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ISSN 0017-8748

Headache  doi: 10.1111/head.13707

© 2019 American Headache Society Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Guest Editorials
Sampling Methods in Research Design
Sampling is the selection of a subset of the popu- precisely defining a target population is a challenging
lation of interest in a research study. In the vast major- task, but it is of the utmost importance for determin-
ity of research endeavors, the participation of an entire ing how the research findings will eventually be used.6
population of interest is not possible, so a smaller When designing sampling plans, the units of a popula-
group is relied upon for data collection. Sampling tion are referred to as elements and lists of all popula-
from the population is often more practical and al- tion elements are called sampling frames.7,8 An example
lows data to be collected faster and at a lower cost of a sampling frame could be all individuals who seek
than attempting to reach every member of the pop- care for a migraine attack in an emergency department
ulation. However, because the sample will be used to in the United States in the current year. In this case, the
make inferences about the population, understanding study population is the distinctly defined group from
the means by which the data arrived in the database is which elements (ie, individuals) will be selected and
an important aspect of analyzing and drawing conclu- studied. Although other classification systems exist,
sions from that data. sampling strategies are often categorized as probability
This installment continues the ongoing series of sampling and non-probability sampling (Table 1).
methods and statistics editorials in the Journal.1-5 This Probability Sampling.—In a probability sample, each
editorial is focused on common ways that data are element in a sampling frame has a known and nonze-
observed. Several common sampling designs, uses of ro chance of selection (ie, a probability of being sam-
sampling designs in headache research, and common pled), and random selection is used to choose elements.6,7
problems encountered with sampling are described. Several methods of probability sampling exist. Some
While the topic of sampling is vast, this serves as a sim- of the most commonly used are described here.
ple introduction to the concepts. Simple Random Sampling.—When simple random
sampling is used, all elements have an equal probabil-
DEFINING THE ISSUE ity of being selected. Because this sampling method
In many areas of research, statistical estimates are gives equal probability to all elements, it is useful when
obtained from a sample and used to make inferences, researchers are interested in associations that would
called population parameters, about a population of apply to the whole population.6 However, a weak-
interest. When researchers wish to design a study, they ness of this design is that the sample may not reflect the
must define the target population about which they population, especially the population composition of
would like to make these inferences (eg, individuals specific groups. For example, when randomly select-
who are diagnosed with migraine headache). Often, ing 10% of individuals who present for treatment at a
tertiary headache clinic, each individual has an equal
Address all correspondence to D.P. Turner, Department of chance of being included. Though, due to random
Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, Massachusetts sampling error, this sample of individuals may not be
General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA, representative of older individuals in the general pop-
ulation who by chance were not selected in accordance

Accepted for publication October 29, 2019. Conflict of Interest: None

Headache 9

Table 1.—Examples of Sampling in Headache Research

Sampling Method Definition Common Types Examples in Headache

Probability sampling Each element has a known and Simple random “Stratified sampling methods were designed
nonzero chance of selection Systematic to yield a final sample of respondents who
Random selection is used based on Stratified would be demographically representative
laws of probability Cluster of the U.S. population by gender, age,
household income, race, marital status,
and U.S. Census region.”9
“Analyses were done using SAS proce-
dures … to account for the stratified,
multistage probability cluster sampling
design of NHANES.”10
Non-Probability Elements of the population do not Convenience “A convenience sample of 395 participants
sampling have a known or equal probability Purposive was recruited for the study.”11
of selection Quota “Quota sampling was used from September
Random selection is not used Snowball 2012 to November 2013 to generate a
sample of 489,537 panel members,
representative of the U.S. population.”12

with their levels of population membership (ie, this groups, or strata, based on a stratification variable.7
sample is younger than the population as a whole). A simple random sample is then taken from each stra-
Systematic Sampling.—In systematic random sam- tum with sampling fractions used to determine the
pling, elements are chosen based on a predefined in- number chosen from each in relation to population
terval. In its simplest form, all elements are listed, a numbers. For example, when studying migraine, an
random number is chosen as the starting point, and investigator could stratify the population based on
every kth element after that number is selected.7 This sex and then randomly sample within each group.
sampling interval, k, is calculated by dividing the While an advantage of stratified sampling is that it is
population size by the desired sample size. For exam- often useful when variability within strata is small and
ple, if the start point is randomly chosen to be ele- variability between strata is large, it can be complicat-
ment 8 and the sampling interval is calculated as 12, ed and easily misused. For instance, trouble can arise
elements included in the sample would be 8, 20, 32, when elements of the population do not fall into only
44, 56, 68, etc. This method ensures that sampling is one distinct subgroup, which can lead to a sample that
spread more evenly across the population. However, a does not accurately represent the population.
disadvantage occurs when the list of elements contains Cluster Sampling.—In cluster sampling, the pop-
some form of temporal periodicity.6 If similar elements ulation is divided into groups, or clusters, and these
occur in cycles, these may be selected more often, which groups are sampled for inclusion in the study.7 This
would lead to a sample that contains a greater propor- method is useful because many times, researchers will
tion of these elements than actually present in the pop- be able to identify clusters but will not easily be able to
ulation. For example, if patients are referred in cycles identify individual elements within those clusters.6 For
from a traumatic brain injury clinic, and these referrals example, all hospitals in a city can be identified, but all
coincidentally correspond to the sampling interval, patients within all hospitals are much more difficult to
then the sample will contain more of these individuals identify. When using this method, clusters are randomly
than if simple random sampling were employed. selected from all possible clusters. Within each clus-
Stratified Sampling.—Stratified sampling allows ter, the elements are expected to be heterogeneous and
for the inclusion of population subgroups of inter- representative of the population. In single-stage clus-
est and is useful when there are differences in a variable ter sampling, all elements in the cluster are included
across different groups.6 The population is divided into in the research.8 In two-stage cluster sampling, random
10 January 2020

sampling is used to select some elements within each sample will consist of 15.3% of individuals with a mi-
cluster. While cluster sampling has logistic and financial graine diagnosis and 84.7% of individuals without a di-
advantages, it can be susceptible to sampling error and agnosis of migraine or severe headache. The difference
biased samples. from stratified sampling is that this selection process
Non-Probability Sampling.—In non-probability is not random. Often, each subgroup is sampled un-
sampling, elements of the population do not have a til enough members are chosen.6 While this method is
known or equal probability of selection. Some elements easily conducted and inexpensive, selection bias can be
have no chance of being selected, and some have a a problem because those individuals the researcher se-
probability of selection that is impossible to know. This lects to include may be the most accessible but may not
type of sampling, though limited in generalizability, be representative of the population.
is still useful for collecting information, especially for Snowball Sampling.—When snowball sampling is
exploratory purposes and in qualitative investigation. employed, one member of the population introduces
Convenience Sampling.—Convenience sampling in- the researcher to other members of that population.
volves sampling from those elements of the population This technique is useful for rare or hidden populations
that are easiest, or most convenient, to access. Such where members are difficult to identify and contact.6
studies may include those who are the first to respond As more people are introduced, more data are collected.
to advertisements or any eligible patients presenting to Although very useful for hard to reach populations
a clinic. Convenience sampling is common due to the (eg, illegal drug users), this method is subject to bias due
ease in recruitment of participants. However, studies to the lack of control over recruitment and the fact that
relying on this type of sampling can produce biased those with more connections are more likely to be included.
estimates of population parameters because of the na-
ture of the individuals included in the sample (ie, lack of SAMPLING IN HEADACHE RESEARCH
generalizability to the population). For example, those Headache researchers use a variety of sampling
most likely to respond to recruitment efforts may not be methods in their studies. Much of headache research is
representative of others who do not respond.6 observational, which is reflected in the sampling strate-
Purposive Sampling.—Purposive sampling is used gies that are most often employed. Based on the avail-
when researchers wish to target certain individuals ability of treatment-seeking individuals, convenience
with characteristics of interest in the study. While the samples are commonly used, with patients recruited
sample is not likely to be representative of the popu- from outpatient clinics, tertiary care centers, and hospi-
lation, those included in the study can provide a great tals. Of notable exception, several definitive large survey
deal of information on the topic of the specific research efforts designed to elicit population-based estimates have
question.6 One use of this method is in the study of used random sampling techniques. Examples of some
rare disorders (eg, a homogeneous sample consisting of these sampling strategies are included in Table 1.
only of individuals with hemicrania continua). However, Another consideration when sampling individuals
researchers should be aware that studies using this with headache is the episodic nature of most headache
technique are prone to bias based on the judgments re- attacks. This creates a unique problem for sampling
searchers must make when recruiting participants. because individuals can be observed either ictally or
Quota Sampling.—Quota sampling can be described inter-ictally, and this must be considered when design-
as a non-probability version of stratified sampling. In ing the sampling strategy. Headache researchers must
this method, the population is divided into mutually often decide both whom to sample and when to observe
exclusive subgroups (eg, individuals with migraine or or assess these individuals and base their sampling strat-
severe headache versus individuals without migraine or egy on this unique aspect of the headache experience.
severe headache). Then, individuals are selected from
each subgroup in proportions that reflect the target COMMON PROBLEMS IN SAMPLING
population. Based on a 3-month migraine or severe While the details of the various sampling methods
headache prevalence of 15.3%,13 the quota-driven are not difficult to comprehend, their implementation
Headache 11

may not be as straightforward. Details of these meth- developed based on ad hoc criteria after data collec-
ods and their consequences for interpretation of results tion. For example, if a subgroup of individuals with
are often easy to overlook. Below are common pitfalls positive imaging findings is extracted from a larger
and strategies for avoiding them. sample obtained through convenience sampling, any
1. Failure to Report Sampling Strategy.—All too of- observed prevalence rates (eg, allodynia rates) in the
ten, authors report limited information about their sam- subgroup cannot be thought to be representative of the
pling methods. When the sampling strategy is not fully population of that subgroup. Stated differently, anal-
reported, readers will not be aware of the precise sam- ysis of subgroups derived from samples that do not
pling frame or who was included and how they were reflect subgroups within the population may produce
chosen for observation. Without this important in- misleading results. When analyzing data, especially
formation, it is not possible to fully understand the in secondary analyses, acknowledging the capabili-
study and how the methods and results fit into the ex- ties of the sampling strategy through which the data
isting body of literature. Further, this prevents assess- were collected will help prevent biased conclusions.
ment of the generalizability of the study and of the con- 4. Failure to Consider Generalizability.—As de-
clusions. To assist readers in understanding important scribed in previous sections, the nature of the sam-
findings, authors are encouraged to report their sam- pling strategy is associated with the generalizability
pling methods with a high level of detail. of the results obtained from a sample. Probability
2. Failure to Appreciate Consequences of Sampling samples are more generalizable than non-probability
Strategy.—As stated above, different sampling strate- samples, which means the results can be readily ap-
gies have different strengths and weaknesses. To fully plied to the greater population. This must be taken
interpret study findings, these attributes must be made into consideration when interpreting data and forming
explicit and fully considered. Sampling strategies are conclusions. Shrewd researchers will be aware of the
associated with various types of potential bias, and this generalizability of their findings and report their work
must be incorporated into the conclusions to appro- within that context.
priately understand the study findings. If the sampling 5. Ignoring or Misusing Survey Weights.—In many
design systematically prevents the inclusion of some survey studies and publicly available databases, sur-
sampling elements (eg, sampling from an adult out- vey or sampling weights have been derived from the
patient neurology clinic may not include pediatric or sampling plan used in data collection. These survey
geriatric populations), this can introduce sampling bias weights, when applied properly, can be used to create
in particular estimates.7 If those not included have dif- estimates that represent the population. Weights are
ferent characteristics than those included, the resulting intended to reflect the probability that an element was
estimates can be inaccurate, and selection bias will oc- included in the sample, and these weights are applied
cur when part of the population is not included in the to calculate the point estimates and their variances.6
sample or not included as intended.6 For example, it When such weighting is ignored or misused, the results
is extremely common to misinterpret findings from do not accurately reflect the population, and conclu-
convenience samples (eg, treatment-seeking individu- sions also may be inaccurate. For example, the National
als) as though they necessarily generalize to the overall Health Interview Survey (NHIS) contains weights that
population. Authors are encouraged to incorporate the can be used to properly estimate the prevalence of mi-
strengths and weaknesses of their sampling methods graine or severe headache in the past 3 months for in-
into the conclusions of their studies. dividuals in the United States.13 However, the yearly
3. Conducting Subgroup Analyses Not Accounted for sample contains only thousands of individuals whose
in Sampling Strategy.—Subgroup analyses are compli- responses must be weighted to produce the population
cated, and interpreting them is often difficult. While estimates that reflect the millions of individuals in the
some sampling methods are designed to accommodate United States. When working with such databases, in-
subgroups (eg, stratified), others are not (eg, simple vestigators are encouraged to consult with a statistician
random, convenience). In some cases, subgroups are to ensure that survey weights are properly applied.
12 January 2020

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3. Turner DP, Houle TT. Conducting and reporting de-
An understanding of sampling design and its con- scriptive statistics. Headache. 2019;59:300-305.
sequences is essential for conducting and evaluating 4. Turner DP, Houle TT. Assessing and interpreting reli-
most types of research. While the sampling methods ability. Headache. 2019;59:653-658.
described in this editorial are not applicable to some 5. Turner DP, Houle TT. Observational study designs.
Headache. 2019;59:981-987.
types of research designs (eg, controlled laboratory ex-
6. Lohr SL. Sampling: Design and Analysis, 2nd edn.
periments, meta-analyses), they are widely applicable
Boston, MA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning; 2009.
to any design that requires a researcher to purposely
7. Groves RM, Fowler FJ Jr, Couper MP, Lepkowski
select a sample from a larger population. When design-
JM, Singer E, Tourangeau R. Survey Methodology,
ing such studies, researchers are encouraged to base 2nd edn. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons; 2011.
their sampling methods on these considerations and 8. Thompson SK. Sampling. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley
interpret the results of their completed studies in line & Sons; 2012.
with the sampling methods used. Likewise, readers and 9. Lipton RB, Munjal S, Alam A, et al. Migraine in
reviewers of studies should be aware of these concepts America Symptoms and Treatment (MAST) study:
when evaluating new research. This editorial provides a Baseline study methods, treatment patterns, and gen-
basic introduction to the concepts of sampling. Those der differences. Headache. 2018;58:1408-1426.
interested in implementing any of these sampling strat- 10. Pogoda JM, Gross NB, Arakaki X, Fonteh AN, Cowan
egies in their more complex forms are encouraged to RP, Harrington MG. Severe headache or migraine his-
consult additional resources.6-8 tory is inversely correlated with dietary sodium intake:
NHANES 1999–2004. Headache. 2016;56:688-698.
Dana P. Turner, MSPH, PhD 11. Kubik SU, Martin PR. The headache triggers sensitiv-
Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain ity and avoidance questionnaire: Establishing the psy-
chometric properties of the questionnaire. Headache.
Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
12. Buse DC, Rains JC, Pavlovic JM, et al. Sleep disorders
among people with migraine: Results from the chronic
migraine epidemiology and outcomes (CaMEO) study.
REFERENCES Headache. 2019;59:32-45.
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2018;58:196-198. impact of migraine and severe headache in the
2. Turner DP, Houle TT. The importance of statistical United States: Figures and trends from government
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