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W ramach wymiany międzynarodowej wraz z klasą wyjeżdżasz za granicę do zaprzyjaźnionej

szkoły. W e-mailu do koleżanki z Anglii:

 opisz występ artystyczny, który przygotowaliście na tę okazję
 przedstaw swoje obawy związane z występem
 poinformuj, co kupiłeś(-aś) w związku z wyjazdem, i wyjaśnij dlaczego
 napisz, jak zamierzasz spędzać czas wolny w trakcie pobytu za granicą.

Hi Susan, My school friends and I can’t wait for our exchange trip. We have spent a lot of time
preparing our show. It’s almost ready. Our performance will be about Polish Christmas traditions, to
introduce Polish customs to foreigners in the German school which we are going for this exchange.
We will present short scenes in Polish, English and German that will show, for example, what
Christmas Eve looks like in Poland. Everything is well prepared, but I have some concerns. I am
afraid that I will forget my role because I am very stressed about performing in English and
German. I hope they will understand my poor German and my friends can also handle it. I am also
afraid of such a huge audience, their whole school will be watching us. Yesterday I went shopping
to buy a few things for the trip. I had to buy a new suitcase because the old one is already badly
damaged. I also bought a lot of snacks to prevent me from getting hungry during journey. My last
purchase is a German language dictionary, I think it might be useful. During the exchange in my
free time, I want to meet as many people as possible and talk to them in English. I think it will help
me in learning the language. I also want to visit the city because I have never been to Germany. I
hope to try some local dishes as well.
That’s all! Write soon!

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