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Trying to create a condition so that all people in the same group as the assigned

Participant can add Solution Items.

To do so, I am changing the condition isChangeExecutionAllowed as follows:

( o.cm0getParticipantGroupName("Cm0ChangeContributors") = u.group_name) AND

o.CMClosure = "Open" AND o.CMDisposition = "Approved" AND o.CMMaturity =
"Executing" AND u.fnd0ConditionHelper.fnd0isSubTypeOf(o, "ChangeNoticeRevision")

This does not seem to work. The clause

o.cm0getParticipantGroupName("Cm0ChangeContributors") = u.group_name is something I
just think might work based on the names of the functions. There does not seem to
be any documentation available on these functions.

A second case is assigning the group as participant, and using the following

o.fnd0IsParticipant("Cm0ChangeContributors") AND o.CMClosure = "Open" AND

o.CMDisposition = "Approved" AND o.CMMaturity = "Executing" AND
u.fnd0ConditionHelper.fnd0isSubTypeOf(o, "ChangeNoticeRevision")

Which according to the documentation in the Change Manager manual should work (that
is: assigning a group). However, also this does not give access to add a Solution

What would be needed is documentation for the above (and other) function that can
be used in conditions.

In other words there is a Change Contributor assigned to ECN and you want to give
access to all users who are in same group as assigned Change Contributor. The above
approach looks correct.

But keep in consideration that Change Contributor is multi user participant. The BO
operation cm0getParticipantGroupName will only perform group match to first entry
in Change Contributor.

The following expression, with OOTB conditions, solve the case

o.cm0getParticipantGroupName("Cm0ChangeContributors") = u.fnd0getGroupName()
Documentation are usually in description of BO operation. But there are scope of

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