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Help's Here

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: Outer Banks (TV)
Relationships: Sarah Cameron/John B. Routledge, Kiara "Kie" Carrera/JJ Maybank,
Sarah Cameron & Kiara "Kie" Carrera & Pope Heyward & JJ Maybank
& John B. Routledge
Characters: Pope Heyward, Sarah Cameron, John B. Routledge, Kiara "Kie" Carrera,
JJ Maybank
Additional Tags: Unplanned Pregnancy, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and
Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Feels, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence,
Angst with a Happy Ending
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-01-27 Updated: 2024-02-06 Words: 6,702 Chapters: 5/?
Help's Here
by The_keyperx


AU- Canon Divergent. Set after "My Druthers"

Sarah goes to break up with John B but the universe has other plans.


Kiara and JJ grow closer through the stress of Sarah's hospital visit

Just Angst Hurt/Comfort with some tooth rotting fluff sprinkled in for good measure.


This is a bit of a short chapter, just to get things moving.

In this AU Pope and Kiara don't get together.

Be warned there will be mentions of miscarriages!!

With that enjoy ;3

See the end of the work for more notes

The Docks

Sarah decided it would be best to end things with John B. Things had gotten far too serious
with her recent development and it scared her. She had gone to the Chateau to break things
off where she found him out on the dock.

“It’s too complicated for me,” Sarah said, tears falling down her cheeks.


“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come.” She said quietly as she walked back up the dock.

“Please, Sarah. I love you.”

John B began to follow after her when Sarah suddenly let out a sharp wince of pain and
dropped to her knees.

He ran to her side, his eyes frantically searching for what caused her sudden decline.

“Sarah, Hey. What’s happening?” He asked, carefully holding up her shoulder with his arm.

She groaned lightly and sunk into him, cradling her stomach.

“I’m right here Sarah, please tell me what’s happening”

“John B. something is wrong.” She whispered as she looked up at him, tears glistening in the
corners of her eyes. The pain was written all over her face.

He started panicking as he held her close and started calling out for help. He heard footsteps
and JJ's sarcastic tone as he spoke “You guys already begging for my boat expertise huh?”. JJ
was clearly high and not thinking straight because under normal circumstances John B
breaking down and screaming for help would signal something a bit more urgent than the
H.M.S Pogue breaking down for about the millionth time.

Sarah let out a yelp of pain as JJ neared, making him notice the urgent situation.

“Jesus, Sarah!” He called as he clumsily ran to them. He kneeled next to the couple and
began to ramble something about his cousin Ricky when John B noticed something, there
was an expanding pool of blood forming underneath Sarah.

“JJ! Go get help!” He yelled. JJ seemed to have seen the blood because after muttering a few
curse words in typical JJ fashion he ran to the Chateau and began to dial some numbers on
his phone.

John B quickly turned his attention back to Sarah, whose face looked whiter than it did just a
second ago. She whimpered and pushed her face into his shirt before going limp and losing

Panicked, He lifted Sarah bridal style and jogged to the chateau, being careful not to jostle
her too much. As He entered the dimly lit interior, the creaking of the old wooden floors
echoed through the eerie silence. He carefully laid Sarah on a dusty couch, the shadows
playing tricks on her pallid face. Something was wrong, and the blood that had made its way
down John B’s shirt proved it. He shook Sarah’s shoulder carefully and began whispering to

“Sarah, hey. What’s going on?”

No answer.

“Is it ok if I change your clothes for less.. Um.. Bloody ones?”

Sarah nodded tersely and let out a wince of pain as John B lifted her back up to take her shirt
off. He stared at it for a moment, fear creeping over him as he took in how much blood she
had lost.

He looked over her form and noticed something, there was a small bump where her normally
flat stomach was. He looked back up at her and met her eyes.

“Sarah..” He said softly.

Her face was streaked with tears and she let out a choked sob. He kneeled next to her and
pressed his lips to her forehead.

“We don’t have to talk about it. I’m just worried about you right now.”

He got up and started searching through the clothes on the ground. He picked up a shirt and
lifted her again to put it on. As he placed her back down on the couch he heard distant sirens.

JJ frantically ran into the room, and eyed the blood-soaked clothes that littered the floor
before looking back up to them.

“Sarah, you’re gonna be ok. I called an ambulance.”

The sirens were a sharp constant in the blur that followed. Sarah struggled to hold on to
consciousness, her hand wrapped around John B’s.

Her world was a blur of pain and beeps as the ambulance lurched around corners and needles
went into her arm. As they reached the hospital the ambulance went still and John B planted a
kiss on Sarah's hand. She felt his presence by her side and the sense of security that went with
it, he wouldn’t let anything happen to her. With that she let the darkness take her.
Waiting room
Chapter Summary

*Insert Phoebe Bridgers reference*

Horrendous amounts of Jiara Fluff :3

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

JJ had ridden his bike to Haywards to pick up Pope and got Kiara on the way, taking them to
the hospital where they were now waiting.

“I can’t believe it, we should’ve been there,” She said quietly, looking over to JJ. He patted
his knees and she laid her head down on them.

“It’s probably better you weren’t there to see it.” JJ said, stroking Kiara's hair.

“What do you think happened?” JJ asked John B, who had been pacing around the room for
the last half hour.
He looked up from his pacing and shook his head, which JJ took as his cue to ramble.

“It’s so stupid, ‘family only’. As if Sarah would even want to see those guys.
We should be the ones in there but no. We aren’t allowed in and now Sarah’s all alone and
we’re all stuck out here.”

“Well, it's not their rule. It’s a basic policy, I don’t think a single hospital in a 50-mile radius
would have let us in there, besides, it’s most likely only while they are actively treating her.
So it shouldn’t be too long now.” Pope spoke, recalling the information as if it were some
common knowledge.

“I wonder if she’s woken up yet..” John B asked as he looked up at the clock.

“Surely they’ll tell us when she does,” Pope interjected.

“It’s been hours Pope, if she isn’t up soon I swear to god.” Kiara groaned, turning over on
JJ’s lap.

“C’mon Kie surely I’m not that bad of a pillow,” JJ responded as he resumed playing with
her hair.

“Yeah, you’re a real natural.” She smiled

“John B you wanna quit pacing and get something from the vending machines? You’re going
to run a track into the carpet soon.” Pope chimed.

John B looked up at the clock again.

“Yeah, ok but you two stay here in case there’s any news about Sarah.”

“Fine but you better get us snacks.” JJ countered.

Pope gave them a thumbs-up before walking down the hall with John B.

Kiara let out a deep sigh before turning to face up at JJ

“What if something terrible happened? Like what if she doesn’t make it?”

“I’m sure everything’s fine Kei, there was like some blood but I’ve seen my dad's guys lose
way more and end up fine, and Sarah’s strong, if anyone can get through it, it’s her,” JJ said,
using his thumb to delicately brush the tear of her face.

“I don’t know what I did to deserve you.” Kei smiled.

“Yeah, it would’ve had to be something pretty bad.” He said, making Kiara elbow him in the

“Hey! We’re already at the hospital Kei, so it’s free game.” He said, feigning insult, before
launching in to tickle her ribs. She started laughing and squirming wildly, garnering some
dirty looks from the other people in the waiting room.

“Stop! I tap!” She squealed.

“You guys look like you’re having fun,” Pope spoke as he threw a bag of chips to JJ and
some gummies to Kiara.

“I was just telling John B about this book I read for Biology with this really interesting
section on blood loss. With the new advances in modern medicine, it’s the best time for it.”

“I don’t know if there’s ever really a good time for it man” JJ interrupted

John B put a finger gun to his head, while the oblivious pope continued rambling.

“I mean obviously. But in comparison, it’s a lot better. I mean now you have blood
transfusions that can run almost autonomously-”

John B put the finger gun back up and pretended to cock it, causing JJ and Kiara burst out
Pope turned around and saw John B playing dead.

“Guys come on. I’m just trying to help.”

“And we appreciate it, but please man, just chill for a second.” John B spoke, feeling bad for
making fun of him.
“I wonder if the nurse would believe me if I told her I was Sarah’s brother,” JJ asked the
group quietly.

“I’d say knock yourself out but I don't want to lose my pillow.” Kiara yawned.

“Fine but one more hour and you’ll just have to deal with it.” He responded

They all fell into a comfortable silence with John B and Pope reading the old magazines on
the table and JJ braiding a sleeping Kiara's hair.

JJ finished a section of braids and kicked John B’s foot to get him to look. He gave a nod of
approval and began to whisper to him.

“How do you know how to braid hair?”

JJ hesitated for a moment then answered slowly, “My mum taught me.”

Pope looked up.

“I thought you didn’t remember her.” John B asked quietly.

“Yeah, I don’t remember much about her. Braiding her hair always stuck with me though.
After she taught me I’d always beg to do her hair in the car for our little surf trips down the
coast. It always used to calm me down during the long car trips with my dad.”

John B opened his mouth to respond before stopping short and putting a hand on his knee.

“That’s actually really sweet.” Pope piped up.

“Thanks. I haven’t had any practice since she… y’know.”

“I can’t tell, it looks good man.” John B smiled lightly.

“Just ‘cause I have a good model,” JJ added, smiling at Kiara’s sleeping form. She must have
sensed it because she started snoring, causing the three boys to begin laughing.

“Huh, What is it?” Kiara asked groggily, rubbing at her eyes as she turned up to face JJ. She
felt her hair and spoke.

“Woah. JJ, you know how to braid?”

“Yup, not to brag but you look pretty cool.”

She beamed up at him and looked across to the chairs Pope and John B were sitting at.

“Told you to bring your phone, Pope, you look bored as hell.

“Ha. Ha.” He said, rolling his eyes.

A nurse walked in,
“Are you all here for Ms Cameron?”

Chapter End Notes

This chapter was so fun to write!

I hope you enjoyed my little cliffhanger.

I'm feeling super motivated so expect the next chapter within a few days <3
Chapter Summary

John B finds out what's happening with Sarah.

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

John B stood up “Yeah. Is she ok? Why did it take so long for you to get us?”

“Sir, could you come with me.” She asked, opening a door and motioning for him to go

John B looked back at the group, JJ gave him a curt nod, motioning for him to go with her.
Once he went through the door she began talking to him in a hushed voice.
“Are you Ms Cameron's partner?”

He hesitated
“Yes, why?”

“Were you aware of her condition?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe.”

“OK, could you follow me? She’s been asking for you.”

“She’s awake?”

“Yes, for about an hour now.” She replied, glancing at a clock as they passed it.

They rounded a corner and went into an elevator, the nurse scanned her card, pressed a button
and the doors slid shut.

“If she’s awake why didn’t you get us sooner?” John B asked.

The nurse took in a breath, “With her condition, our surgeons had to ensure she had stabilised
before visitors could be allowed.”


“Yes, Ms Cameron went into an emergency surgery.”

The doors opened but before the nurse stepped out John B put his arm in the way of the
“You just didn’t think to mention that in the hours we waited?”

She looked up at him, “There was no available staff.”

He let out a scoff of disbelief before lowering his arm. They walked through a few more
hallways before stopping at a door marked ‘4B - Maternity ward’. He walked in and took in
the scene before him.
Sarah lay on the hospital bed, an IV running into her arm. There were a few more machines
surrounding the bed. Her skin was pale and dark circles were ringing her red eyes, she had
been crying.
John B walked to the side of her bed, grabbing her hand before kneeling next to her and
kissing it.
Her eyes began to water and her lip crinkled.

“Hey, Sarah. You ok?”

“I am now.” She looked behind him “Where are the rest of the pogues?”

“They’re down in the waiting room. We’ve been so worried for you.”

Tears began falling down her face “I’m sorry John B, I should have told you.”

“Hey, hey, it’s ok. I just care that you’re ok.”

“You aren’t mad?”

“No. I get it, it’s ok.” He said as he stood up and pressed his forehead against hers.

“You want me to get the others?”

“Don’t leave,” Sarah responded sadly.


He grabbed a chair and lowered the guard rail on the side of her bed, putting his arm around
the small of her back and kissing her cheek gently.
Her head rested on his chest as he rubbed her shoulders gently, they sat that way for an hour
before even bothering to talk more.

“I really am sorry,” Sarah confessed.

“It’s ok, really. I just- I was wondering if we could talk about it now.?”

She took in a breath, “I found out the other day, before my dad…”

“I am so sorry darling.” John B said while he hugged her and planted a kiss on her head.

She sniffled, “I just didn’t know how to tell you after that.”

“So, now it’s... gone?” He asked her empathetically

She shuffled around to face him. Wrapping her arms around his waist and pressing her face
deep into his chest.

“Nm-Nh.” She said, her words muffled by the fabric.

“What was that?” John B asked

She breathed into his shirt and shook her head.

“So you mean…”

She nodded before looking up at him, gauging his reaction.

“Oh, Sarah.” He sighed happily before returning the hug tightly (careful not to hurt her)

“There’s two.” She said hesitantly, her words still slightly muffled in his shirt.

“Like, twins?”

She nodded.

He kissed her gently, “We’ve got this.”

"I love you, John B."

And I love you Sarah Cameron."

Sarah fell asleep in that position, leaving John B to watch the Hospital TV for the time being.

"I'm gonna be a dad!" He whispered to himself happily.

Chapter End Notes

New Chapter!

Sorry it's been a while for this one,

If you want to vote on my updates feel free to check my Patreon <3

Love y'all !!
Cafe run
Chapter Summary

Pope, JJ and Kiara get antsy waiting, so JJ and Kiara go for a little cafe run.

Chapter Notes

Remember to join my Patreon if you want to vote on when I update <3

(Shameless Plug)


“What could be taking so long?” Kiara groaned. JJ had fully finished her hair and had been
enthralled, playing with it since.

“Maybe it’s a… sensitive issue,” Pope said uncomfortably.

“What, like an STD?” JJ asked, snapping out of his trance.

“I don’t think you bleed out from those,” Kiara said.

Oh, yeah.”

“And you’re supposed to be the smart one.” JJ chuckled, “I guess I’ll have to take over the

“Nice try. I’m way smarter than you.” Kiara countered, playfully ruffling his hair when he
looked down at her. JJ blushed and smiled at her, blush spreading on her cheeks.

“Get a room,” Pope muttered under his breath, clearly annoyed with with new role as third

“What?” JJ asked.

“Huh, oh. Nothing.”

“Sounds like something.” Kiara insisted.

Pope shrugged before going back to his reading

The room was filled with the low hum of conversation, the distant beeping of machines, and
the occasional shuffle of hospital staff moving about.

"So, JJ, any plans for tonight?" Kiara teased, glancing up at him with a playful smile.

JJ smirked, running his fingers through Kiara's hair. "Well, I was thinking about winning you
a stuffed animal from the hospital gift shop. You know, to add to your collection."

Kiara chuckled, "Smooth, but you're going to have to step up your game. I've got high
standards for my stuffed animals."

Pope rolled his eyes at their flirtatious banter, attempting to distract himself from the worry
gnawing at him.

"You know," JJ began, a playful glint in his eyes, "if we spend any more time in this hospital,
we might need a designated waiting room game. Got any ideas?"

Kiara smirked, propping herself up on her elbows to meet his gaze. "Maybe 'Guess the
Hospital Smell'? Winner gets the last stale vending machine snack."

Pope, who had been eavesdropping on their banter, couldn't help but chuckle at their attempt
to lighten the mood. "You guys are something else. I don't know how you manage to make
jokes at a time like this."

JJ shrugged, a soft smile tugging at his lips. "Sometimes laughter is the best medicine, Pope."

"I never thought we'd end up here, waiting for one of our own in a hospital," Kiara admitted,
her gaze drifting to the floor.

JJ tightened his grip on her hand, offering a reassuring squeeze. "Yeah, but we've always
come out on top. Sarah and John B will too."

While Pope sat in the corner, immersed in his book, Kiara and JJ found themselves drawn
into a more intimate conversation. The hum of the hospital became a distant backdrop as they
exchanged glances.

Kiara gently shifted from her position on JJ's lap, sitting up to face him. "JJ, can we talk
about something serious for a moment?"

JJ looked at her with a serious expression, a rare moment of vulnerability in his usually
carefree demeanour. "Yeah, Kie. What's on your mind?"

She took a deep breath, searching for the right words. "I've noticed that lately, you've been
more distant. Is everything okay?"

JJ hesitated for a moment before letting out a sigh. "It's just... you know how things can get
messed up sometimes. It's like I'm trying to figure out where I fit, you know?"
Kiara nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. "You don't have to have it all figured out,
JJ. We're all here for you, no matter what."

He looked down, twirling a strand of Kiara's hair between his fingers. "It's just hard
sometimes, Kie. I feel like I mess things up, and I don't want to drag you or anyone else down
with me."

Kiara reached out, placing her hand on his cheek to gently lift his gaze. "JJ, we're a team. We
stick together through thick and thin. If you're going through something, let us in. We'll face
it together."

A vulnerable expression flickered across JJ's face, and he nodded. "I appreciate that, Kie. It's
just... You guys are all I got. I don't want to mess it up."

Kiara smiled softly, her eyes reflecting genuine warmth. "You're not going to mess anything
up. We're in this together, and we've got your back. You're not alone, JJ."

“Right, sorry to make this all about me.” He said, his eyes drifting to the floor.

Kiara placed a gentle hand on JJ's cheek. "No need to apologize. We're all stressed. Anyway,
Sarah will be ok. She's strong, and John B is with her. While we’re stuck out here as far as
I’m concerned it’s about all of us."

JJ decided to break the tension by injecting some humour into the situation. "Hey, how about
we ditch this place and find the nearest café? Hospital food is terrible, and I could really use
some decent coffee."

Pope raised an eyebrow, but a small grin crept across his face. "Are we seriously considering
a café run right now?"

Kiara joined in, "Why not? A change of scenery could do us good. Plus, I could use a break
from staring at these sterile walls."

JJ stood up, extending a hand to Kiara. "Well then, Kie, shall we lead the way to caffeinated

She smirked, taking his hand, "Lead the way, JJ. Just don't get us lost."

“You guys go ahead, I’ll call you if there’s any news.”

Kiara and JJ enjoyed their coffee and banter in the café, providing each other with a much-
needed distraction. However, the absence of Pope didn't go unnoticed. Kiara looked at JJ,
concern in her eyes. "Do you think we should have convinced Pope to come with us? He's
been so stressed."

JJ sighed, taking a sip of his coffee. "He needed some time alone. We can't force him to
come. Let's just give him some space"

“I kinda feel bad for leaving. Though this coffee does hit the spot ”
JJ grinned, "Life's unpredictable, my friend. Gotta roll with the punches. "

Back in the hospital, Pope felt a mix of emotions. The world of his book offered temporary
respite, but his thoughts invariably returned to the reality of the situation. He hoped for
positive news from the doctors and prayed for the well-being of Sarah and John B.

JJ smirked, leaning back in his chair, "So, Kie, I was thinking—"

Kiara interrupted with a teasing glint in her eye, "Thinking? That's dangerous territory for
you, JJ. What's on your mind?"

He chuckled, "Just wondering if you'd let me win you that stuffed animal from the claw
machine. You know, to add to your collection."

Kiara raised an eyebrow, feigning scepticism. "You think you can handle the intense
precision required for that mission, JJ?"

He leaned in, a playful spark in his eyes, "Oh, I have skills you don't know about, Kiara. It's
all in the wrist action."

She laughed, a light blush colouring her cheeks, "Wrist action, huh? I'll believe it when I see

Kiara reached for her coffee cup, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "So, JJ, any other hidden
talents you want to share?"

He winked, "Well, I can also charm my way into getting extra whipped cream on our drinks.
Watch and learn, Kie."

He spotted the barista behind the counter, a friendly smile on her face. Taking it as an
opportunity to showcase his so-called charm, he decided to attempt some light-hearted
flirting to secure that extra whipped cream.

"Hey there," JJ said with a wink, leaning casually against the counter. "I was thinking our
coffees could use a little extra magic. What do you say?"

The barista laughed, playing along with the banter. "Extra magic, huh? I like your style. What
kind of magic are we talking about?"

JJ grinned, turning on the charm, "The kind that involves a generous swirl of whipped cream
on top. You know, the secret ingredient for a perfect coffee experience."

The barista chuckled, reaching for the whipped cream canister. "Alright, I'll make an
exception for you. Consider it our little secret."
Kiara observed the interaction, a small frown forming on her face. She wasn't accustomed to
feeling jealous, but seeing JJ turn on the charm for someone else sparked an unexpected pang
of possessiveness. She masked her emotions with a forced smile, taking a sip of her coffee.

As they walked away from the counter, Kiara couldn't help but tease, "Smooth move, JJ. I
didn't know whipped cream was part of your secret repertoire."

He grinned, not catching the hint of jealousy in her tone. "Hey, you have to use all the tools in
your arsenal when necessary."

As they settled back into their seats, Kiara couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort. She tried
to dismiss it as irrational, reminding herself that JJ was just being his usual charming self.
However, a subtle tension lingered in the air, adding an unexpected layer to their café

Little did Kiara know that this fleeting moment of jealousy would become a catalyst for a
more profound realization of her feelings towards JJ.


Returning to the hospital, Kiara, JJ, and Pope reunited in the waiting room, the camaraderie
of their café excursion beginning to fade in the face of the reality they were trying to escape.
Pope looked up from his book, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "So, did you guys bring back
any goodies?"

JJ proudly presented the coffee cups, grinning. "You bet we did. The barista practically gave
us the royal treatment."

Kiara forced a smile, trying to shake off the lingering sense of jealousy. "Yeah, she was really
into JJ's 'charm.'"

Pope chuckled, sensing the underlying tension. "Well, it's good to see you guys back.”

“Any news on Sarah?” Kiara inquired.

Pope's expression shifted, and he became more sombre. "Not yet. The waiting is killing me.”

She nodded, a subdued acknowledgment of the unspoken worry that hung in the air. The trio
settled back into a somewhat subdued atmosphere, their attempt to find solace in coffee and
banter giving way to the stark reality of the situation.

As they waited, the hospital room became a quiet sanctuary, each member of their makeshift
family coping in their own way. Pope returned to his book, Kiara stared out the window lost
in thought, and JJ fidgeted with the coffee cup, his usual charm replaced by a more
contemplative state.

A hushed silence enveloped the hospital room as John B entered the waiting area, his
expression carrying a mixture of exhaustion and relief. The trio of Kiara, JJ, and Pope rose
from their seats, their eyes seeking answers.
John B gestured for them to follow as he spoke in a low tone, "Sarah's okay. She's sleeping
now, but the doctors said she'll be fine. Just needs some rest."

A collective exhale of relief swept through the trio, the tension of the waiting room lifting.
John B led them through the quiet corridors, each step echoing the soft hum of the hospital.
As they approached Sarah's room, he motioned for them to enter quietly.

The sight of Sarah resting in the hospital bed brought a mix of emotions. She appeared
peaceful in her sleep. The room was bathed in a soft glow from the muted hospital lights.

Kiara, JJ, and Pope gathered around her bed, their expressions reflecting a shared sense of
relief. John B remained by the doorway, watching over them with a quiet smile.

Kiara whispered, "She looks so much better than I expected. Thank goodness."

JJ nodded, his eyes fixed on Sarah. "Yeah, the doctors know what they're doing. She'll be
back to causing chaos in no time."

“What was wrong with her anyway? Pope asked curiously.

"There's something I need to tell you guys," John B began, the weight of his words
immediately capturing their attention. "Sarah's pregnant. And, well, it's twins."

Sarah’s eyes opened weakly, “Surprise.”

The room fell into a stunned silence. Kiara, JJ, and Pope exchanged wide-eyed glances,
processing the unexpected news. The gravity of the revelation settled in, and the room
seemed to hold its breath for a moment.

Pope was the first to break the silence, his voice a mixture of surprise and concern. "Twins?
Are you serious, man?"

John B nodded solemnly. "Yeah, it's a lot to take in."

Kiara's eyes widened, her hand instinctively reaching for her stomach. "Twins? That's...

JJ, usually quick with a quip, was momentarily at a loss for words. "Double trouble, huh?"

John B managed a small smile, acknowledging the complexity of the situation. "Yeah, double
trouble indeed. But we'll figure it out.”
Pope, his concern etched on his face, spoke up, "Is there anything we can do, John B?
Anything we can help with?"

John B nodded, appreciating the solidarity. "Right now, we need to take it one step at a time.
The doctors are closely monitoring Sarah, and we're hoping for the best."

Kiara squeezed Sarah's hand, offering a reassuring smile. "You're not alone in this, Sarah.
We'll support you through everything. And if there's anything you need, just let us know."
Sarah's eyes welled up with gratitude. "Thank you.”
Morning sickness
Chapter Summary

Sarah's cleared to go home.

JJ and Kiara go surfing ;3

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Sarah’s doctor entered the room with a gentle smile. "I have some good news. Sarah is stable
for now, and we're cautiously optimistic about her recovery. You're free to leave the hospital."

A collective sigh of relief swept through the group, their expressions lightening at the
positive news. The weight that had been pressing down on them slowly lifted. John B, Sarah,
Kiara, JJ, and Pope exchanged glances, this was the start of a new chapter, hopefully one with
less chaos.

"Thank you, doctor," John B expressed gratitude, his shoulders relaxing.

The doctor continued, "Make sure Sarah takes it easy and follows the prescribed care plan.
We'll schedule regular check-ups to monitor both her and the babies. Since she is close to 4
months I’d recommend scheduling another ultrasound within the next month or two. If
there’s another instance of bleeding come back here.”

As they prepared to leave the hospital, the atmosphere in the room shifted from worry to an
excited buzz. The makeshift family gathered their belongings. Sarah, still recovering, was
supported by John B. as they made their way out of the hospital room.

In the corridor, the trio of Kiara, JJ, and Pope followed, their steps lighter than before.

The next morning, the sun painted a soft glow across the coastal town as a new day dawned.
In the Chateau, a subtle shift in the atmosphere hinted at the beginning of a different chapter.
The room that had seen shared worries and relieved smiles was now witness to a new

Sarah, lying in bed, groggily stirred awake. Her face contorted with discomfort as she
suddenly rushed to the bathroom, the sound of retching echoing through the quiet morning.
The makeshift family, still recovering from the events of the previous day, exchanged
concerned glances.

Kiara, who had been by Sarah's side, rushed to offer support. "Are you okay, Sarah?"
Sarah, pale and exhausted, managed a weak nod. John B and JJ gathered around with a
mixture of worry and anticipation. Pope, the heaviest sleeper of all time, had no clue until he
woke up to JJ and Kiara shaking him.

JJ, ever the one to break the tension with humour, attempted a light-hearted remark,
"Morning sickness, huh? The twins are taking after their dad, little troublemakers."

Sarah managed a small smile through her discomfort.

John B, still concerned, gently placed a hand on her back. Exiting the bathroom, Kiara and JJ
exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of concern and curiosity.

Meanwhile, John B took a seat beside Sarah, his concern etched on his face. "You sure you're
okay, Sarah? Maybe we should call the doctor."

Sarah reached for John B's hand, squeezing it gently. "John B, it's normal. The doctor
mentioned morning sickness might happen. I don't want to worry everyone."

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I just hate seeing you like this. We've been
through so much, and now with the twins coming, I want everything to be perfect."

She smiled warmly, "It will be, John B. We'll face whatever comes our way, just like we
always do."

As the morning unfolded and a sense of normalcy returned to the room, Sarah and John B
found themselves engaged in a conversation that carried a spark of excitement and
anticipation. The morning sickness, though challenging, had shifted their focus to a brighter
aspect of the future – the possibility of naming their twins.

John B grinned, a spark of enthusiasm in his eyes. "You know, I was thinking if it's a boy,
maybe we could consider names like Jake or Alex. What do you think?"

Sarah pondered the suggestions, her eyes alight with curiosity. "Jake and Alex are nice.
Classic and timeless. But what about a girl's name? Any ideas?"

John B nodded, his mind already racing with possibilities. "How about Emily or Grace? They
have a nice ring to them, don't they?"

Sarah smiled, "Emily and Grace sound beautiful. What about something unique? I was
thinking maybe Luna or River for a girl."

John B chuckled, "Luna and River, huh? I like the sound of that. And for a boy, maybe
something like Posidon or Leo?"

“I don’t know about Poseidon, might be a bit on the nose.”

“I think Skid would be cool,” JJ called from the kitchen.

“Sounds like a fun way to get him bullied.” Pope responded, clearly against any ‘unique’
“I thought the name was cool,” Kiara whispered to JJ.
Inside the Chateau's kitchen, Kiara, JJ, and Pope had already finished cooking breakfast,
smelling the bacon and eggs John B and Sarah decided that some food couldn’t hurt.

JJ, with a grin, called out, "Look who decided to join the land of the living! Breakfast

The couple took their seats, the morning sunlight streaming through the windows, casting a
warm glow over the room. As they settled in, Kiara couldn't resist asking, "Any progress on
the twin names, or are you still in the brainstorming phase?"

John B chuckled, "We've got a few ideas, but nothing set in stone. We're open to suggestions
if you've got any."

“I still like Skid. Oooh or Egde.” JJ said, grinning.

“Yeah. Maybe not.” John B responded.

“I think a classic name would be nice, like Alexander, or Kate.” Pope said thoughtfully.

“Boring.” Kiara said, her mouth full of bacon. Pope gave her an annoyed look, “I’d love to
hear your brilliant suggestions.”

“I dunno, names aren’t my thing.” She said.

With breakfast done and Pope heading off for work, the energy in the Chateau shifted. JJ,
always up for an adventure, turned to Kiara with a mischievous grin. "How about we hit the
waves? The surf's looking good today."

Kiara raised an eyebrow, a playful smile forming. "You sure you're up for it, JJ? Last time,
you wiped out pretty spectacularly."

JJ laughed, undeterred. "Come on, Kie, that was a one-time thing. Today, I'm feeling like a

Amused by his confidence, Kiara agreed, "Alright, let's see those pro skills in action."

The duo quickly gathered their surfboards and made their way to the beach. The sound of
crashing waves and the salty sea breeze surrounded them as they paddled out to catch some
waves. The sun glistened on the water, casting a warm glow over the ocean.

Out on the waves, JJ and Kiara rode the surf with a mix of skill and laughter. Kiara's
effortless grace contrasted with JJ's more adventurous approach, creating a dynamic tandem
on the water. As they caught waves and shared the thrill of each ride, the worries of the
morning faded away, replaced by the joy of the surf and the freedom of the open sea.

As they waited for the next set, sitting on their boards and bobbing with the gentle swells,
Kiara teased JJ, "So, these 'pro' moves of yours, JJ. When are we going to see them?"
JJ laughed, running a hand through his salt-streaked hair. "Patience, Kie. I'm saving the best
for last. Just you wait."

When the perfect wave finally approached, they paddled with synchronized determination,
feeling the surge of energy beneath them as they caught the wave. The rush of the ocean
enveloped them, the world narrowing down to the ride, the sound of crashing waves, and the
exhilaration of the moment.

Kiara effortlessly glided down the face of the wave, her movements poetry in motion. JJ, true
to his adventurous spirit, attempted a daring maneuver that ended in a dramatic wipeout,
much to Kiara's amusement.

As they surfaced from the water, breathless and laughing, JJ sheepishly admitted, "Maybe I
need a bit more practice on those 'pro' moves."

Kiara playfully splashed water in his direction. "Or maybe stick to the basics, JJ. It's not
about the fancy tricks; it's about enjoying the ride."

After their exhilarating surf session, JJ and Kiara sat on their boards, floating in the calm
water as the sun dipped lower on the horizon. The sea breeze carried a refreshing scent, and
the sound of waves gently lapping against their boards provided a soothing backdrop to their

Kiara, her hair still damp from the surf, looked at JJ with a playful glint in her eyes. "So, JJ,
any more 'pro' moves you want to showcase?"

JJ chuckled, shaking his head. "Alright, alright. Maybe I overestimated my skills a bit. But
hey, it's all about ‘enjoying the ride’, right?"

Kiara grinned, "Absolutely. Fun is the priority. Speaking of which, did you see that dolphin
ride the wave a few minutes ago? Now that's a pro move."

JJ's eyes lit up with excitement. "No way, really? I missed it!"

"Yeah," Kiara nodded, "It was like nature showing us how it's done. The simplicity of it, just
riding the wave for the joy of it."

They sat in companionable silence for a moment, taking in the beauty of the ocean around
them. The sun painted the sky with warm hues, casting a tranquil glow over the water. The
only sounds were the gentle lapping of waves and distant calls of seabirds.

JJ, gazing out over the horizon, broke the quiet moment. "You know, Kie, these moments, out
here on the water, it's like everything else fades away. It's just us, the waves, and the sky."

Kiara nodded in agreement, a thoughtful expression on her face. "It's a different kind of
peace, isn't it? Out here, everything feels simpler. No worries, just the present moment."
The sun dipped lower, casting a warm glow across the water, as JJ and Kiara continued their
conversation on their surfboards. The playful banter slowly gave way to a more
contemplative atmosphere. JJ, taking a moment, looked at Kiara with a sincerity in his eyes.

"You know, Kie, out here with the sun setting, the waves, and everything, you look...
beautiful," he said, his words carrying a genuine warmth.

Kiara, caught off guard by the unexpected compliment, felt a blush color her cheeks. She
looked back at JJ, her gaze meeting his. "JJ, you... You always know how to catch me off
guard. Thank you."

There was a pause, a quiet acknowledgment passing between them. Kiara, her expression
softening, decided to share something she had been holding back.

"You're not the only one catching someone off guard, JJ," she began, her eyes reflecting a
mix of vulnerability and sincerity. "These past few days, with everything happening – Sarah,
the twins, the hospital – I've been feeling a lot. And, well, I've been feeling something else

JJ listened attentively, his gaze locked onto Kiara.

She took a deep breath, "I've been feeling, I don't know, something more than just friendship.
And it's confusing, JJ, because we're such good friends, and I don't want to ruin that."

JJ, feeling a surge of boldness, looked deeply into Kiara's eyes.

"Kie," he said, the ocean breeze carrying his words,

In that moment, anticipation danced between them as JJ closed the distance. He gently
cupped Kiara's face and pressed a soft, lingering kiss on her lips. The world seemed to pause,
the only sound the rhythmic lapping of the waves against their boards.

As JJ pulled back, he was met with a spark in Kiara's eyes. Instead of words, she leaned in,
catching him by surprise, and deepened the connection with a passionate kiss. The sea breeze
seemed to intensify around them, mirroring the surge of emotions they shared.

JJ, initially taken aback, soon melted into the moment. The kiss became a dance, an unspoken
agreement to explore the depth of their feelings. His hands found their way to her waist,
pulling her closer, her hands laid over his shoulders.

When they finally pulled away, breathless and smiling, the unspoken tension between them
had transformed into a new understanding. The ocean, their witness, continued its rhythmic
melody, weaving a backdrop to the evolving chapter in their friendship.

JJ, a playful glint in his eyes, remarked, "Well, Kie, I'd say actions definitely speak louder
than words."

Kiara chuckled, "Couldn't agree more, JJ." The duo sat on their boards, the waves rocking
beneath them, feeling the gentle tide of change as they navigated the uncharted waters of
their evolving connection.

As they entered the Chateau, Pope greeted them with a knowing smirk. "Surfing again, huh?
Please tell me you got a video of JJ wiping out again."

JJ grinned, playfully defending his surf skills, while Kiara couldn't help but join in the
teasing. The banter continued, the afternoon surf session becoming another shared memory in
the tapestry of their unique and enduring friendship.

Chapter End Notes

I hope you liked this chapter!

I was intending this to be more of a slow burn with Kiara and JJ but just couldn't help it.

Remember to check my patreon for faster updates, I'm back at school so they will be
coming out a bit closer to once or twice a week sorry!

Love y'all!
Don't forget to comment <33333
End Notes

I'm super busy so chapters might be coming out slow after the next one, sorry!

Comments are always appreciated (I yearn for them)

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