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Exp Brain Res (1995) 107:87-95 9 Springer-Verlag 1995

A. E. T y l e r . Z. H a s a n

Qualitative discrepancies between trunk muscle activity

and dynamic postural requirements at the initiation
of reaching movements performed while sitting

Received: 14 November 1944 / Accepted: 19 July 1995

Abstract Reaching movements are associated with performed while standing, nonfocal muscle activity is
widespread, nonfocal muscle activity. That activity is of- observed at the ankle, knee, hip, trunk, and neck
ten assumed to play a postural role. We tested this as- (Belen'kii et al. 1967; Bouisset and Zattara 1988; Gu-
sumption for the trunk muscles at the initiation of reach- rfinkel et al. 1988; Lee et al. 1987). This nonfocal mus-
ing movements with the following question. Does initial cle activity has been termed "associated postural adjust-
trunk muscle activity play a dynamic postural role by re- ment" (Cordo and Nashner 1982) because some of it un-
sisting the segmental interactive effects of the arm move- doubtedly prevents the body from being toppled by the
ment on the trunk? Seated subjects performed bilateral motion of the arm; if there were no such activity, the
reaching movements while target direction was systemat- body would fall over (Ramos and Stark 1990).
ically varied. Muscle activity was recorded from flexors Postural disturbances due to voluntary movements
and extensors of the trunk and shoulder. Trunk muscle can be classified as dynamic or static (Oddsson and
activity was compared with trunk torques calculated Thorstensson 1987). Static disturbances arise fi-om
from simulations of reaching movements in which the changes in gravitational torques. As a voluntary move-
trunk was modeled to stay still. Recorded trunk nmscle ment is performed, the locations of the centers of mass
activity was in qualitative agreement with torque predic- of the body segments change and so too must the muscle
tions for only some target directions, suggesting that the activity to achieve gravitational equilibrium. Dynamic
nervous system does not activate trunk muscles across all disturbances arise from the interactive effects of the mo-
target directions to counteract postural disturbances at tion of one body segment on other body segments (Hol-
the initiation of reaching movements. Ierbach and Flash 1982; Hoy and Zemicke 1985; Zajac
and Gordon 1989). These dynamic disturbances require
Key words E l e c t r o m y o g r a p h y - Posture 9 Multijoint 9 muscle activity that adequately counteracts the destabi-
Arm movements 9Human lizing forces arising from segment accelerations and ve-
locities. The experiments presented here were designed
to examine the effectiveness of trunk muscle activity in
Introduction counteracting the dynamic disturbances arising from arm
Most voluntary movements involve many segments of For arm movements performed while standing, there
the body. Often the segments and muscles that are ex- are many nonfocal segments. The mechanical complexi-
plicitly task-specified are termed "focal" (Cordo and ties of so many segments make it difficult to identify any
Nashner 1982). Focal activity is usually associated with given muscle's activity as postural. We have therefore
motion and muscle activity of nonfocal segments. In chosen to reduce the postural complexity of the reaching
reaching movements, for example, the arm motion and movement by reducing the number of nonfocal seg-
arm muscle activity are focal. When arm movements are ments. We examined the postural behavior of nonfocal
muscles during arm reaching movements performed
A. E. Tyler(~) while sitting. The seated position in effect limits the
Physical Therapy Department, St. Ambrose University, body's motion to three segments (the trunk/head, the up-
518 W. Locust St., Davenport, IA 52803 USA
Fax: +1-319-333-6410 per arms, and the forearms/hands). A three-segment me-
chanical system still retains sufficient complexity to ad-
Z. Hasan dress postural issues, but is simple enough to yield
College of AssociatedHealth Professions,
University of Illinois at Chicago (M/C 898), meaningful results. For this reaching task, the action of
1919 W. TaylorSt., Rm. 447, Chicago, IL 60612-7251, USA the arm is considered focal, while the action of the trunk

is c o n s i d e r e d n o n f o c a l . B y s y s t e m a t i c a l l y v a r y i n g target Surface bipolar electrodes were used to collect electromyo-

direction, w e s y s t e m a t i c a l l y v a r i e d the m a g n i t u d e a n d di- graphic (EMG) data. All EMG activity was recorded from the
right side of the body. Left-right symmetry of EMG signals was
r e c t i o n o f the d y n a m i c d i s t u r b a n c e s to posture. verified in preliminary experiments. EMG recordings were made
W e tested the p o s s i b l e p o s t u r a l r u l e that t r u n k m u s c l e from representative flexors and extensors of the trunk and shoul-
activity at the i n i t i a t i o n o f r e a c h i n g is q u a l i t a t i v e l y ap- der. Recordings from trunk extensors, the paraspinal muscles
p r o p r i a t e to c o u n t e r a c t the r e a c t i o n force o n the t r u n k (erector spinae), were taken at the L2 level, as defined by the ver-
tebral spinous process, 3 cm from midline. To monitor trunk flexor
d u e to the m o t i o n o f the arm. W e tested this rule b y c o m - muscle activity, electrodes were placed over the abdominal mus-
p a r i n g r e c o r d e d t r u n k m u s c l e activity d u r i n g a r m r e a c h - cles at the level of the umbilicus, 8 cm from midline. The anterior
i n g to t r u n k m u s c l e t o r q u e s c a l c u l a t e d f r o m s i m u l a t e d deltoid muscle was the shoulder flexor monitored, and the posteri-
a r m m o v e m e n t s . T h e t r u n k in these s i m u l a t i o n s was as- or deltoid was the shoulder extensor monitored. EMG signals were
s u m e d to b e h a v e as a p e r f e c t p o s t u r a l s e g m e n t i n that it amplified, rectified, filtered (approximately 5 ms time constant),
and stored for later analysis. The data were collected as digital sig-
s u c c e s s f u l l y r e s i s t e d the s e g m e n t a l i n t e r a c t i v e effects o f nals, sampled every 3 ms.
a r m m o v e m e n t s a n d r e m a i n e d still. Two single-axis, bidirectional accelerometers were used to
Certainly, nonfocal muscle activity must succeed in identify the onset of movement. One accelerometer was attached
p r e v e n t i n g the p o s t u r a l d i s t u r b a n c e o f a focal m o v e m e n t to the right wrist splint via a moveable mount. This accelerome-
ter's axis was aligned with target direction prior to each movement
f r o m t o p p l i n g the body. Is it e v i d e n t at the i n i t i a t i o n o f trial to make the identification of the onset of arm movement as
r e a c h i n g that the n e r v o u s s y s t e m p l a n s to p e r f o r m this clear as possible. Another accelerometer was mounted on a fabric
p o s t u r a l role? M o v e m e n t i n i t i a t i o n w a s e x a m i n e d b e - harness that the subject wore about his or her trunk. The acceler-
c a u s e it is at this p o i n t that the m u s c l e activity is m o s t ometer was located on the subject's back, below the cervical re-
gion of the spine, between T1 and T3, and it was aligned to mea-
r e p r e s e n t a t i v e o f the p r e p l a n n e d i n t e n t o f the c e n t r a l ner-
sure trunk accelerations along an anterior-posterior axis. Trunk po-
v o u s s y s t e m , w i t h o u t the i n f l u e n c e o f m o t i o n - r e l a t e d sition was measured with a force transducer attached to a compli-
feedback. ant spring. The force transducer was mounted on a table behind
the subject and was attached to the fabric harness worn by the sub-
ject via a long band of elastic, thereby allowing the force signal to
be analyzed as a position signal. Acceleration and position signals
Materials and methods were sampled every 3 ms and digitally recorded simultaneously
with EMG signals.
Subjects and task

Five normal, healthy adult subjects (30-40 years old), two female Procedure
and three male, volunteered for this study from among University
students and staff. Informed consent was obtained following the The body of the experiment involved repeated trials in which a
guidelines of the University of Arizona. single trial consisted of a single reaching movement. The pre-
Seated subjects performed point-to-point reaching movements movement configuration of the body was the same for all reaching
to a target that was always visible. The movements were per- movements; the trunk was vertical, the upper arms were at an an-
formed with both arms moving symmetrically in the vertical gle of 45 ~ from vertical, and the elbow joints were flexed to 90 ~
plane. Subjects were instructed to move the arms as fast as possi- (see stick figure in Fig. 1). Prior to each trial, the subject used a
ble in a single, smooth movement and to avoid corrective move- digital readout of the voltage signal from the trunk position trans-
ments. Subjects were given no specific instructions regarding ducer to set the position of the trunk. The subject set the position
trunk behavior. The experiments presented here are part of a larger of the arm by aligning the left fingertip with the premovement
project on reaching movements in which target direction, target marker on the target apparatus. Also prior to each trial, the subject
distance, and the premovement configuration of the subjects were was allowed one or two practice reaches to become familiar with
systematically varied (Tyler 1994). Presented here are data from the task and the target direction. Arm movements were cued by an
the experiments in which only target direction was varied. auditory "go" signal (beep) presented to the subject via head-
phones. The subject was instructed to move as soon as possible af-
ter the go signal. For each trial, 1200 ms of data were recorded
Apparatus starting 100 ms before the go signal. Trials were repeated if the
subject did not reach the target, the movement was not smooth, or
Subjects were seated throughout the experiment, effectively limit- the movement was too late or too slow to be captured within the
ing the system under study to the trunk, head, and arms. Move- 1200-ms recording period. Subjects performed reaching move-
ment of the trunk, head, shoulder, and elbow joints was unre- ments to 22-24 different target directions. Target direction (|
strained, but a splint was fitted to the right wrist. Subjects per- defined as the angle between an external vertical axis and target
formed the arm movements without back support of the chair; they direction from the fingertip, was varied from trial to trial. The first
were only allowed to use the back of the chair as support between trial usually started with @=0 ~ (directly upward from the fingertip)
trials. Subjects kept their feet on the floor or supported by a stable and increased (toward the subject) in 15 ~ increments to | ~
foot stool. Subjects held a lightweight polystyrene handle in both (see stick figure in Fig. 2). In addition, one subject (GK) also per-
hands to insure symmetry of movement of the left and right arms. formed reaches starting from | ~ and decreasing in 15 ~ incre-
Approximately 0.5 m to the left of the chair was a wall to which ments to | ~ The distance of the target from the fingertip was a
was attached an adjustable target apparatus. The target apparatus constant 25 cm.
consisted of a dual-rod system which included a marker for the
premovement position of the fingertip and a small cube of foam
that served as the target to which the subject moved the fingertip. Simulation
This dual-rod apparatus allowed for the position of the target to be
changed from trial to trial. The subject never came in physical Required muscle torques for simulated reaching movements were
contact with the target apparatus; instead, premovement and post- calculated to test the hypothesis that the nervous system produces
movement positions of the left fingertip were immediately adja- trunk muscle activity at the initiation of movement that is appro-
cent to the markers. priate to resist the dynamic postural disturbances caused by arm

reaching movements. For these calculations, the body was defined

as a three-segment system consisting of the head/trunk, upper
arms, and forearms/hands. The simulated movements were bilater-
al arm reaching movements in the sagittal plane during which the
trunk/head segment did not move. This simulated lack of move-
ment of the trunk was not intended to mimic actual trunk behavior (9= 180
as measured in the experiments. Indeed, the trunk does move (see ABD
Fig. 1 for an example). Instead, this simulated behavior was used PAR
to identify the trunk muscle torque that would be required if the '3"IV I ,['l ] 9
muscles acted to keep the trunk still.
In the simulation, movements of the arm segments were speci-
fied so that the distal tip of the arm moved in a straight-line path to TPOS ~ - ~
the target with a bell-shaped velocity profile. This specification
was based on considerable experimental data for arm reaching
movements (Atkeson and Hollerbach 1985; Hollerbach and Flash
1982; Iannone et al. 1991; Kaminski et al. 1992; Morasso 1981).
Parameter values that were necessary to calculate muscle torque
included segment lengths, segment inertial characteristics, pre- ADL
movement configuration of the segments, movement duration, tar- PDL - "
get distance, and target direction. Segment lengths were measured
on each subject. These lengths were used to calculate segment in-
ertial characteristics (mass, location of center of mass, moment of Ii ~l }20 m/s 2
inertia about center of mass) using the regression equations of WACC
Zatsiorsky and Seluyanov (1983; see Tyler 1994 for details). Pre-
movement configuration of the segments was specified as in the I I I I I I
experiments. Target direction was varied for each simulation fi'om -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800
| ~ to 0=345 ~ in increments of 15 ~ as was used in the experi-
ments. Movement duration was a constant 0.4 s for all simulations. Time (ms)
Target distance was specified to be 25 cm for all simulations.
One limitation of simulating the reaching movements with a Fig. 1 Determination of windows for calculating EMG amplitude.
three-segment system is that the potential for motion at the scapu- Data are from a single trial, subject A.N. The stick figure indicates
la was ignored. The consequence of this limitation is that, for target direction and premovement configuration of the body. Trac-
some target directions (-270-315~ the target distance of 25 cm es are from top: abdominal EMG (ABD), paraspinal EMG (PAR),
for the simulations was beyond arm's length; the distal tip of the trunk position (TPOS), trunk acceleration (TACC), anterior deltoid
arm in the simulated movements could not reach the target. How- EMG (ADL), posterior deltoid EMG (PDL), wrist acceleration
ever, this limitation did not affect our conclusions, because we (WACC). PAR and PDL increase downward. Upward deflections
were not concerned with the magnitudes of torques per se, but just in TPOS and TACC indicate forward direction. The dashed verti-
their initial directions (flexor or extensor). For the simulations cal line indicates the onset of wrist acceleration. The solid vertical
when the target was beyond arm's length, the direction of the lines delimit the windows used for quantifying EMG. For this sub-
torque at movement onset could still be determined. For display ject, the first window began 30 ms before the onset of wrist accel-
purposes only, we have shown a trace of the calculated torque in eration; the third window ended 261 ms after the onset of wrist ac-
Fig. 4B (0=285 ~ from a simulated reach to 23 cm; the direction celeration; and each window was 97 ms in duration. Mean ampli-
of change in torque at movement onset would be the same as for a tude values from the first window (shaded) were used as represen-
reach to 25 cm. tatives of EMG activity at movement onset (O, target direction)
In the simulations, muscle torques at the trunk, shoulder, and
elbow represent the sum of torques produced by all muscles at
muscle activity was in the net flexor direction (an increase in ab-
those joints (i.e., the resultant muscle torque) rather than torque
dominal activity or a decrease in paraspinal activity) or in the net
values of individual muscles. Flexor torque was defined as posi-
extensor direction (a decrease in abdominal activity or an increase
tive; extensor torque was defined as negative. Muscle torque was
in paraspinal activity). Identifying such a change, however, pre-
averaged over the first 50 ms of the simulated movement. This
sented difficulties. Identification of onsets of bursts and pauses
"torque at movement onset" was calculated for all target direc-
was not uniformly possible because of certain characteristics of
tions. When calculated in this way, trunk torque at movement on-
the EMG patterns. Baseline activity in the paraspinals and the fre-
set varied approximately sinusoidally with target direction, so that
quent lack of any modulation in the abdominal muscles often
peak calculated values roughly corresponded to | ~ (extensor
made it difficult to determine onsets of bursts or pauses. Because
peak) and | ~ (flexor peak).
of these difficulties, we chose instead to examine EMG amplitudes
Trunk torque at movement onset was used as a qualitative indi-
across a time window that was temporally constant with respect to
cator of the muscle torque required at the beginning of an arm
movement onset. This time window at movement onset was speci-
movement to resist trunk motion. It was then possible to compare
fied separately for each subject based on the timing of the overall
the range of target directions for these calculated torques to the
variation of experimentally obtained EMG values across target di- burst pattern of abdominal and paraspinal muscles.
rection to see if initial changes in EMG were qualitatively consis- Because the trunk muscles typically showed a reciprocal three-
tent with the trunk torques calculated in the simulations. burst pattern, three time windows were first identified. An exam-
ple of how these windows were determined is presented in Fig. 1.
For a given subject, an overall window width was determined from
a single trial in which the abdominal muscles displayed two bursts
Quantification of EMG (near @=180~ The abdominal EMG trace was used because of its
lack of premovement and postmovement baseline activity and the
Resting levels of EMG (with the muscles as relaxed as possible) subsequent ease of determining onsets and offsets of bursts. The
obtained at the beginning of each experiment were subtracted from beginning of the overall window was chosen as the onset of the
the EMG data from the movement trials so that only activity above first abdominal burst and the end of the overall window was cho-
resting level was evaluated. Muscle activity at movement onset sen as the offset of the second abdominal burst. The timing of this
was examined to determine whether that activity fulfilled a postur- overall window relative to the onset of wrist acceleration was then
al role. We wanted to determine whether the first change in trunk determined. The same overall window, with the same relative tim-
ing to the onset of wrist acceleration, was then applied to all the During arm movements, abdominal and paraspinal activ-
EMG data for all the muscles for a single subject. For each sub- ity was reciprocal, in that the bursts in the antagonist pair
ject, a different overall window was determined, and overall win-
by and large did not temporally overlap. There were
dow width and relative timing to the onset of wrist acceleration
varied from subject to subject. This overall window was then sub- some target directions for which there was little or no
divided into three windows of equal duration. The first of these modulation of abdominal E M G activity during the arm
windows straddled the onset of arm movement. The duration of m o v e m e n t (e.g., target directions 13=90-105 ~ in
this first window ranged from 94 to 104 ms across all subjects. Fig. 2A). For the paraspinal muscles, there were some
The mean amplitude of the EMG within this first window was
used as a measure of EMG activity at movement onset. To normal- target directions for which the initial change in activity
ize EMG values, EMG amplitude was first averaged over each of was a decrease from baseline activity (pause) instead of
the three windows as identified above. EMG amplitude was also an increase (burst; e.g., target directions 13=105-285 ~ in
averaged over the first 90 ms (premovement) and the last 90 ms Fig. 2B). There appeared to be "transitional" target di-
(postmovement) of each trial. EMG amplitudes were then normal-
ized per muscle to the maximum and minimum EMG values ob- rections for which the burst pattern was not as distinct.
tained from these premovement, movement, and postmovement In general, the amplitude o f the bursts in the paraspinal
windows. and abdominal muscles varied with target direction.
Because EMG amplitudes from the first movement window The reciprocal nature o f the E M G activity that was
were used to address posture control issues, data were scrutinized
to verify that the window did indeed capture the first change in observed in the individual traces was also apparent in the
EMG (burst or pause) from baseline activity, i.e., the activity asso- E M G amplitudes f r o m the window associated with
ciated with movement initiation. Paraspinal and abdominal EMG m o v e m e n t onset (Fig. 3). For this window, the highest
traces within the time boundaries of this window were visually in- levels o f abdominal E M G activity were obtained for tar-
spected from a total of 131 trials (all subjects, all target direc-
get directions near 13=180 ~ and the highest levels o f
tions). The window was considered to capture accurately the ini-
tial change of an EMG trace if the window was entirely filled with paraspinal E M G activity were obtained for target direc-
a burst or a pause and that burst or pause was the first change in tions near 13=0 ~.
EMG from baseline. The window clearly and accurately captured
bursts and pauses in 89% of all cases. In an additional 10% of all
cases, the window captured a slightly "contaminated" view of the
initial change in EMG. In these instances, the window contained Comparison o f E M G activity with postural requirements
part of a burst and part of a pause. The consequence of this con-
tamination was that values of mean EMG amplitude for these trac- One possible strategy that the nervous system might use
es were moderated; they were either slightly higher or lower than to control the action o f the trunk during arm movements
would have occurred if the window had more accurately captured
the first change in EMG. In 1% of all cases, the window captured is to resist the segmental interactive effects of the arm on
activity that was not representative of the initial change in EMG. the trunk in an effort to keep the trunk still. To test this
In these cases, the window either captured a burst when a pause possibility, trunk muscle torques during simulated reach-
was the initial change in EMG or it captured a pause when a burst ing movements were calculated that would be appropri-
was an initial change in EMG. These instances did inject some
ate to prevent the trunk f r o m moving. Over approximate-
scatter to the data but did not alter the overall relationship of EMG
to target direction. ly half the entire range o f target directions, trunk torque
at m o v e m e n t onset was calculated to be in the flexor di-
rection. The direction (flexor or extensor) o f calculated
Results torque at m o v e m e n t onset was then c o m p a r e d with the
direction o f experimentally observed trunk muscle activi-
General characteristics of trunk muscle E M G ty associated with m o v e m e n t onset to determine whether
the observed E M G was qualitatively appropriate to resist
During arm movements, both the paraspinal and the ab- trunk motion imposed by segmental effects of arm move-
dominal muscles displayed considerable myoelectric ac- ment.
tivity modulated in bursts and pauses. Distinct patterns Figure 3 contains data for all subjects of mean E M G
of activity were apparent in single trials. Figure 2 con- amplitude within the time window associated with move-
tains examples f r o m one subject o f E M G activity across ment onset. Systematic variation o f abdominal and para-
the full range o f target directions. In Fig. 2A, each trace spinal E M G activity across target directions is apparent
represents the abdominal E M G activity for a single trial, for all subjects. There are target directions in which para-
and each trial a different target direction. The traces were spinal E M G levels are high and abdominal E M G levels
temporally aligned with respect to the onset of wrist ac- are low (suggesting an extensor torque dominance at
celeration. Figure 2B is a similar view of paraspinal m o v e m e n t onset), and other target directions for which
E M G traces. the opposite is true (suggesting a flexor torque domi-
The data in Fig. 2 display certain characteristics that nance at m o v e m e n t onset). Also on each graph are shad-
were c o m m o n to all subjects. Before the arm movement, ed areas that represent the target direction range over
there was very low baseline activity in the abdominal which an extensor torque was calculated to prevent the
muscles, but considerable activity in the paraspinal mus- trunk f r o m m o v i n g at the beginning o f arm movement.
cles. Trunk muscle activity during the arm movements There was an imperfect overlap of target direction ranges
was characterized by bursts and pauses o f activity. Post- for which both paraspinal E M G activity was high (and
m o v e m e n t levels o f paraspinal E M G activity varied with abdominal E M G activity was low) and for which simula-
target direction as static postural requirements varied. tions indicated trunk torque at m o v e m e n t onset in the ex-

O 9- 9
A. Abdominal EMG B. Paraspinal EMG



. . . . . . . . J



I ' I '
-400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800

Time (ms)
Fig. 2A,B Trunk muscle activity across all target directions. Data tensor direction to prevent the trunk from moving. For
are from subject G.Y. Each trace represents a single trial and each subject G.K., for example, the shaded areas coincided
trial a different target direction. Target direction (O) was varied in
15~ increments and is indicated to the left of some of the traces. with target directions in which paraspinal E M G activity
The stick figure indicates the premovement configuration of the was high and abdominal E M G activity was low; E M G
body and target direction convention. Traces were aligned to the activity and calculated net trunk muscle torques, there-
onset of wrist acceleration (time 0 ms). Aligned so, modulation of fore, were qualitatively in agreement ((9=330-135~ In
the burst pattern with target direction became evident. A Abdomi- the unshaded target direction range, however, there were
nal EMG. Some target directions were associated with a large
burst of activity approximately 100 ms after the onset of wrist ac- also target directions in which paraspinal E M G activity
celeration; while other target directions were associated with a was high and abdominal E M G activity was low; E M G
double burst of activity beginning slightly before the onset of wrist activity and calculated trunk muscle torque were then
acceleration and ending approximately 300 ms later. B Paraspinal qualitatively in opposition ((9=210-315~ Such qualita-
EMG. The single and double burst ranges are approximately oppo-
site in direction to those for the abdominal EMG. In addition to tive discrepancies between the E M G data and simula-
the bursts and pauses associated with arm movements, consider- tions suggest that if the nervous system acts to resist
able baseline activity was observed before and after arm move- trunk motion at the beginning o f arm movements, it does
ment. All subjects showed similar patterns not do so for the entire range o f target directions 9 Results
from all the subjects were qualitatively similar, although

ABD 0 specific target direction ranges for EMG levels and cal-
culated torques varied somewhat.
PAR 9 Figure 4 provides examples from single trials that fur-
- o

ther illustrate the point that trunk muscle EMG activity

i!i i! i and predicted trunk torque did not agree. Data are from a
, : o ............ Sub single subject. Figure 4A contains EMG data for all tar-
: o II get directions (the same data and shaded area as in Fig. 3
oOe ~ ,; GK for subject A.N., but on a polar graph). In Fig. 4B, single
o 9~ 9 trials from two target directions are shown in which the
o trunk muscle activity (shown on the left) was in conflict
,9 9 9 o o o o
o oo 8 e.oo o oooo with the trunk torque predicted to resist dynamic postur-
. . . . . I . . . . . I . . . . . I . . . . .
al disturbances (shown on the right). For target direction
| for example, the first change in trunk muscle
activity was an increase inflexor muscle (abdominal) ac-
tivity, whereas the predicted change in trunk torque was
i!~!i!i:i 'i)i!i in the extensor direction.
[ ~i:~:i~~i~
o Sub
; 6 oo GY Discussion

From our experiments it is clear that rapid reaching

movements performed while sitting entail considerable
trunk muscle activity. For these bilateral arm move-
ments, trunk flexors and extensors displayed certain

li!io!!!i~~i i~i:i!ii~i~?i~ 0
characteristics that were common to all of the subjects
we tested: (1) abdominal and paraspinal muscles were
active in distinctly reciprocal bursts; (2) the pattern of
,,, iiili'iiii, iii 0 ~'~'~~', ~::2#,
' ~:~,
trunk muscle activity varied systematically with target
S ub direction; and (3) this systematic variation was evident in
= ,.0 single trials.
i D 13
The reciprocal nature of the activity provided the op-
portunity to identify clearly the direction (flexor or ex-
Z tensor) of EMG activity associated with the initiation of
arm movement. We evaluated that muscle activity by
measuring the mean amplitude of EMG activity over a
temporally constant window that encompassed move-
o 9
ment initiation. Averaging EMG amplitude in this way
did not provide information about burst onsets or precise
iO!~i 84
magnitudes of bursts. It did, however, provide a qualita-
o o o 9 9 !iiiiii ili iill Sub tively accurate view of the direction of the first change in
AN trunk muscle activity associated with the reaching move-
By comparing the trunk muscle activity with predict-
ed trunk torque, we tested whether the intent of the ner-
vous system was to govern the trunk by a postural rule.
Rather than comparing predicted trunk torque with mea-
sured trunk EMG for quantitative agreement (magni-
tude), we examined the data for qualitative agreement;

i' i~i i ~~!iili Sub Fig. 3 Trunk muscle activity at movement onset compared with
,~i!ii~,iilli!i dynamic postural requirements. Mean normalized amplitudes of
AS trunk muscle activity in the window associated with movement
onset are plotted across target direction (abdominal EMG, empty
o v o. o 9 circles; paraspinal EMG, filled circles). Subjects' initials are indi-
cated to the right. The shaded areas indicate the ranges of target
99 . ~9o o o oo direction over which was calculated an extensor torque at the
' '1 . . . . . I . . . . . I trunk to prevent the trunk from moving at the beginning of arm
90 180 270 360 movement. Although there was some agreement of torque require-
ments from the simulations with EMG data, this agreement did not
T a r g e t Direction | (deg) hold for all target directions

90 !70 ~

180 ~


ABD ~ . ........~ ....

PAR Q=105
o -30

ABD ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ , + ~ * * ~ . ~ ~.~,,..,~ v

o -30

Fig. 4A,B Exceptions to postural predictions. Data are from sub- do both p r e d i c t e d torque and m e a s u r e d E M G go in the
ject A.N. A Trunk muscle activity at movement onset. Data are the
s a m e direction (flexor or extensor) at the initiation o f
same as in Fig. 3, but on a polar graph. The angle indicates target
direction, and the distance from the center indicates magnitude of m o v e m e n t ? W h i l e w e o b s e r v e d qualitative a g r e e m e n t
normalized EMG; the outer circle represents 100% and the inner a m o n g all subjects for s o m e target directions, and a m o n g
circle is at 50%. Abdominal EMG, empty circles; paraspinal s o m e subjects for m o s t target directions, the p o s t u r a l rule
EMG, filled circles. The shaded area indicates the range of target o f resisting d y n a m i c d i s t u r b a n c e s d i d not h o l d qualita-
direction over which was predicted extensor torque for dynamic
postural requirements (0=314-136~ Two tick marks on the out- tively for all target directions. In effect, the n e r v o u s
side of the graph indicate target directions where torque predic- s y s t e m does not a p p e a r to try, for all target directions, to
tions and EMG did not agree. These trials are shown in B. B Ex- k e e p the trunk still in the face o f a r m m o v e m e n t s that
ceptions to dynamic postural requirements. To the left are abdomi- perturb the trunk.
nal (ABD) and paraspinal (PAR, increasing downward) EMG trac-
es and to the right are torque traces for simulations of arm reaches I n d e e d , in our e x p e r i m e n t s , there was m o v e m e n t o f
to the corresponding target directions. Flexor torques are positive. the trunk a s s o c i a t e d with the a r m m o v e m e n t (see the
The dotted horizontal line indicates the premovement static torque T P O S trace, Fig. 1). T h e absolute value o f trunk dis-
level. For target direction | ~, the initial change in predicted p l a c e m e n t s c a r c e l y changed, however, over the t e m p o r a l
torque was in the extensor direction, while the initial change in
EMG was in the flexor direction. For target direction @=285 ~ the w i n d o w w e d e f i n e d for evaluating initial c h a n g e s in
initial change in predicted torque was in the flexor direction while E M G activity; the m e a n trunk d i s p l a c e m e n t [as d e f i n e d
the initial change in EMG was in the extensor direction. Note that, b y the m e a n o f the last five s a m p l e s (15 ms) o f the tem-
for this target direction, the torque trace that is shown was calcu- p o r a l w i n d o w m i n u s the m e a n o f the first five s a m p l e s o f
lated for a simulated reach with a target distance of 23 cm instead the t e m p o r a l w i n d o w ] was 2.7+2.7 m m ( m e a n + s t a n d a r d
of 25 cm. This target distance was very near the maximum simu-
lated reach distance, resulting in a noticeably high calculated trunk deviation; all subjects, all trials). In addition, there was
torque at the end of the movement time no difference in absolute value o f trunk d i s p l a c e m e n t be-
t w e e n those trials in w h i c h trunk E M G was in qualitative
a g r e e m e n t with c a l c u l a t e d trunk torque and those trials
in w h i c h trunk E M G d i d not q u a l i t a t i v e l y agree with cal-
c u l a t e d trunk torque ( m e a n difference b e t w e e n the two
groups 0.39 ram; P=0.24 for a one-tailed, unpaired t- reaching movements upward (near |176 see Fig. 2) in
test). Much of the trunk motion occurred after this tem- the present paper.
poral window. Trajectories of the trunk during the course The postural nature of nonfocal muscle activity has
of the arm movements did display some consistencies been examined for a variety of arm movements per-
from subject to subject, but the description of this behav- formed while standing, including arm swings up and
ior is outside the scope of the present paper on move- down (Belen'kii et al. 1967; Bouisset and Zattara 1988;
ment initiation. Horak et al. 1984; Lee 1980), arm pushes and pulls
One alternative control possibility is that the nervous (Cord| and Nashner 1982; Woollacott et al. 1984), and
system is only concerned with static, or position-depen- elbow flexions and extensions (Friedli et al. 1984). For
dent, requirements; the nervous system produces a move- these tasks, the commonly accepted control rule for non-
ment (a change in position) by activating those muscles focal muscles is that they act to resist disturbances creat-
necessary to hold the body in the desired final position. ed by the focal movement (Belen'kii et al. 1967;
In the context of the experiments presented here, this C16ment et al. 1984; Lee et al. 1987). The conclusion
strategy would be expressed by initial changes in trunk that nonfocal muscle activity is performing a postural
muscle EMG activity that are in the same direction as the role by resisting the effects of the focal movement seems
changes in trunk muscle EMG from premovement levels appropriate for these movements, but may not apply
to postmovement levels. In Fig. 2, postmovement levels across a greater range of arm movements. For example,
of paraspinal EMG are shown to vary with target direc- the reaching movements in our experiments to the two
tion as the center of mass of the arms varies with target target directions | ~ and 180 ~ appear to be quite simi-
direction. However, there are many trials in which the lar to the arm-swing tasks used by others, and they do re-
initial change in paraspinal EMG activity is clearly op- sult in trunk muscle activity that is qualitatively in oppo-
posite to this change in the postmovement paraspinal sition to the segmental interactive effects of the arm
EMG activity (e.g., 0=75 ~ or 0=255~ Therefore, this movement (Fig. 4A). The same does not appear to be so
simplistic possibility for posture control is not supported for all target directions (Fig. 4B); the postural control
by our data. strategy that appears reasonable for a limited scope of
Reasons have been advanced in support of the notion arm movements (e.g., arm swings up and down) may not
that the nervous system might want to keep the trunk still apply to a broader range of arm movements.
during arm movements. When planar reaching move- In our experiments, trunk muscle activity was not
ments involve more than two segments, as do those broadly consistent with the tested postural rule. Al-
movements we studied, the number of mechanical de- though trunk muscle activity did not agree with postural
grees of freedom make it possible for the segments to predictions for all target directions, these results do not
follow any path as the distal tip of the arm moves from completely negate the idea that the trunk muscles play a
one point to another. Even specifying the entire trajecto- postural role. We evaluated this postural rule for move-
ry of the distal tip still leaves the segments free to follow ment initiation only, with the notion that muscle activity
an infinite number of paths (Soechting and Flanders at movement initiation was considered indicative of the
1991). It has been suggested that the nervous system preplanned intent of the nervous system. A possible pos-
handles this redundancy problem by activating muscles tural role for trunk muscle activity later in the movement
so as to reduce the degrees of freedom of a movement remains to be tested.
(Bernstein 1967). In reaching movements, if the trunk
were held still, the number of segments would in effect Acknowledgements We are most grateful to Dr. Gall Koshland
for helpful comments and review throughout this research project.
be reduced to two, thereby reducing the mechanical Thanks also go to Kee Koon Chua for technical assistance. This
complexity of the movement. Trunk muscle activity in work was done in the Department of Physiology at the University
agreement with the trunk torques as we calculated them of Arizona in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D.
would have tended to keep the trunk still and thus would degree, and was supported by NIH grants NS19407 and NS07309.
Some of this work has been presented in abstract form.
have acted to reduce the effective number of segments
and mechanical degrees of freedom of the system, mak-
ing the nervous system's "calculation" of the arm move-
ment somewhat simpler.
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