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How To Turn On Her Primitive Sexual Brain

Ask simple, sexually non-judgmental questions.

• What are some things that really turn you on?

• Have you been surprised by something that turned you on that you had no idea would turn you on? If so,
what was it?
• Do you have fantasies that you like to think about when you are masturbating? If so, mind sharing?
• Are there any names you know you like or think you might like to be called in bed?
• What’s the craziest place you’ve ever had sex?
• Have you ever made out with another girl? If so, how far did you go?
• Have you ever had a threesome? Girls or guys?
• Have you ever been spanked during sex before? Did you like it?
• Have you ever had anal sex? Did you like it?
• Is there something you’ve always wanted to try sexually, but have been too afraid? If so, what is it and
what about it scares you?

Another great question is:

• Do you have any fantasies that really turn you on in your imagination but you know you wouldn’t
actually want to have happen in real life

Asking a question like this last one can help create safety for a woman who is worried that if she
shares a fantasy with you, you will think she wants to do it in real life and with you THAT night.
Key IDEA - To have great sex, you have to create feelings of safety, security and a non-judgmental
attitude. She needs to know you will protect her socially - no matter how wild she gets.

Many fantasies are just that - FANTASIES - But fantasies can generate a lot of sexual energy in your

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