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Head – internal 13

In general
Forehead & sinciput
Forehead & sinciput ; eyes region of:
Forehead & sinciput ; left
Forehead & sinciput ;then right
Forehead & sinciput ; behind
Forehead & sinciput ;nose above root
Sides of
Sides of; occiput, to
Occiput; sides, right
Half of, one(migraine)
Half of,one; right
Half of one; left
Half of, one; right to left
Brain; aching
Occiput ; chronic
Anxious headache
Backward extending
Ball, as of a, in head; rolling about in
Blows, shock, threats, explosions
Blows, shock, threats, explosions; occiput
Boring, in general
Boring, in general; vertex
Brain, deep in
Brain, deep in; extending to
Bruised, crushed, torn, asunder, shattered ; vertex
Burning & heat, in general; vertex
Bursting, splitting
Catarrhal headache
Chronic headaches
Drawing in general; sides
Dull pain
Ears extending to
Eyes, out thro or into
Face, extending to
Gurgling, bubbling, boiling, simmering
Heaviness; frontal
Heaviness; vertex
Heaviness; occiput
Humming, buzzing
Inflammation , meningitis
Jerks in general
Neck pain ascend from; extend to
Head – internal 13

Noises, sounds
Nose, extending to
Nose, extending to; root of
Outward, pain extend
Paralysis of pain
Picking, plucking in
Pressure; frontal ; lateral; temples; vertex
Compressive, in general; brain, as if bound; vertex
Radiating pains; neck, shoulders to
Soreness, in general
Spots, pain in
Standing on. As of
Sticking , stitches; vertex
Surging in
Swashing, as of water in
Tearing, rending pain
Tension in general
Throbbing, in general
Undulation or wavelike sensation
Vertex, extending to
Whirling in, in general

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