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Name: ___________________ Class: 2
Paper: Science

Max Marks: 20
Obtained Marks:

1. Choose the correct answer. 5 Marks

i. Which part of body is used to breathe with?
a. Brain
b. Heart
c. Lungs
d. Stomach
ii. Which one of these is not one of the five senses?
a. Sight
b. Belief
c. Hearing
d. Touch
iii. Which of these is not a healthy food?
a. Banana
b. Tomato
c. Bread
d. French Fries
iv. Why should we follow rules?
a. They hurt us
b. They keep us safe
c. They are dangerous
d. They make us happy
v. What do we call the place where bones meet?
a. Organ
b. Muscle
c. Joint
d. Link

2. Fill in the blanks. 5 Marks

1. To stay healthy. We must not eat too much __________.
2. We should drink __________ glass of clean water each day to keep healthy.
3. Fruits and vegetables are __________ foods.
4. The skeleton of an adult is made up of __________ Bones.
5. Regular exercise makes us __________.
3. Label the diagram. 5 Marks

4. Question Answers. 8 Marks

1. Why do we need muscle and joints?
2. What is a Skeleton?
3. Name the five sense organs?
4. Why is it important to wash our hands before eating?

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