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The Human Body, Senses and Actions

abdomen (noun)
the lower part of a person's body, which contains the stomach, bowels and other organs

audible (adjective)
able to be heard (可聽見的)

belly (noun)
the stomach or the front part of the body between your chest and your legs (腹部)

calf (noun)
the thick curved part at the back of the human leg between the knee and the foot (小腿)

caress (verb)
to touch or kiss someone in a gentle and loving way (擁抱;親吻)

chuckle (verb)
to laugh quietly (輕聲笑)

curl (verb)
to make something into the shape of a curl (使捲起來)

digestive system (phrase)

the organs in your body that digest food, including the stomach and both intestines

dominant arm (phrase)

the arm you use most often (慣用手)

eavesdrop (verb)
to listen to someone's private conversation without them knowing (竊聽)

fling (verb)
to move or do something quickly and energetically (揮動(臂, 腿等))

forefinger (noun)
the finger next to the thumb, also referred to as the index finger (食指)

glare (verb)
to look directly and continuously at someone or something in an angry way (怒目注視)

glimpse (verb)
to see something or someone for a very short time or only partly (看一眼;瞥見)

grasp (verb)
to try to hold or touch something (抓)

grip (verb)
to hold very tightly (緊握)

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hormone (noun)
any of various chemicals made by living cells which influence the development, growth, sex,
etc. of an organism like human beings (荷爾蒙)

immerse (verb)
to become completely involved in something (使埋首於)

immune system (phrase)

the cells and tissues in the body which make it able to protect itself against infection

inhale (verb)
to intake air, smoke, or gas into your lungs (吸入氣體)

involuntary (adjective)
done unwillingly or reflexively (非自願的)

mumble (verb)
to speak quietly and in a way that is not clear so that the words are difficult to understand

observe (verb)
to watch carefully the way something happens or the way someone does something, espe-
cially in order to learn more about it (觀察)

organ (noun)
a part of the body of an animal or plant which performs a particular job, such as the
stomach, lungs, kidneys, etc. (器官)

overhear (verb)
to hear what other people are saying without intending to and without their knowledge

peak (noun) (1) (verb) (2)

(1) the highest, strongest or best point, value or level of skill (最高點;高峰)
(2) to reach the highest, strongest or best point, value or level of skill (達到高峰)

peek (noun) (1) (verb) (2)

(1) a look at something for a short time (一瞥)
(2) to look, especially for a short time or while trying to avoid being seen (偷看;窺視)

perceive (verb)
to come to an opinion about something (意識到)

pinch (verb)
to squeeze something, especially someone's skin, strongly between two hard things such
as two fingers (夾痛;擠痛)

punch (verb)
to hit someone or something with your fist (拳擊)

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reflex (noun)
an uncontrollable physical reaction to something (反射作用;本能反應)

savour (noun) (1) (verb) (2)

(1) a smell or taste, especially a pleasant one (滋味;氣味)
(2) to enjoy food or an experience slowly, in order to enjoy it as much as possible (品嘗)

shimmering (adjective)
reflecting a gentle light which seems to move slightly (閃爍的)

shudder (verb)
to shake suddenly with very small movements because of a very unpleasant thought or
feeling (發抖;戰慄)

simulation (noun)
a model of a set of problems or events that can be used to teach someone how to do
something (模擬)

snap (verb)
to cause something which is thin or delicate to break suddenly and quickly with a cracking
sound (突然折斷)

spin (noun) (1) (verb) (2)

(1) the movement of something turning round very quickly (旋轉;自旋)
(2) to cause to turn around and around, especially fast (旋轉)

squat (verb)
to position yourself close to the ground by balancing on the front part of your feet with your
legs bent under your body (蹲)

squeeze (verb)
to press something firmly, especially from all sides in order to change its shape, reduce its
size or remove liquid from it (榨;擠)

stroke (verb)
to move a hand gently over something or someone, usually repeatedly and for pleasure

stutter (verb)
to speak with difficulty, for example the first part of a word pausing before saying it or
repeating it several times (結結巴巴地說話;口吃)

sway (verb)
to move slowly from side to side (搖擺)

sweltering (adjective)
extremely and uncomfortably hot (悶熱的熱得;沒氣力的)

swish (verb)
to move quickly through the air making a soft sound (嗖地揮動)

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thigh (noun)
the part of a person's leg above the knee (大腿)

tickle (verb)
to touch someone lightly with your fingers, making them slightly uncomfortable and often
making them laugh (呵癢;使發癢)

tilt (verb)
to move into a sloping position (使傾斜)

toss (verb)
to throw something carelessly (拋;扔)

twist (verb)
to turn something, especially repeatedly, or to turn or wrap one thing around another

wrist (noun)
the part of the body between the hand and the arm (手腕)

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