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-Created new custom participant in in BMIDE (T5_Engineer2)

Participant Display Name Description

TC8_ChefEquipe TC8_ChefEquipe Variable: CHEFEQUIPE

-Change the value of "ParticipientuserOnObjectTypes" business Object Constants

to "ChangeItemRevision"
-Search for "ChangeItemRevision"
-Add compound property on "ChangeItemRevision"

Compound Property:

Property Display Name Description

tc8_ChefEquipe TC8_ChefEquipe Runtime untypedreference
tc8_ChefEquipe_user_id tc8_ChefEquipe_user_id Compound property

- These new properties are added to the ChangeItemRevision level so that all
Change Object Revisions have them available. These can only be defined after
the Dynamic Participants have been defined in BMIDE.

tc8_ChefEquipe_user_id Display: tc8_ChefEquipe_user_id

Compound Property
User.user_id (or user_name)

-Deploy it to the TC
-Create a new PR (Problem Report) using file new menu.
-Select the PR Revision
-Assign the person to the customized participant using Assign
-Check the person of the Requestor in the same Assign Participants dialog, you
will find the assigned person
-Open that revision using Edit Properties and select "All"
-you will find the custom participant (T5_Engineer2) is filled and working

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