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Instructions: Examine the picture and follow the prompt that follows.

Recent research found 70% of people in middle- and high-income countries believe
overconsumption is putting our planet and society at risk.

Discuss your thoughts about the following.

1. Should middle- and high-income countries regulate their growth and

consumption? Why or why not?

Yes, middle and high-income countries should regulate their growth

and consumption because it will achieve a balance of growth and consumption
among low-, middle-, and high-income countries. It is difficult for low-income
countries to generate high growth rates because developed countries are
already significantly better off. This means that developed countries tend to
overconsume and overproduce, which results in low-income countries being
unable to meet their fundamental survival needs.

Activity. Questions for Reflection

1. In your opinion, what constitutes a good life?

Everyone has a distinct definition of what it means to live a good life.
Some argue that having a contented life is more important than a good life. I
agree to that but in my perspective, the essence of a good life is living in a life
that liberates us from toxicity and negativity. I think that negativity and
happiness depend on our perspective. Sometimes, we just need to look at the
bright side.

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