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Proprioception 1143

J L Taylor, Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute, the consequences of motor output and are vital to the
Sydney, NSW, Australia control of voluntary movement.
ã 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Sensory Receptors Contributing to

Sensory receptors in the muscles, joints, and skin are
Bastian, in 1887, described ‘kinaesthesia’ as ‘‘the sense all involved in proprioception. In muscle, the major
of movement’’ whereby ‘‘we are made acquainted receptors for proprioception are muscle spindles and
with the position and movements of our limbs, we Golgi tendon organs. Muscle spindles are complex
are enabled to discriminate between different degrees receptors which lie in parallel with the muscle fibers.
of ‘resistance’ and ‘weight,’ and by means of it the They are fluid-filled fusiform (spindle-shaped) cap-
brain also derives much unconscious guidance in the sules of connective tissue with bundles of small (intra-
performance of movements generally.’’ The term ‘pro- fusal) muscle fibers inside them. On the intrafusal
prioception’ is used synonymously with kinesthesia. fibers are two kinds of sensory nerve endings: the
It was first used by Sherrington in 1906 and can spiral endings of the primary muscle spindle (Ia) affer-
be thought of as referring to the sensations of the ents and the flower-spray endings of the secondary
body. Although proprioception is a sense like vision, muscle spindle (II) afferents. Both classes of muscle
hearing, touch, taste, and smell, these more commonly spindle endings fire with stretch of the muscle and so
recognized sensory systems give us information about give a signal of muscle length. The primary ending has
the outside world, whereas proprioceptors are the the more dynamic response. It fires a burst at the
sensory receptors which tell us what the body itself is beginning of a stretch and signals velocity and accel-
doing. As Bastian suggested, kinesthesia encompasses eration as well as muscle length. Muscle spindles also
a complex of sensations which include a sense of joint have their own motor nerve supply to the intrafusal
movement, a sense of joint position, a sense of muscle muscle fibers. As contraction of the intrafusal fibers
force or tension, and a sense of effort. Sensations stretches the sensory endings, muscle spindle firing
derived from the vestibular apparatus are also some- can result from motor output as well as from muscle
times included in proprioception, but these signals of stretch. Thus, interpretation of muscle spindle signals
the position and movement of the head relative to the during active muscle contractions is complex.
external world will not be discussed here. Golgi tendon organs are situated at the musculo-
The sense of joint movement (movement sense) is tendinous junction. They consist of several strands of
the process by which we perceive movements of parts collagen attached to the tendon at one end and to a
of the body relative to one another. It includes detec- number (3–25) of muscle fibers at the other end. The
tion of movements and perception of their direction, strands of collagen are covered by a connective tissue
velocity, distance, and timing. Both passive move- capsule and are innervated by a Ib sensory neuron.
ments, which are imposed by an external force, and Although tendon organs can fire in response to pas-
active movements, generated by the muscles, are per- sive stretch of the whole muscle, they are much more
ceived. The sense of joint position (position sense) is sensitive to active forces generated by the specific
the process by which we perceive the current positions muscle fibers that are attached to them.
of parts of the body relative to one another. Again, In the joints, sensory endings are located in the joint
relative positions can be perceived when the body parts capsule and ligaments. Ruffini endings are slowly
are at rest and when they are held in position by muscle adapting afferents which are sensitive to stretch of
contraction. The sense of force or tension is the process the joint capsule. They fire most at the ends of joint
by which we perceive forces generated through the range, but a few afferents can fire across the midrange
muscles, whereas the sense of effort gives a perception of joint movement. Larger tendon-organlike recep-
of the strength of muscle contraction relative to the tors are found in the ligaments. These also respond
total strength of the muscle. Both of these signals are to stretch but have a higher threshold compared to
used in perception of applied forces, and in judging the joint capsule receptors.
heaviness. All of these sensations are used separately In the skin, the receptors most directly associated
and together to give knowledge of the body’s own with proprioception are the slowly adapting type II
actions and its interactions with the environment. (SAII) receptors. These fire in response to stretch of
Thus, proprioceptive sensations provide feedback of the skin in specific directions. They can signal changes
1144 Proprioception

in joint angle when the skin is stretched over one side Testing Movement Sense
of a joint and compressed on the other side.
The sensitivity of movement sense is often tested by
Neural signals from all of these sensory receptors
determining the smallest imposed movement that can
are carried via large-diameter myelinated sensory
be detected with the muscles relaxed. The size of this
neurons with cell bodies in the dorsal root ganglia
threshold movement depends on velocity, with faster
and projections which enter the spinal cord through
movements detected more easily than slower move-
the dorsal roots. Cutaneous afferents from both the
ments (Figure 1). With velocities of >1 s 1, very small
upper and the lower limbs ascend directly to the
movements of 0.1–0.5 can be detected at limb joints
medulla, where they synapse. Muscle afferents from and for rotation of the neck and trunk. With slower
the upper limb follow the same route whereas those
velocities, larger movements of 1–3 are required.
from the lower limb have an intermediary synapse
With very slow velocities (2 min 1), study partici-
in Clarke’s column in the spinal cord. From the med-
pants no longer report any sensation of movement.
ulla, proprioceptive signals cross the midline to the
At the interphalangeal joints of the fingers and toes,
contralateral thalamus and from there project to
much larger angular movements are needed for detec-
the cortex.
tion. For the big toe, detection thresholds of 20 at
1 s 1 are reported. It is not clear how active muscle
contraction changes the detection of imposed move-
Sensations of Movement and Position ments, as both impairment and improvement have
Position sense and movement sense give perceptions been reported. The strength of contraction and the
about the relative locations and movements of parts task performed may be important.
of the body. These can be perceptions of angle or Perception of the velocity of movement is another
movement at a single joint (e.g., bend of the knee), facet of movement sense that has been tested. Dis-
about many joints (e.g., perception of the distance crimination between velocities of imposed movement
between the thumb and a fingertip), or even of posi- about a joint is better for slower velocities. For move-
tion or movement that does not involve joints (e.g., of ments at 15 s 1, individuals perceive differences of
facial expressions or the direction of the eyes). The 2–4 s 1, whereas for movements at 50 s 1, differ-
sense of movement and sense of position can be diffi- ences of 10 s 1 are detected. Individuals can actively
cult to separate, as movement is a change of position match the velocity of an imposed movement to within
and each position is reached through movement. 5 s 1 over velocities from 15 to 80 s 1.
However, it is possible to impose movements that
Testing Position Sense
are too slow to feel and yet, when displacement is
great enough, a new position is perceived. This sug- Position sense also has a number of facets that can
gests that there is a sense of position separate from be tested in different ways. As noted, movements
movement. can be imposed so slowly that individuals do not

Detection threshold (°)

3 Hip

2 Knee

0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100
Angular velocity (° s−1)
Figure 1 The magnitudes of movement required for detection of movements of different velocities are plotted for joints of the upper limb –
shoulder, elbow, distal interphalangeal joint (DIP) and metacarpophalangeal joint (MCP) of the finger – and for joints of the lower limb – hip,
knee, ankle, and the interphalangeal joint of the big toe (toe). Movement detection is better at faster velocities. If velocities are slow enough
(0.1 s 1), detection is independent of velocity. Adapted from Refshauge KM, Chan R, Taylor JL, et al. (1995) Detection of movements
imposed on human hip, knee, ankle and toe joints. Journal of Physiology 488: 231–241, with permission.
Proprioception 1145

perceive them. With these very slow displacements, as small joint movements. With other afferents, indi-
changes of position of 2–5 of the ankle, shoulder, viduals report pressure in the joint. When joint affer-
and finger are discriminated. ents are not active, either during testing after total
The ability to match joint positions is tested in a joint replacements or with injection of local anes-
variety of ways. The simplest is for the person to thetic into the joint, there is little impairment. Thus,
move one limb to match the angle of a joint of the although joint afferents contribute to perception
contralateral limb which was moved passively and is of joint movement and position, other inputs can
supported in position. Under such conditions, indivi- compensate for their loss.
duals can match joint angle within 5–10 . Some var-
iants on this test include repositioning the same limb Skin receptors Recording from skin afferents shows
rather than matching with the other limb, using a that the slowly adapting afferents which respond to
pointer or indicator rather than using a matching stretch of the skin can fire with changes in joint angle.
limb, and giving a verbal estimate of angular position. For example, afferents with receptive fields over the
Other variations focus on changes in the limb being back of the hand increase firing with flexion of the
matched – for example, varying the time between metacarpophalangeal joints. Thus, these afferents can
arrival at the position and matching, having the per- signal joint movement and position. Activation of
son move actively to position, or hold the position skin afferents can produce perceptions of movement
actively. When muscle activity is used to maintain of the fingers and limb joints. If the skin is stretched
position, accuracy is improved with errors of 2 . on one side of a joint by pulling on tape stuck to the
Another aspect of position sense is the ability to skin, many people report feeling movements about
perceive the instantaneous position of the arm during the joint. The illusion is enhanced if the skin on the
an ongoing movement. During an imposed movement other side of the joint is compressed at the same time.
at the elbow at velocities of 70–200 s 1, individuals When input from the skin is removed by local anes-
can indicate with an accuracy of 1 when the arm thetic, perceptions of movement and position are
passes through a particular joint angle. This contrasts impaired but not abolished at finger joints. However,
with the poorer performance in detection of impercep- impairment does not occur with anesthesia of a sleeve
tibly slow movements, and in position-matching tasks. of skin around the knee. Thus, sensory input from the
skin contributes to movement and position sense. It
Evidence for the Mechanisms Underlying
may be easier to compensate for its loss at the larger
Movement and Position Sense
limb joints than in the hand.
It is generally accepted that sensory inputs from mus-
cle, skin, and joints all contribute to movement and Muscle spindles The muscle afferents associated
position sense, although belief in the relative impor- with movement and position sense are those from
tance of each contribution has varied over the past the muscle spindles. These fire when the muscle spin-
century. The evidence that supports the contribution dle is stretched during lengthening of the muscle.
from each type of afferent includes the findings that Recording in humans and in animals shows that mus-
(1) the afferents fire in response to joint movement or cle spindles can signal joint movement and position
joint position, (2) activation of the afferents leads to during passive movements. The Ia afferents signal
the perception of joint movement or altered joint velocity (with a position component) whereas the
position, and (3) elimination of the firing of the affer- group II afferents primarily signal position. Muscle
ents impairs the ability to perceive joint movement or spindle activity increases with muscle lengthening,
position. but most spindles fall silent during passive shortening
of the muscle. Thus, muscles on both sides of a joint
Joint receptors The activity of joint afferents has are needed to give adequate signals of movement and
been recorded from awake people through micro- position. Stimulation of a single muscle spindle affer-
neurography, in which a fine needle can record the ent causes no sensation, but when a population of
activity from single nerve fibers. In general, the affer- muscle spindles is activated by vibration applied
ents tend to fire at the ends of joint range and do not over the tendon of the muscle, joint movement and
give an unambiguous signal of joint position or the altered joint position are perceived. Illusory move-
direction of movement. However, occasional affer- ments are felt in the direction consistent with length-
ents do fire throughout the whole range in a way ening of the vibrated muscle. Higher frequency
related to position, and this may be sufficient to give vibration (100 Hz) generates a strong illusion of
a useful signal. With microneurography it is possible movement with a velocity related to the frequency
to stimulate a single nerve fiber electrically. For of vibration. This illusion is attributed to discharge
30% of joint afferents, this stimulation is perceived of Ia afferents. With lower frequency vibration, the
1146 Proprioception

movement illusion is diminished but an illusion of motor command may also have a role in position
altered position remains. This is attributed to group II sense in the limbs.
afferent activity. The anatomy of muscle attachments
to the phalanges allows the muscles to be disengaged
functionally from the distal interphalangeal joint of Sensations of Force and Effort
the middle finger by positioning the hand with the The sense of muscle force or tension and the sense of
middle finger fully flexed at the proximal inter- effort are difficult to separate. One provides a percep-
phalangeal joint and all the other fingers extended. tion of the absolute force being generated by the
Because no muscles act at the distal interphalangeal muscle. The other gives a perception of the propor-
joint in this posture, movement and position sense can tion of total muscle strength being used. Both contrib-
be tested without muscle spindle activity. The absence ute to judgments of applied forces and of heaviness.
of muscle spindle firing impairs, but does not abolish, The mechanisms underlying the sensations differ. The
detection of joint movement and position. sense of muscle force is attributed to sensory input
During active movements, signals from joint and whereas the sense of effort is attributed to a central
skin afferents are the same as during passive move- signal related to motor command.
ments. Muscle spindle activity in the antagonist (non-
contracting) muscle should also be unchanged. In Testing Force and Effort
contrast, the firing of muscle spindles in the active
muscle depends on fusimotor drive, in addition to Sensations of force are often tested by asking persons
changes in muscle length. In humans, fusimotor to make judgments about the weights of objects. The
drive to the muscle fibers inside the muscle spindles heavier an object, the more muscle force is required to
usually occurs concurrently with voluntary activation move or lift it. People can discriminate between
of the muscle. Therefore, during an isometric contrac- weights which differ by about 6%. This ability is
tion, spindle firing increases from fusimotor drive independent of the muscle group which is used to
even though the muscle is not stretched. During a support the weight. When individuals give numerical
shortening contraction, spindles will keep firing if estimates of the magnitude of force or weight, per-
the shortening is slow, but will fall silent if the short- ceived force doubles if exerted force is increased by
ening velocity of the muscle exceeds the ability of the 50%. However, if they lift a weight with one muscle
intrafusal fibers to contract quickly. During a length- group and then choose a matching weight with the
ening contraction, both fusimotor drive and muscle contralateral muscles, the relationship between
stretch will add to spindle discharge. It has been the two weights is linear, although lower weights
postulated that a signal related to fusimotor output (<40% maximal force) are overestimated and higher
must be used by the brain to interpret muscle spindle ones (>80% maximal force) are underestimated. The
input in terms of joint movement and position during linearity of weight-matching suggests that the rela-
voluntary contraction. tionships between force production and perception
are similar in the two muscle groups. People can
Corollary discharge A final mechanism that may match isometric forces in the same way as weights,
give rise to sensations of movement or position is a with an average error of 4% of maximal force.
central signal related to motor output. Such a signal is People can also scale forces based on their own effort.
known as a corollary discharge. This idea is well When individuals produce designated proportions of
established for the eyes. Because the muscles of the maximum effort, they produce more force than
eyes always have to move the same load, a set amount expected for weak efforts and less for strong efforts.
of drive to the muscles should always result in the This is consistent with the overestimation and under-
same eye movement. That is, you should know which estimation in matching light and heavy weights.
way your eyes are pointing because you told them to
Evidence for the Mechanisms Underlying
go there. Individuals’ reports that the visual world
Sensations of Force and Effort
moves when passive movements are imposed on the
eyes are consistent with this proposal. In contrast, The main sensory inputs that underlie the sense of
there is no fixed relationship between motor com- muscle force are the Golgi tendon organs. Because
mand and the resultant movement or position for each tendon organ is activated by the contraction of
the limb muscles, because they work under ever- only a few muscle fibers, the firing of single tendon
changing loads. However, a recent study, in which organs does not represent the force generated by
individuals experienced illusions of altered joint the whole muscle. In contrast, the response from a
position when they tried to move a paralyzed and population of tendon organs is a good measure of
anesthetized hand, suggests that a signal related to overall force, although a dynamic component to the
Proprioception 1147

firing accentuates changes in force. It is not clear 16

whether stimulation of tendon organs gives a percep-

Matching force (N)

tion of muscle force, although people do experience 12
sensations of muscle force when muscle contractions
are produced by electrical stimulation. 8
Sensory signals of muscle force and central signals
of effort are both directly related to the force gener- 4 Finger
ated by a muscle. However, when a muscle becomes
fatigued, it cannot produce as much force, and sen- 0
sations of muscle force and effort are dissociated. It 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
is a common experience to hold an object which gets a Reference force produced by elbow (N)
heavier and heavier as the muscles holding it get 20
tired. The increase in perceived heaviness despite

Matching force (% MVC)

the object’s constant weight is an indication that 15
the sensation is not conveyed by the tendon organs, Hand
which continue to give a true signal of muscle force. Finger
In this situation, progressive fatigue of the muscle
fibers means that more of the muscle needs to be 5
recruited to support the object. That is, the motor
drive or command to the muscle is increased, and 0
the sense of effort, which is related to the proportion 0 2 4 6 8 10
of the muscle that is being used, also increases. b Reference force produced by elbow (% MVC)
Thus, the increase in heaviness of objects during Figure 2 Individuals matched forces produced by elbow flexion
fatigue suggests that the sense of effort has a large ▪
(reference) with forces produced by a finger ( ) or by a pinch grip
influence on perception of weight and force. This is of the hand (○). (a) The same force produced by the elbow was
matched with a lower force produced by the finger than by the
confirmed when individuals match weights lifted
hand. As the finger could produce a lower maximal force, com-
by two muscle groups of different strength. Heavier pared to the hand, the difference in matching is consistent with
weights lifted with the stronger muscles are matched matching effort. (b) The same data as in panel (a) are shown
to lighter weights lifted with the weaker muscles expressed as percentages of maximal voluntary force (MVC). For a
(Figure 2). However, the sense of effort is not force produced by the elbow, individuals matched the same propor-
tion of muscle force for the finger and hand. Note that these weak
the sole contributor to perceptions of heaviness.
forces produced by the elbow (2–8% MVC) were overestimated by
Although a weight supported by a fatigued muscle both the finger and the hand, which matched with 5–15% MVC.
feels heavier, the increase in heaviness is not directly Reproduced from Experimental Brain Research, Vol. 151, 2003,
proportional to the reduction in force-generating 197–203, Perceptual constancy and the perceived magnitude of
capacity of the muscle. That is, if the maximal muscle forces, Jones LA, figures 2 and 3, Copyright Springer. With
kind permission of Springer Science and Business Media.
force of the muscle is reduced by half, the weight
does not feel twice as heavy. This suggests that some
other signal, presumably sensory input from tendon
organs, also has a role. Similar results are reported Interactions of Senses
when individuals’ muscles are weakened by partial
curarization. Some sensations require interactions between the pro-
Finally, in most judgments of force, tactile informa- prioceptive senses. For example, heaviness of an object
tion is also important. Pressure-sensitive receptors are can only be gauged if the object can be moved. Move-
not truly proprioceptors, because they give information ment signals the time when the perceived force is a
about the body’s interaction with the environment measure of the object’s heaviness. The perceptions of
rather than conveying sensations about the body itself. qualities such as stiffness, which is a combination
However, skin receptors can signal the magnitude and of force and distance, and viscosity, which combines
direction of forces. When muscle receptors and central force and velocity, need continuous interaction of sen-
signals of effort cannot contribute, such as when sations of movement and force. The senses of move-
objects are placed on a hand which is resting on a ment, position, force, and effort can all contribute to
table, people can discriminate changes in weight of the perception of limb position under different circum-
30%. Although discrimination is improved when stances. If the limb is resting passively, only position
the object is supported actively, the elimination of tac- sense is available to give a perception of joint angle.
tile input alters force sensations even during active In contrast, if the limb is supported against gravity
conditions. by active muscle contraction, then the muscle force
1148 Proprioception

needed to hold the limb in position will also vary with The contribution of proprioceptive sensations
joint angle. Thus, the sense of effort associated with to awareness of the size and shape of the body is
the level of muscle contraction, as well as signals of demonstrated by illusions that can be induced by
muscle force from tendon organs, will be able to con- tendon vibration. If vibration is applied to the biceps
tribute (Figure 3). Finally, if the joint position was brachii tendon while a person touches the nose with
reached by a movement, then movement sense may the finger, the nose feels like it grows. As discussed
also have a role. previously, the vibration activates muscle spindles,
Interactions between proprioception and other which give the illusion that the arm is extending at
senses provide orientation in the environment. Per- the elbow (consistent with biceps lengthening). How-
ception of where the body is in space relies on the ever, tactile sensations insist that the finger is still
sensations of movement and position of the neck, touching the nose. The brain’s resolution to this
trunk, and limbs, combined with sensory input from dilemma is that the nose is getting longer. Thus, pro-
the vestibular apparatus, which signals movements of prioceptive signals influence the body image.
the head in space. If the head rotates 90 to the right,
it might mean that the neck has turned, that the trunk
Changes in Proprioception with
has turned or that the whole body has turned. Sensa-
tions of movement and position from the neck and
trunk allow us to differentiate these conditions which Proprioceptive function changes with normal events
give similar vestibular signals. Sensations of position such as fatigue as well as with injury and disease. As
and movement of the eyes are essential for the per- discussed, muscle fatigue alters judgment of force and
ception of the location of visual objects relative to the heaviness. It can also impair the detection of imposed
head, with proprioceptive input from the neck needed movement and judgment of limb position when the
to identify the location relative to the body. Similarly, limb is actively held against gravity.
the location of sounds relative to the body requires Musculoskeletal injuries such as ankle sprains and
sensations of movement and position of the head on knee ligament injuries are associated with impaired
the neck. movement and position sense at the injured joint.
Similarly, impaired proprioception is reported with
arthritis and low back pain. Disturbance of proprio-
Corollary discharge related
to motor command ceptive input from the neck may lead to the dizziness
and impaired balance in patients with whiplash. The
mechanism of such impairments is not clear. Possibi-
lities include changes in the periphery, including
inflammation or altered tissue compliance, which
could change receptor firing, and more central effects,
Golgi tendon such as interaction between pain and proprioceptive
organs (Ib) sensations.
Interruption of the neural pathway from the sensory
receptors to the brain will also result in impairment of
Biceps proprioception. This could happen in the periphery
through neural injury or neuropathy, in the spinal
Joint receptors
cord with injury or diseases such as multiple sclerosis,
Skin receptors and in the brain stem or at the cortex through injury or
stroke. Very rarely, patients who have lost all large
myelinated nerve fibers have no sensory input to pro-
Muscle spindle primary endings (Ia) vide proprioceptive signals and must rely on central
Secondary endings (II) signals related to muscle contraction and on vision to
Figure 3 Diagram showing the proprioceptive signals available perform motor tasks successfully. They are unable
to contribute to the perception of elbow angle (limb position) while to learn new motor skills.
the forearm is supported against gravity by active contraction Apart from lesions in the proprioceptive pathway
of biceps brachii. Sensory signals are available from muscle spin- to the cortex, movement disorders (such as Parkin-
dles and tendon organs in the agonist (biceps) and antagonist
son’s disease, focal dystonia, Huntington’s chorea)
(triceps) muscles. Sensory input is also available from joint recep-
tors and from skin receptors on both sides of the joint. A central and cerebellar disorders have associated impairments
signal related to the motor output (corollary discharge) is also of various proprioceptive sensations. For example,
available. detection of passive movements and joint position is
Proprioception 1149

impaired in Parkinson’s disease, whereas in cerebellar Neural Circuitry in the Somatosensory System; Neuro-
disorders, the discrimination of velocity and duration muscular Junction (NMJ): Presynaptic Stretch Effects on
of movements is impaired. Neuromuscular Transmission; Spatial Orientation: Our
Whole-Body Motion and Orientation Sense; Tactile
Contribution of Proprioception to
Motor Control
Proprioception and motor control are so entwined
Further Reading
that it is often impossible to separate where the sen- Bastian HC (1887) The ‘muscular sense’: Its nature and cortical
sory signals subserve a direct motor function localisation. Brain 10: 1–144.
and where the same signals evoke proprioceptive Clark FJ, Burgess RC, Chapin JW, et al. (1985) Role of intramus-
cular receptors in the awareness of limb position. Journal of
sensations which might then be used in control of Neurophysiology 54: 1529–1540.
movement. Proprioceptive signals contribute to move- Collins DF and Prochazka A (1996) Movement illusions evoked by
ment at every level. Proprioceptive afferents have roles ensemble cutaneous input from the dorsum of the human hand.
in reflex responses at the spinal and cortical levels and Journal of Physiology 496: 857–871.
provide feedback that allows the control of all pur- Cordo P, Carlton L, Bevan L, et al. (1994) Proprioceptive coordi-
nation of movement sequences: Role of velocity and position
poseful movements. We can attend to some of this information. Journal of Neurophysiology 71: 1848–1861.
feedback and report sensations related to it, but we Donaldson IM (2000) The functions of the proprioceptors of
more commonly employ it to guide our actions. the eye muscles. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Although we usually pay no attention to the current Society of London, Series B. Biological Sciences 355(1404):
position of a hand before we use it to pick something 1685–1754.
Edin BB and Abbs JH (1991) Finger movement responses of cuta-
up, we could, if asked, report the hand’s location. neous mechanoreceptors in the dorsal skin of the human hand.
Proprioception is essential to motor learning. New Journal of Neurophysiology 65: 657–670.
patterns of movement, such as driving a car or hitting Gandevia SC (1996) Kinesthesia: Roles for afferent signals and
a ball, cannot be learned in its absence. Without pro- motor commands. In: Rowell LB and Shepherd JT (eds.) Hand-
prioceptive sensations there is no direct link between book on Integration of Motor, Circulatory, Respiratory and
Metabolic Control during Exercise, pp. 128–172. Bethesda,
the motor output and its consequences. MD: American Physiological Society.
Gandevia SC, Smith JL, Crawford M, et al. (2006) Motor com-
Summary and Conclusions mands contribute to human position sense. Journal of Physiol-
ogy 571: 703–710.
Proprioception is the sense which allows perception Goodwin GM, McCloskey DI, and Matthews PBC (1972) The
of the location, movement, and action of parts of the contribution of muscle afferents to kinaesthesia shown by vibra-
tion induced illusions of movement and by the effects of paral-
body relative to each other. Proprioceptive sensations ysing joint afferents. Brain 95: 705–748.
are derived from combined sensory input from muscle, Jones LA (1986) Perception of force and weight: Theory and
joint, and skin receptors, plus central signals related research. Psychological Bulletin 1000: 29–42.
to motor output. Sensations of movement and position Jones LA (2003) Perceptual constancy and the perceived magnitude
and force and effort can be tested separately, but are of muscle forces. Experimental Brain Research 151: 197–203.
Lackner JR (1988) Some proprioceptive influences on the percep-
used in conjunction with each other during many per- tual representation of body shape and orientation. Brain 111:
ceptual and motor tasks. Proprioception is so closely 281–297.
tied to the control of voluntary movement that im- Naito E, Roland PE, and Ehrsson HH (2002) I feel my hand
pairments are more likely to be noticed as deficits moving: A new role of the primary motor cortex in somatic
in the performance of motor tasks than as impaired perception of limb movement. Neuron 36: 979–988.
Proske U (2005) What is the role of muscle receptors in proprio-
sensations. ception? Muscle & Nerve 31: 780–787.
Refshauge KM, Chan R, Taylor JL, et al. (1995) Detection of
See also: Evolution of Sensory Receptor Specializations in movements imposed on human hip, knee, ankle and toe joints.
the Glabrous Skin; Mechanoreceptors; Motor Skill Journal of Physiology 488: 231–241.
Learning; Multisensory Convergence and Integration;

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