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absent-minded(ессіз) —dispersed
2.Ache (v)(болеть)—pain
3.Ache(n)(боль) —be ill
4.Addictive(тәуелді) —causing addiction
6.Antacid(антацид) —preventing or correcting acidity
7.Antibiotics—medicines that fight bacterialinfections
8.Antihistamine(Антигистаминный препарат) —Antidote
9.Anti-inflammatories(Противовоспалительные средства) —antibacterial
10.Antiseptic cream—Disinfectant
11.Attend a fitness class(Посетите фитнес-класс) —go to a fitness class
12.Badly paid(Плохо оплачивается) —low paid
13.Bandage(повязка) —bind or compress
14.Be competitive(Бәсекеге қабілетті ) —
wantingvery much to win or be more successful than otherpeople
15.Beat an opponent(Победить соперника) —beatsomeone at something
16.Bruise(синяк) —shiner
17.Burn(сжигать,гореть) —combust
18.Burst(взрыв) —Explosion
19.Calcium(кальций) —the chemical element
20.Calories—thermal unit
21.Carbohydrate(Углеводы) —any of a large groupof organic compounds
22.Cheap(арзан) —inexpensive
23.Chest infection(Кеуде инфекциясы) —aninfection of the lungs or airways
24.Cholesterol(холестерин) —a waxy substancefound in your blood.
25.(Be) congested(Перегруженный) — overpopulated
26. convenient (adj)-ыңғайлы-opportune. easy to use.
27. convert (v)-түрлендіру-change in form or character
28. cough (n)-жөтел-chest or throat pain
29. cough medicine (n)-жөтелге қарсы дәрі-medicine in the form of a liquid
that helps a cough get
30. cut (n)-кесу-chop
31. dairy products (n)-сүт өнімдері-any of the foods made from milk
32. densely populated (adj)-тығыз қоныстанған-a large number of people in
one area
33. dizzy (adj)-giddy aerobics-vigorous exercises designed to increase cardiovascular
35. energy (n)-power
36. English-speaking (adj)- able to communicate in English.
37.expensive-costing a lot of money.
38. far-reaching (adj)-алысқа созылатын-having a wide range or effect
40. fatigued-шаршаған-tire out,exhausted
41.fever-безгек-abnormally,high temperature
45. free choice-free and independent choice
46.fresh-(of food) recently made or obtained
47. go running (v)- the sport of moving on your feet at a speed faster than
48. heartburn-жүрек айнуы-indigestion
49. high-calorie-things that give people more energy and nutrition
50. highly paid-earning or providing a high rate of pay
52. Insect sting(укус насекомого)-insect bite
53. Intensity (интенсивность)-force
54. Keep fit(быть в форме)-keep in shape
55. Lift weights(поднимать тяжости)- anaerobic exercises
56. Light-hearted (беззаботный)- cheerful
57. Lots of liquids (много жидкости)-a lot fluid
58. Low-calorie(низкокалорийный)-low far
59. Mineral(минерал)- Cristal
60. Mouth-watering (апетитный)-delicious
61. Much-needed(очень нужный)-necessary
62. Feel nauseous (тошнота)-feel queasy
63. Nose bleed (кроватичение из носа)- epistaxis
64. Nutrient(питательное вещество)-food
65. Nuts-(орехи)-a type of food
66. Oil(масло)-butter
67. Old-fashioned(старомодный)-outmoded
68. Painkillers(обезболивающие)-analgesic
69. Pedal on a bike (педаль)-a mini part of bike
70. Penicillin -antibiotic
71.. Play a team sport-play football
72. Poultry(птица)-fowl
73. Preservative(консервант)-concervative
74. Processed(обработано)-treated
75. Processed food(обработанный тамақ)-treated food.
76. protein (n) - an important part of a healthy diet
77. pump (насос) - a mechanical device; also slang - to have sexual
78. push myself to the limit (өзімді шегіне дейін итермелеу)- to try to
do something to the very best of your ability
79. rash (бөртпе) - eruption
80. record-breaking (рекорд жасау) - surpassing a record
81. rest (демалыс) - relaxation
82. salt (тұз) - a white crystalline substance
83. seeds (тұқым) - small and hard part of a plant
84. sore throat (больное горло) - pharyngitis
85. sprain (растяжение связок) - to cause an injury to a joint
86. (feel) stiff (чувствовать себя жестким) - not easily move
87. sugar (сахар) - a sweet crystalline substance
88.(be) swollen (быть опухшим) - be inflated
89. tablets (таблетки) - pill
90. tasty (вкусный) - yummy
91.temperature - scalar physical quantity
92. throat sweets (сладости для горла) - a hard and sweet piece of
93. time-saving (сохранение времени) – keep time
94. value for money (цена денег) - price the money
95. virus - microscopic organisms
96. vitamins - a group of natural substances
97. well-respected (уважаемый) - venerable
98. well-written (хорошо написан) - written in an effective way
99. wholegrain (целое зерно) - containing whole seeds
100. will power (сила воли) - the ability to control yourself
101. wound (рана) - injury
102. X-ray (рентген) - a type of radiation called electromagnetic waves.

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