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Conflict management

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If you are the only boy in your family, and your father is pressuring you to carry on *
with the family business despite your desire to study law. How are you going to
persuade your dad to let you follow your dreams?

I will ask him to give me some time to try and be successful in the field I choose, If that
doesn't work out I'll join family business.
Let's say you went to a new city for higher education, but your hectic schedule *
prevents you from spending time with your best friends from back home. As a
result, you got into a quarrel with them. How are you going to settle your dispute

I will explain them about my situation and priorities in my life, if they are my good friends they
will understand me. If they are unable to do so we might have to stop talking for a while

Let's say your sister is depressed because she didn't get into the medical school of *
her dreams. How will you respond to that circumstance?

School or any college doesn't define someone, It's the skill set you acquire and the ability to
learn that takes you to heights. I will motivate her to give it her best and succeed where she is.
Even though she doesn't understand I'll ask her to look at the possibility of a drop but that has
to be her decision.

Consider a scenario in which your father experienced a loss in his business this *
year and your home's financial situation is poor, but you are residing in a separate
place for your higher education and your expenses are considerable. How are you
going to resolve this financial issue?

I would take a part-time job or any work that can bring in some capital and learn new skill sets
to get more high paying jobs.
Let's imagine you received a job offer from a reputable company, but due to your *
volatile personality, no one in the office will approach you. As a result, your working
environment is unpleasant and you find it difficult to concentrate on your tasks.
How will you maintain a positive working relationship with the staff?

I will try to interact less with people, even when I do I'll make sure it to be short and sweet, and
will try to make good connection with people who can relate to me.

Consider a situation where you are staying in a hostel and you and your roommate *
got into a quarrel. As a result, you are finding it difficult to settle there and are
unable to move to an apartment because you are new to the city. How will you
handle this scenario, then?

I will sit him down and will stat the problems we both are facing and will try to find a common
ground. Compromises on both sides goes long ways.

Consider a scenario in which you and your course instructor do not get along, which *
prevents you from paying attention during his lecture and causes him to constantly
mock you in front of the class, making you feel humiliated. How are you going to
approach this?

I'll confront him in the class and will let them know how its not appropriate and derogatory.

Two of your closest friends fought with one another. How would you resolve the
problem and which side will you support?

I won't choose any side, I will try to put sense in both of them and will ask them to look at
things from each other perspectives and resolve issue. If they are good friends they will make
it happen.

You and your pal have a long history of close friendship. You always had a fantastic *
time together, but recently, their behaviour towards you has changed. They now lash
out at you more frequently and constantly put the blame on you, but when you
approach them, they claim that nothing has changed and that they are worried
about you. Will you break up with this person or give them some time in this

I will try to find the reason behind this change, and will let them know how their behaviour
affects me and makes me feel, then will give them some time to make things better if that
doesn't work out we might have to break up.

How would you handle nasty callers if you were employed for a call centre company *
and frequently received such calls

Block them

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