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Cambridge School, Aurangabad

I-Semester Assessment
Subject- Maths Grade III ___ Marks :60 Date: 14.10.21
Name: ________________________ Roll no. _____
Q1) A) Fill in the blanks :- 5
1) The long hand of the clock is called ______________
2) The face of the clock is called _________
3) 1 year = ______ days
4) There are _________ months which has 30 days.
5) There are _______ days in the month of September.
B) Answer the following :- 5
1) Which is the last month of the year? ________________________
2) Which is the fifth month of the year? ________________________
3) How many months have 30 days? ________________________
4) How many days does February have? __________________
5) how many days are there in leap year? ______________

Q2) A) Subtract : 2
a) H T O b) H T O
6 3 8 4 3 8
3 7 5 2 1 5

B) Subtract [BORROWING] : 4
a) H T O b) H T O
8 3 6 6 3 8
3 5 7 3 7 5
Q3) A) Write the time in numbers:- 5
1) 20 minutes to 5 =_______ 2)Quarter to 7 =__________
3)10 minutes to 10 =_______ 4) Half past to 2 =_________
5) 5 minutes past 12 =_______
B) Write the time using am or pm :- 5
1)9 o clock in the morning. =________________
2) Half past 6 in the evening. =______________
3) Quarter to 7 in the night. =_______________
4)3:15 in the night. =_________________
5) 12:10 in the afternoon. =____________
C) Write the time in words and numbers :- 4

___________ ____________

___________ ____________
D) Draw the hands of the clock:- 1.5

20 minutes past 8 20 minutes to 4 10 minutes to 3

Q4) Convert the following into days:- 4
a) 8 weeks b) 6 months
________________________ _____________________________
________________________ _____________________________
________________________ _____________________________

Q5) A) Convert the following days into hours :- 4.5

a) 6 days b) 9 days 15 hours
________________________ _____________________________
_________________________ _____________________________
_________________________ ______________________________
_________________________ _____________________________
B) Convert the following hours int minutes :- 4.5
a) 7 hours b) 3 hours 12 minutes
________________________ _______________________________
________________________ _______________________________
________________________ _______________________________
________________________ _______________________________
C) Convert the following minutes into seconds :- 4.5
a) 7 minutes b) 4 minutes 25 seconds
_______________________ ______________________________
________________________ ______________________________
________________________ ______________________________
________________________ ______________________________
Q6) Word Problem :- 3
1) Mr. Mayank had Rs 9865. He bought a mobile phone costing Rs 8820.
How much money is left with him?


Q7) Arrange in columns and subtract :-

a) 9368 – 4235 b) 7389 – 1065. 4


- -

Q8) Dodging Tables:- 4

14 x 7 = _______ 15 x 5 = _______
13x 3 = _______ 12 x 6 = ______

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