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This is a document about handling NCR elections.

It was scripted by @CGS, any

questions/issues go to him

In elections each candidate and state gets an ID:

States' IDs:
Boneyard -- 1
Dayglow -- 2
Maxon -- 3
Redding -- 4
Shady Sands -- 5

Candidates' IDs
Allgood -- 1
Kimbal -- 2
Hayes -- 3
Secret boi -- 4

To start elections you just need to set up variable `global.first_candidate_id` and


Unlock elections window:

Still WIP, use debug decisions

To add support use `ncr_elections_add_support_effect` effect:

To use this effect you need to set up state ID and candidate's ID and support
to add, use the following temp vars: state_id, candidate_id, support_to_add (must
be positive)
Take not of the constants on top of the file with this effect, they allow to
adjust how elections will function

ncr_elections_remove_support_both_effect removes support in state from both

ncr_elections_remove_support_effect removes support from one candidate

To get the winner, run `calculate_ncr_election_winner_trigger` trigger, it will

give result in ncr_elections_winner_id_temp variable:
Example of usage:
completion_effect = {
if = {
limit = {
calculate_ncr_election_winner_trigger = yes
check_variable = { calculate_ncr_election_winner_trigger = -1 }
civil_war_go_brrr_effect = yes

Alternatively, use `calculate_ncr_elections_winner_effect` effect, which sets

constant variable ncr_elections_winner_id to the winner. -1, if there is no winner

To make elections visible in dropdown, add `ncr_elections_gui_allowed_flag` flag to

NCR. If you want to block access to the GUI, clear this flag.

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