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1 Match the words in A to their opposites in B. (6 points)

1 big ..... a short
2 young ..... b thin
3 light ..... c narrow
4 fat ..... d old
5 long ..... e small
6 wide ..... f dark

2 Choose the correct answer. (8 points)

1 After school, I … and do homework.
a go home
b get up
c go to bed
2 Jane’s hair isn’t straight. It’s … .
a wide
b young
c curly
3 Do you usually … to the park?
a go to school
b ride a bike
c chat online
4 I sometimes … from the Internet.
a download songs
b have a shower
c do sport
5 Some students … at school and some eat at home.
a play the guitar
b do homework
c have lunch
6 I often … on my phone.
a walk the dog
b meet friends
c send messages
7 My brother likes … about sport.
a reading magazines
b tidying his room
c listening to music
8 I want to eat something. Let’s … .
a play computer games
b make a snack
c play football
3 Choose the correct answer. (8 points)
1 I want to go shopping / go to school / go to the cinema to see the new action film.
2 Most basketball players are wide / tall / narrow.
3 I often get dressed / study with friends / go home before a test.
4 I want to watch TV / tidy my room / ride a bike today. There’s a football game at 9.00 pm.
5 I don’t like that picture. I think it’s ugly / straight / short.
6 Jake is never hungry in the morning. He doesn’t have dinner / read magazines / have breakfast.
7 My grandfather is 81 years old. He’s long / curly / old.
8 Many singers surf the web / play the guitar / make videos of their songs.

4 Complete the sentences with the phrases below. (5 points)

go home | play the guitar | have dinner | surf the web | do sport
1 It’s late and I’m tired. It’s time for me to ................................................... .
2 My brothers sing and ................................................... . They’re very good!
3 I love to ................................................... . I especially like tennis and swimming.
4 I usually ................................................... to find information for school projects.
5 We often ................................................... at my grandparents’ house on Saturday evenings.
My grandmother is a great cook.

5 Choose the correct answer. (6 points)

1 I is / am / has got / have got short hair.
2 Emma is / are / has got / have got dark eyes.
3 The boys isn’t / aren’t / hasn’t got / haven’t got at school.
4 Daniel is / are / has got / have got very tall.
5 We isn’t / aren’t / hasn’t got / haven’t got books.
6 You am / are / has got / have got beautiful.

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of to be or have got. (10 points)
1 Our cat ..................................... green eyes. They’re blue.
2 Their names ..................................... Timothy and Michael, but people call them Tim and Mike.
3 ..................................... you ..................................... a dog?
4 The sisters ..................................... dark hair. It’s almost black.
5 Mark ..................................... fat. He’s thin.
6 ..................................... your parents young?
7 I ..................................... tall – nearly 1.9 metres.
8 Max ..................................... a brother. His name is Alex.
9 My mother ..................................... tall. She’s short.
10 We ..................................... a big house. It’s quite small.

7 Write sentences with the words below. Use the Present Simple. (4 points)
1 Owen / often / listen / to music
2 my friends and I / not have lunch / at school
3 my sister / not get up / early
4 Emily / tidy / her room / at the weekend
8 Complete the dialogue with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple. (6 points)
Rick: ..................................... you ..................................... (know) Mia’s phone number?
Sue: No, I don’t. Why ..................................... you ..................................... (want) it?
Rick: She’s got my book.
Sue: Mia ..................................... (use) my books, too.
Rick: Yes. She ..................................... usually ..................................... (not bring) hers.
Sue: Which book ..................................... you ..................................... (need)?
Rick: The biology book.
Sue: Well, you can use mine. When ..................................... the lesson ..................................... (start)?
Rick: At 10.00 am. Thanks, Sue.

9 Choose the correct answers to complete the text. (8 points)

1. 2. 3.
I ..... 14 years old and I live in Iceland. Iceland ..... long dark winters. I ..... the winters are fun.
4. 5.
I like summer because it ..... dark – even at night! But Mum ..... home from work until late, so
6. 7. 8.
my sister and I ..... jobs to do. My sister ..... the house. What ..... ? I make dinner.
1 a is b are c am
2 a have got b is c has got
3 a doesn’t think b don’t think c thinks
4 a aren’t b am not c isn’t
5 a don’t arrive b doesn’t arrive c arrive
6 a have got b has got c are
7 a tidy b tidies c don’t tidy
8 a do I do b I do c have I got


1 03 Listen to the conversation between Chad and Sue. Then choose the correct answer. (5 points)
1 Sue and Chad have got a … test tomorrow.
a music b geography c history
2 Chad usually … when he studies with friends.
a talks b listens to music c makes a snack
3 When Chad studies, he reads the information … .
a once b twice c three times
4 Andrés Segovia … .
a does sport b plays the guitar c helps people study
5 Sue studies for about … hours the day before a test.
a three b eight c ten

2 03 Listen again and complete the sentences. (5 points)

1 Chad answers questions in his ..................................... .
2 According to Chad, ..................................... helps people study.
3 Sue usually eats ..................................... the day before a test.
4 Sue studies until ..................................... .
5 Chad ..................................... at about 10 o’clock before a test.
1 Read the magazine article. Then answer the questions below. (4 points)

Teens all over the world like taking selfies and posting them
on Facebook and Instagram. But today, teenagers have got
a new trend. They make videos of their morning routines and
put them on YouTube. You can type the words “Morning
Routines” in YouTube or in Google to find many videos
showing how teens get ready to go to school. Some videos
have got more than two million views. They usually start with
a good-looking girl or boy getting up. The first thing they do
is surf the web and chat online. Then, they have breakfast,
have a shower and get dressed. During the video, the teen
talks to the camera and describes his or her actions.
Why do teens watch these videos? First of all, most teens
like watching reality shows and these videos are like reality
shows about teenage life. Also, teens like watching popular
girls and boys so they can try to be like them.

1 What is the new teen trend?

2 Why is it popular?

2 Tick (✓) the sentences T (true) or F (false). (8 points)

1 “Morning Routines” videos are very popular.
2 The teens’ videos show their everyday activities.
3 On the videos, you can see the teens, but you
can’t hear them.
4 The videos are part of reality shows.

3 Complete the sentences. (8 points)

1 More than ......................................................................................................................people watch some of these videos.
2 Before the teens have breakfast, they ....................................................................................................................................... .
3 The teens in the videos are usually ............................................................................................................................. .
4 Most teenagers want to be like .......................................................................................................................................................

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