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Lesson 24th

Recipe: Chia Pudding


1 tablespoon of chia seeds

approximately 1 dl (half a cup of) non-dairy milk (available nut milk types: almond, rice, coconut or

You can also add a pinch of vanilla, cinnamon or honey if you wish.

Let the pudding sit for a couple of hours or overnight and stir it whenever you pass by.

Before serving top it with berries, bananas or any fruits you like. You can also use different kinds of
jams, syrups.

Enjoy your meal!

Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Chia seed benefits are quite significant. They’re packed with antioxidants, fiber,
calcium, manganese and healthy fats, like Omega 3’s. This means
they’re great for digestion (and keep things moving), they’re great for heart
health, they help balance blood sugar and they’re great for bone health.

These tiny little seeds pack a hefty nutrient punch and are all around good for
your body and brain.

Chia seeds are a source of amazing long-term energy, which over time can actually help
your body to function at its best and burn more calories throughout the day. Chia also
contains a high source of omega-3 fatty acids.


raise = lift

rise – felkel, emelkedik > sunrise

rice = rizs

long > length (hossz) > lengthen – hosszabbít

strong > strength (erő) > strengthen

wide > width (szélesség) > widen - szélesít

move > movement

momentum = lendület

monument - emlékmű

mobility > mobilise

flexible > flexibility

thoracic - mellkasi

excellent (kiváló) > excellence kiválóság

straight - egyenes > straighten – kiegyenesít

ski slope –sípálya

football pitch - focipálya

golf course – golfpálya

be responsible for – felelős vmiért

take responsibility for – felelősséget vállal vmiért


I want you/him/her... to do sg


choose 2 exerises and learn the instructions of it

To-infinitive II.:

afford to - anyagilag megenged

allow to - megenged

choose to - választ

claim to - állít

demand to - követel

deserve to - megérdemel

expect to - elvár

fail to - nem sikerül neki/kudarcot vall

happen to – véletlenül/történetesen

have to= Kell

hesitate to – hezitál/tétovázik

intend to - szándékozik

long to - vágyódik

mean to – szándékában áll

pretend to – tettet/színlel

tend to - hajlamos

 He ......... to be a scientist. (állította)

 I ............ to see the person caused the accident! (követel)
 They pass the exam. (nem sikerült)
 He ......... to be stupid. (megjátszotta)
 Marci ........ to win the cup at the race. (vágyódott)
 We ........ to do well on our exams. (elvár)
 I didn’t .......... to hurt you. (szándékában áll)
 He .......... to get the first prize. (megérdemel)
 People ......... to think of the Viszkis as a national hero. (hajlamos)
 Didn’t you ....... to see my hat? I’ve lost it somewhere. (véletlenül)

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