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Íñigo Vicente Hernández

Future of Education in the Age of AI - Surendhar Muthukumar

Using artificial intelligence in conjunction with teachers can improve education. AI allows
individualized learning experiences adapted to each student's requirements through the analysis of
student data, increasing engagement and performance. AI-generated insights let teachers track
students' development and make data-informed educational decisions. Artificial intelligence can
automate administrative activities freeing up time for teachers to engage in meaningful interactions
with pupils, such as giving individualized feedback and assistance.

AI, however, cannot take the position of teachers, who play a vital role in education. Teachers create
caring learning environments by bringing the human element, empathy, and knowledge. They
facilitate the development of critical thinking abilities, foster relationships, and inspire kids.
Although AI is a helpful tool for instructors, offering resources, adaptable material, and insights, it
is unable to replace the distinctive traits and specialized support that teachers offer. AI and teacher
collaboration has the ability to combine technology's advantages with the incomparable attributes of
human educators to provide transformative educational experiences.

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