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Learning Alliance

Name: _________________________ Mathematics Date: _____________________
Grade VI
Topic: Sequence

Q1. Here is a sequence. 25, 35, 45, 55

a) Write term to term rule. ______________________________________

b) What will be the tenth term of the sequence? __________________________

c) What will be the twentieth term of the sequence? ___________________________

Q2. Angelique is making a sequence of patterns using cubes.

(i) Work out the number of cubes needed for Pattern 10.
(ii) Work out the number of cubes needed for Pattern 12.

Q3. This pattern is made from matchsticks.

a) Draw the next two patterns.

b) Complete the table.

c) How many matchsticks will there be in pattern 20? _____________________

Learning Alliance
Name: _________________________ Mathematics Date: _____________________
Grade VI
Topic: Sequence
Q1. Write down the first 5 terms of the sequence given by each of these formulae:

(a) 3n ____________________________________________________________________________

(b) 3n + 1 _________________________________________________________________________

(c) 3n+ 4 __________________________________________________________________________

(d) 3n − 1 __________________________________________________________________________

(e) 3n – 7__________________________________________________________________________

Q2. Write down the first 5 terms of the sequence given by each of these formulae:

(a) 9n ______________________________________________________________________

(b) 12n _____________________________________________________________________

(c) 2n + 1 ____________________________________________________________________

(d) 3n + 2 ____________________________________________________________________

(e) 5n − 2 ____________________________________________________________________

(f) 7n – 1_____________________________________________________________________

Q3. (a) What is the 10th term of the sequence 2n + 1 ? ____________________________________

(b) What is the 8th term of the sequence 3n + 6 ? _________________________________________

(c) What is the 5th term of the sequence 4 n + 1 ? _________________________________________

(d) What is the 7th term of the sequence 5n − 1 ?__________________________________________

Q4. Copy each of the sequences below and write in the next 3 numbers in each sequence.

(a) 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, . . . ________________________________________________

(b) 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, . . .__________________________________________________

(c) 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, . . .________________________________________________

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