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How To Become an Evolved Person by Lucus Louize

These are tips I’ve found helpful in my own life. I hope these tips help in your own life in
some way as well.

1: Practice being confident.

2: Practice being emotionally mature.

3: Practice being humble.

4: Practice morals and faith in Jesus. (Try your best no one is perfect.)

5: Practice mediation and prayer. Prayer and meditation effects people remotely from a
distance through energy. Science demonstrates:

A: Prayer really has an effect and distance is no barrier please see: ‘Does prayer influence
the success of in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer? Report of a masked, randomized
trial’ K Y Cha et al. J Reprod Med. 2001 Sep. Also as stated in Mark 11:25-26 when you
forgive others your sins are forgiven so you can use the Omegans to have your sins
forgiven as well.

B: We can influence people to be relaxed even from a distance just with our energy
including having a positive impact on whole cities. Please see this study from the U.S.
Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs: ‘Transcendental Meditation Program
and Crime Rate Change in a Sample of Forty-Eight Cities’ (From Journal of Criminal
Justice, Volume 4, P 25-45, 1981, Sloan T Letman, ed.) NCJ Number 85219. M C
Dillbeck; G Landrith; D W Orme-Johnson Date Published 1981.

C: You can even effect the undercover Omegans and all parts of their body and their
body will also radiate some calm energy to affect other Earth people to be more calm
therefore forcing them to indirectly serve the Alliance. (You can do it to corrupt
government individuals like the TSA too) please see: ‘The Sixth Sense-Emotional
Contagion; Review of Biophysical Mechanisms Influencing Information Transfer in
Groups’ July 2014 Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science July 2014 04(07).

6: Practice understanding and knowledge of warfare tactics ie. The Book of Pslams of the
Bible and Sun Tzu’s Art of War. We are going to need it once the Alliance wins the
planet to combat the Omegans and Kalrans in the rest of the conflict. However, at present
we as Earth people stand no chance against the Omegans because of their technological
advancement but remember the Alliance are also here and they are the professionals with
the right advanced technology, not us, so put your trust in the Alliance and their tactical
judgment against the Omegans. They will not fail us.

What can Earth people do? With a basic understanding of tactics we Earth people should
purposely practice being relaxed, so we can then counter the general Omegan program of
attempting to create tension in society to promote conflict and prevent peace (please see:
‘The Arkay Files’ from the excellent TerraKor Files site). If you are a targeted individual
facing electronic harassment and undercover Omegan gangstalking practice being relaxed
even more. Purposely being relaxed and doing mediation would be one realistic way
Earth people could sabotage the Omegan program of grooming Earth people to be violent
(the Omegans are essentially a parasite controlling it’s host for its own ends) and being
relaxed and influencing others to be relaxed from a distance by prayer and meditation
would help the Alliance by making their job a little easier with a more relaxed populace.

The above are my own personal views on how to become more evolved. For more
information on very good examples of how evolved people act and live in general please
see brother Bob’s accounts of his interactions with the Alliance brothers on his excellent
TerraKor Files site. We could learn a lot from them.

The TerraKor Files can be found at: (permission to use links granted by brother Bob
in 4-2018 through personal communication on the now closed TerraKor Files message

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