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to my forever only:

i’d like to start this letter by wishing you the happiest of birthdays. you’re finally seventeen and i
couldn’t be more proud of you.

you are someone who amazes me everyday, you’re smart, pretty and the strongest person i know.

i want you to know how special you are to me (even though you know how bad i am at expressing my
you are my light through the darkest of tunnels and the hope in my life. you give me confidence to do things
i’m afraid of and you always encourage me to be myself.

you have helped me out so much and you have no idea how much i admire you.
i always like to say i envy you in a really good and positive way. you are everything i’d like to be and you’re
such a big inspiration to me.
to describe it in an easier way, to me you are Emily Dickenson.

you have gone through so much and i’d like to tell you how strong you are and how happy i am you’ve come
this far. life is tough but you’ll always be tougher and show it how you can overcome anything that comes
your way.

i know we always talk about our adulthood and i’m so happy to have seen grow this far and i’m even more
excited to see how our future will go and i’m a hundred percent positive our roads will always intertwine
‘cause that’s just how the universe wants it to be.

you and i are like rori and lorelai gilmore (but without the arguments), like meredith and christina, like
yurim and hee-do (without the enemies at the beginning lmao). we are inseparable.
you and i are meant to be sisters ‘cause if i could describe it one way, it’d be like that, we’re family.
i’d like to believe we were sisters in a past life and we’ve always found each other in all the next lives we’ve
had to live ‘cause there’s no amount of words that could express this friendship.
you make me feel safe and comfortable, i can talk about whatever i want with you. i never thought such a
person could exist. we just connect and there’s so much magic in that.

you’ve always helped me see the best in me, you understand me and if i’m completely honest i don’t think
there’s anyone in this whole universe that knows and accepts me like you do.

you have no idea how much you’ve done for me. i constantly think that you are my pillar and main support.
you’ve saved my life literally and figuratively and if i’m quite frank i genuinely wouldn't be here if you
weren’t in my life right now and you don’t have the faintest idea how thankful i am for that. i’m also
extremely grateful for your existence.

before you came into my life i had no idea what it was to have such an astonishing friendship, a friendship
that goes beyond what anyone could imagine, and yes, we were meant to meet each other.

since you dedicated a poem to me i’d like to do that too. here’s two poems i’d like you to read.
they’re by my ultimate favourite, Rupi Kaur.

stay strong through your pain

grow flowers from it
you have helped me
grow flowers out of mine so
bloom beautifully
bloom softly
however you need
just bloom

i know its hard

believe me
i know it feels like
tomorrow will never come
and today will be the most
difficult day to get through
but i swear you will get through
the hurt will pass
as it always does
if you give it time and
let it so let it
like a broken promise
let it go

these poems remind me of you because they’re things i’ve always wanted to say to you but never had the right

if i’m fully honest, when we started secondary school i was terrified we were gonna go our own separate ways
and never talk to each other ever again and ‘till this day is a thought that drowns me. i cannot imagine a life
without you because there’s no me without you.
time went on, we both went to different schools and here we are, six years of being with each other and yet
not one single argument, that’s how impressive our friendship is.

i’m really bad at writing letters so i’m gonna steal another idea of yours.

here’s what you remind me of.

you are rainy days, you are my favourite tea and caramel macchiato. you are epilogue: forever young and
spring day by bts, you are friends by v and jimin. you are a good night's rest, you are my favourite blanket,
you are kim ji young born 1982. you are a full moon on a starry night. you are my favourite colour, you are
home by bts, and every single offonoff song, you are learning new thing and pacing around, you are dancing
and singing, you are that one song i loop for weeks straight, you are arguments and questioning rules, you are
moonlight and having shit tons of playlists and my fucking soulmate.

i have nothing else to say though i think this letter is too short. i just can’t bring out more words ‘cause it's so
hard to describe how much you mean to me so i tried my best.

love you so much, hope you have an amazing day.

from your little sister, eri <3

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