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The Stymphalian Birds by Agatha Christie

Harold ____________, a
young Englishman, is on
holiday in Herzoslovakia.

He befriends two English

women, Mrs. _________ and
her daughter ___________

However, he is disturbed by
the presence of
two Polish women, who
are _________________.

The Polish women

have sharp, __________
noses and cruel eyes, which
Harold finds unsettling.

One evening, Harold and Elsie are interrupted by Elsie's _______________, Mr. Clayton.

Mr. Clayton is jealous of _______________ and accuses him of flirting with his daughter.

Mr. _______________ is seriously injured and dies shortly afterwards.

_______________ ___________, the famous detective, is called in to investigate

the murder.

Poirot soon realizes that the _____________ women are not who they seem.

They are, in fact, criminals who have been hiding in _____________.

Poirot confronts the Polish women and exposes their true _____________.

The Polish women are _____________ and brought to _____________.

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