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TRAIN Like a Fighter.
LOOK Like a Fighter.
FIGHT Like a Fighter.

1 Strong Mind = Strong Body

2 If I get knocked down, I ALWAYS stand back up.

3 I EMBRACE challenges, for they are what help me grow.

4 I strive for PROGRESSION over perfection.

5 Past failures DO NOT define me.

6 My HEALTH is everything. Without it, I am NOTHING.

7 I truly BELIEVE that I can do ANYTHING I set my mind to.

8 I am a FIGHTER because I FIGHT for my health, my

beliefs, my family and for a better life.

9 I INSPIRE myself and others through ACTION.

10 I value discipline, consistency and commitment, for

they will lead to the transformation into my best self.

11 I will keep fighting and NEVER give up on my dreams.

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