column .

This implies .

Next, either , or .

If , then

4b. Alternatively, another approach is:

Let, , then
, so
Also, as , so .
As now, remaining element in column with heading as is , for which choice left is . Similarly, in row second, the remaining
element is .

4b.1. The partial table is:

4b.2. Also, and the choices are: .

So, let the choice be taken as , and as , so too.

The new partial table is : 15/21
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4b.3. The element compositions whose mappings are left to be found are: .

These are having single choice for each of them.

This leads to table:

Question 1. : unsolved > Want to check if possible to have . Also, . So,

. . Need show that
. But don't want to use that , as tantamounts to assuming that entry is correct.
Instead want to use fact about inverse only.
. But Cannot multiply on left or right of both sides by as on LHS need multiply by on left,
while on RHS need multiply by on right?

4c.3. But, if had in step 4b.2. had chosen instead , and too. The left elements are that have no
choice except . Then, table is :

This leads to table which is non-isomorphic to group in 4b.3, , a cyclic group as in modulo arithmetic.

> Note: currently do not have example of . Hope will find in book or later classes.

Finally want to verify if it is possible to have . This is


5. Now, consider group of order .

Or, 16/21
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> Let, the group of order be derived like in class with actions (elements) instead be taken as : .

5a. Let, , then no other entry in second row or column .

This implies Also, nothing .


This way, there are choices in second column.

5a.1: Let, take , then .


If can prove that only choice now left are:

, then the group is Abelian too.

For that need focus on the entries with row and column headings as .

Seems difficult as error prone to calculate, given so many choices/options for elements, for table fillup.

5.b. Want to try another approach, where is not entry assumed, but , though that doesn't help in finding choice
of .
Now in second row, and second column the entries left are:
with choices available as: 17/21
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5.b.1. : Let us deliberately first take different choices for each of the pairs: and as if the table not follows
abelian property.
> If we are not able to fill all entries in any row/column; then the group has to be abelian
This can serve, given only in week 1, as a suitable alternative to use of advanced concepts of Lagrange theorem.
So, , and the alternative choice of will give similar results by symmetry.
The second pair is . The values possible are: as .
Let (using our approach to give different values to such pairs) , else clash with 2nd column entry will occur.
Also, .

This means left entries are . The choices left are .

Let , then , but have above chosen , so by right multiplication of on both sides of get:
, so this choice is not possible.

Next, choice is . Then, have by left multiplication of on both sides of get:

So, the choice of can work. But, again this clashes with .

But, this means unless is taken, table column 2 cannot be filled.

Hence, group of order is Abelian.

Question 2: by getting for do we not get answer that the group of order is Abelian? If not, why?

The incomplete table is below:

Technical Score: 4 / 7
Style Score: 0.4 / 1
Your arguments that groups of orders , , and being Abelian is fairly well explained. In the case of groups of order , your
argument would have been even clearer if you had shown that so that your group is cyclic. We know that cyclic groups
are Abelian.

Candidly, your arguments for groups of order and are not easy to follow. Your argument is very lengthy, and it's often difficult
to understand your reasoning between steps. Consider this paragraph from your proof that groups of order are Abelian


5a. Let, , then no other entry in second row or column .

This implies Also, nothing .


This way, there are choices in second column. 18/21
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Your opening sentence is very clear: you're working in the case and no entry in the second row or column can be .
That's great! But then it seems like you're trying to handle a lot of math at once using very few words. It's clear that you're trying to
figure out the values of certain products, but it doesn't feel like you're doing so in a systematic way.

As you're writing your proof, try to only include information that helps the reader see how you're getting to the next step. For
instance, if your next big idea after doing casework on is to do casework on the value of , just work toward figuring
out what is. There's no need to bring up and until you need them in your argument. It would also help if you told the
reader where you're going next. For instance, you could rewrite this section as


Let We want to find the value of . Since , we can multiply both sides by to get If
was equal to , then we would deduce that , which is a contradiction. Thus cannot be . We also know
and cannot be true by the cancellation law, so must be either or .

Then you can dive into casework on . Notice how this explanation gave the reader an idea of your goal in this section ("We
want to find the value of ") and it justified statements like .

Try to focus on writing clear, concise arguments like this.

Similarly, your whole proof of the groups of order case can be shortened considerably. In the case, we can reason as

If your group is

and if , you can easily deduce by a process of elimination that . So, your group is actually

The product must be an element of . By another process of elimination, we can deduce that . This immediately
implies that is Abelian.

Can you write a concise argument in the case that ? Try to show that such a group is cyclic.

Notice that it was shown in class that groups of order are Abelian. Recall that the directions stated that "you may use any result
proved in class without re-proving it." Here, you could just say "We proved in class that all groups of order are Abelian" and that
would suffice.

There are similar ways you can shorten the casework in the order case. Take a look at the official solution for a clear, concise
argument using the Cayley Table.

Remember that in the challenge problems, we're far more interested in how you arrived at the answer than in the answer itself.
Your work should be sufficient to clearly guide a student who hasn't thought much about the problem through the solution.

You did a great job of including your mathematical expressions, typeset in . The layout of your argument is also very
good. It is organized into paragraphs, each containing a single main idea. Keep that up!

The biggest way you can improve your style is to always use proper grammar. Even in math, it's still important to write with
grammatically correct sentences so that your ideas are received well and clearly understood. Quite a few of your sentences are
fragments and this makes your work harder to intrepret. Remember each sentence should have a subject, for instance. Instead of

Then will consider groups of order . 19/21
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you can write

Then we will consider groups of order .

Other sentences like

As now, remaining element in column with heading as is , for which choice left is .

are hard to understand because of the phrasing and grammar. Instead, you can phrase this as

The remaining element in the column with header is the element The only choice we have left for this element
is .

This would go a long way to improving the clarity of your proof.

To answer your question

Question 2: by getting for do we not get answer that the group of order is Abelian? If not, why?

you would need to show that all elements of the group of order commute with each other to show this group is Abelian. If
, then and commute, but maybe some other elements in the group don't.

We look forward to seeing your future work in Group Theory! Your effort and dedication to solving this problem is commendable.
For next time, focus on writing clear, concise arguments written with proper grammar. Try to write as if you're teaching someone
else how to solve this problem. This will go a long way toward improving your proofs.

You have thanked the grader!

Problem 9 (38053)

Problem: Report Error

Here are some relatively simple results to try proving, to get practice writing group theory proofs and examples. Make sure to hide
your answers so as not to steal all the fun; on the other hand, you should feel free to discuss others' solutions once you've tried
these out!

1. Prove that for any element in any group, and any natural number . You should focus
particularly on what exactly is obvious or not obvious here. What concept from basic algebra does this show will work in
any group?
2. Can a group have two different identity elements? Can an element of a group have two different inverses? Two
different right inverses? A right inverse that's distinct from the left inverse? What if is not necessarily a group, but
just a set with an associative binary operation and an identity element? (Pick your preferred questions out of here!) A left
inverse of is such that , and a right inverse is such that .
3. Give a careful proof by induction of the (admittedly silly) result that commutes with for every in a group and
every . To make this precise, first give a precise inductive definition of , which is strictly speaking necessary
since the binary operation doesn't give us a way to directly multiply things together.
4. On a similar note, prove that associativity implies 4-associativity, that is, prove that any way of multiplying together four
elements of a group in a given order gives the same answer. (It is possible, but very technical, to extend this to -
associativity!) 20/21
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Discussion Problem:
This is a Discussion problem. Use the discuss button to visit the discussion thread for this problem and work with your
classmates. You can post full or partial solutions, but please surround them in [hide][/hide] tags as a courtesy to students
who do not want the problem to be spoiled.

Problem 10 (38054)

Problem: Report Error

Salt crystals typically array themselves in a cubic lattice. Find a way to describe the symmetry group of the infinite cubic lattice.

Discussion Problem:
This is a Discussion problem. Use the discuss button to visit the discussion thread for this problem and work with your
classmates. You can post full or partial solutions, but please surround them in [hide][/hide] tags as a courtesy to students
who do not want the problem to be spoiled.

Problem 11 (38241)

Problem: Report Error

Let's have a symmetry group party! Describe the symmetry group of the object posted above you, and then post an object of your
own for the next poster to describe the symmetry group of. Try to provide an object that's different from anything we've seen

What does "describe" mean? Well, a perfect description is a Cayley table, but you don't need to go that far. Try to count the
number of elements if the group is finite, and give a geometric description of what kind of elements the group has, as we've seen
examples with rotations, reflections, translations, and so on as symmetries earlier.

Note that it's not always obvious from a picture what the symmetries of an object should be. Part of your answer should be
explaining what you've decided symmetries should preserve!

I'll start. Here's one of my favorite objects, a triangular prism:

Discussion Problem:
This is a Discussion problem. Use the discuss button to visit the discussion thread for this problem and work with your

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